You know, what are some songs that will accompany your wedding? So, the wedding Ceremony? For us, this was one of the most challenging tasks – apart from the fact that it would have been within a hair’s pretty quiet. We thought Yes, we have thought of everything: the photographer and timely book, the contract for the Location to sign for it, the cake in order to give the rings to choose, the florist and the DJ to letters. But then we looked at one day, a few months before the wedding and I asked: Uh, yeah. Also a wedding blogger happen to such things. Despite various Excel lists. And a hand written wedding schedule.
We had forgotten the thing with the music. Heaven help, Zefix and Luja still a moi! Find a couple of really good musicians, a few months prior to a may wedding… I spent the next few days with intensely searching and finally found two women on the guitar, which is a umhauten us and our guests just with their voices and their Interpretation, and especially for us, uh, but rather unusual wedding song rehearsed. Yes, and because the two for me the discovery at all, I would like to you to you today a little closer and you a few ideas for beautiful songs for the wedding Ceremony along the way.
Alexandra and Hannah are together, Ave Cantori, named after the Portuguese word for bird. Both make since childhood and music, Alexandra later studied in Munich music with a major in guitar, Hanna vocal jazz in the United States – and you can hear it. I confess: I have fallen in love with their voice. Maybe it’s you, so, when listening to this classic,
Audio Player
You may keep, by the way of the song, what you want, but to be able to make a comparison between the different wedding singers to pull it quite wonderful, because pretty much every singer has the Song in the Repertoire, and his own Interpretation of it on the page.
Which brings us to the question of what songs are suitable even for a wedding Ceremony. I think Yes: when, if at a wedding you can do something real tearjerker? But too much Geschnulze is somehow too much. Therefore, this would be my
Tips for Song selection:
1. Song Mixed Styles
The crooners may also interact, would I mix different styles of music. So, for example, latest Songs, unknown songs, Rock, Jazz and Pop, and also the great love songs of the 80s and 90s.
2. Mixed Languages
It need not always be only English Songs. German artists such as Grönemeyer, Naidoo, The Doctors, silver moon and Bourani have great lyrics and melodies that fit the wedding Ceremony!
3. Listen to the lyrics
it Sounds banal, but it is not. We have found on the net are dozens of lists with a supposedly great for a wedding suitable Songs to listen to, in fact, all of whom great emotional, in love, in whom it is, in fact, the farewell of a people or a separation or a less-than-happy love. Example of Fallin‘ by Alicia Keys. So I didn’t want to listen to at my Wedding these lines, rather, Example of Always on my mind by Elvis Presley:
4. Selects individual verses
If you don’t want to have a song here, a single verse, but maybe from the Text at all, then just leave.
Just speak with your singers – Hanna and Alexandra had made us of attention.
5. Makes the wedding Ceremony a concert
Always remember: It is a wedding, and the Church pews and chairs for your guests, as a rule, not so comfortable that you want to sit on it for one and a half hours. Usually four to seven songs, which should not last for longer than two minutes. We had five songs, the wedding Ceremony lasted around 40 minutes.
To give you an impression of what is possible, I have selected you to be my personal, wild mixed Best-of-mixture:
The 10 (+1) most beautiful Songs for the Wedding
For The Collection Of
During the wedding Ceremony
The Excerpt:
- Andreas Bourani: us
- We have decided to, well, not-so-classic song, because we associate it with a special history. Hanna and Alexandra have agreed and rehearsed with them for us – and in a way, the perfect could be. I turned before the Exodus song to our guests, to the champagne reception after the statement asked and told that I would now have to hope otherwise, just your sense of Humor. We are dancing undressed, our guests were cheering and part of head banging in the series… AC/DC:
All previously published articles about my own wedding:
Photos: Private/Ave Cantori