Wedding rituals the Wedding are popular and have a long Tradition. They differ somewhat from country to country. Sometimes you have to mix even cross-culturally. Wedding rituals are the ideal opportunity to give the wedding together and each other in a unique promise. They are symbolic, romantic and with a tear in an emotional way. With a wedding ritual you all give out there, especially for the guests of Your wedding, a strong Symbol of how serious you are to each other. Speaking of Tradition: the Case of hardly any other occasion, the people put so much value on the customs, such as at a wedding Ceremony.
Getting married is something Unique. This means, for example, by the wedding rituals are very clear. In this article, we want to give you an Overview of the ideas are among the rituals of a wedding especially popular. Maybe an Inspiration for you here!
What is a wedding ritual?
A wedding ritual is a beautiful Tradition. The bride and groom, such actions are important in the wedding. Each of the wedding ritual is characterized in that it has a strong power of expression. With every wedding ritual, the bride-to-be would like to Express some symbolic or something, the guests would like to Express good wishes for the bride and groom. Wedding rituals without meaning it’s not there.

Wedding rituals, there are, by Definition, therefore, a gigantic amount. It is not easy to keep the Overview. Rituals, the bride-to-be loves couple to the Registrar’s office. Rituals are traditionally performed with a denominational wedding in the Church gladly. Or rituals, the life of a local or regional Roots.
“Rituals are on every wedding special moments. You have a strong character, and break the ice. Good rituals remain longer in memory.”
Especially wedding rituals for the free wedding ceremonies a true Paradise. At the Wedding, the topic of rituals has to the wedding, even the greatest importance. Nowhere are more and more diverse Traurituale carried out as in the case of free marriages. Therefore, the focus in this article on ideas and tips for the wedding rituals for the free wedding Ceremony!

Wedding rituals before the wedding Ceremony: 2 real classic
Whether you take your marriage after the obligatory visit to the Registrar’s office once again confessional in the Church, or even at an outdoor Wedding. The first rituals to celebrate many wedding couples already before the actual wedding Ceremony.
When the big day is approaching, finally, to structure some of these beautiful rituals of the process up to this point quite wonderful. These rituals are of the Form to no actual Traurituale. There are, however, traditions, on the barely a Few like to do without. Ergo there are wedding rituals.
In the opinion of our experts, especially the following rituals are there for almost every bride-to-be few alternative:
- Hen night: shards bring luck. Therefore, it is for many of couples is essential to celebrate the night before the wedding, a hen night. The noise and the rumbling is to expel the evil spirits. The supposedly guaranteed a happy Start to their married life.
- Bachelorette party: Funny games, funny challenges, and a lot of alcohol, to the last Time being Single before the wedding together with friends to celebrate. One more Time really missed the boat before the brave married life starts. This Essentially makes the Ritual from the stag party from.

Rituals Registrar: 4 common traditions
The wedding rituals in front of the Registrar’s office are one of the first rituals that are real Traurituale. Unlike the rituals before or after the wedding, it goes with you to show your Partner how important the occasion is the Bridal people. Most of these rituals are to be implemented at the marriage at the registry office easily.
Many of these rituals are even fixed for the ceremony. It would be rather strange to some of you to do! On some you can’t even refuse even if you wanted to. They are an integral part of a marriage license. Discuss your ideas and special requests are therefore possible, at the best with the Registrar.
The Standard Traurituale to the Registrar’s office at least:
- Yes-word: After the Registrar in his speech to the bride and groom held, he asks both whether you are in the state of marriage like. You have to answer in the affirmative before the Set, then, necessarily, if the marriage is to be strong. So this is one of those rituals, you can’t do without.
- Ring exchange: Not mandatory mandatory, but traditionally also firmly established is the exchange of wedding rings to the Registrar’s office. The bride’s to the groom with his Ring, and the groom, in turn, his future wife, in their.
- Wedding kiss: the officials of the marriage is consummated, the Yes-words are spoken and the rings exchanged, usually follows this Ritual. As the exchange of the rings, this Ritual is not mandatory strictly necessary for the validity of the marriage. But barely a Few leaves of this Moment. It is, after all, a marriage of love!
Marriage certificate (earlier marriage certificate): Again, absolutely necessary and prescribed, however, that the Registrar of the completion of the marriage in the marriage certificate power of his office to testify must.
Without a marriage certificate, no marriage is legally valid.
Again as a reminder and clarification: Not every wedding ritual a Trauritual is. Conversely, all Traurituale are always wedding rituals. This small but subtle difference is one of the important tips on the edge!

Church wedding rituals: 5 Christian examples
Wedding rituals in the Church are often more clearly Traurituale. The bride and groom stand in front of the Altar, as it is to say Yes is the common word, it’s finally the marriage before God.
The Church’s marriage is sacred! This is not just a quip. That’s a fact. Church wedding rituals are many of the faithful bride pairs particularly important.
Your love in front of God, to the marriage together and this connection by God to witness to, is, for many believers, people in an emotional way, even the really important wedding as the front of the Registrar’s office. A Wedding is legally necessary. The other Marriage is for the heart and the community is crucial.
Among the classic Trauritualen in the Christian Church:
- Bells are ringing: unlike in the case of a state official or a free wedding Ceremony is a wedding in the Church half an hour before, according to the original and to listen to. The bells are ringing, and call on all guests in a timely manner in the Church chair arrive.
The catchment of the bride: Is the Moment of the Wedding to come, is the bride from the bride’s father in the Church. There, it passes in front of the Altar to your future husband is already waiting with his groomsmen (and together with the guests, of course) to you. Together the happy Couple then steps in front of the pastor, priest or Pastor.
- Readings and songs: Both in Protestant than in Catholic communities will be followed by the welcome address by the pastor. He read selected passages from the Bible texts and agrees to the wedding Ceremony. In between, he encouraged the congregation to Sing the Holy songs.
- Traurede and sermon: the time Has come, read the priest, the Traurede and a sermon for the wedding Couple. He is usually always a few individual and personal words for the wedding couple.
Grape knowledge and the exchange of rings: The highlights of each Church wedding lastly, the grape of knowledge and the exchange of the rings.
Both Appeared to agree with the grape knowledge of God, you may exchange the rings and are married from then on before the Lord to each other.
- Blessing and prayers of intercession: After the Church wedding saith the priest, in General, a blessing for the bride and groom. In addition, the special guests are allowed to Express their Christian intercessions, and best wishes for the Couple.
Excerpt from the Church, other than upon the Occurrence leaves the wedding municipality of the Church first. Outside of the Church, the guests received the bride and groom with thunderous applause.
The local Tradition can alternatively also with a rain of flowers, rice, or money, coins, hand-in-hand.

Wedding rituals Free wedding Ceremony: 23 top ideas and tips
The wedding rituals for a free wedding Ceremony are 100 percent pure Traurituale. Since the free wedding Ceremony is a ceremonial addition to the wedding Ceremony in the registry office and the Church wedding is neither legal nor Church legal significance, have formed in the outdoor wedding the form undoubtedly the most Traurituale out.
The number of Traurituale for a free wedding Ceremony tends to be – well, to put it mildly – to infinity. Every Ritual, that the marriage want to make love, to witness their Union of love, you are allowed to perform. However, they have consolidated this Form of the wedding party some ideas that will gladly taken up again and again.
The most beautiful and most popular ideas for Traurituale for a free wedding Ceremony (A-Z):
1) Action Painting: With a so-called run-of-image created of her during the Wedding a real work of art.
A screen in a wooden frame on a good cover. Then alternate acrylic colors from small cups let to it to run. The pattern alone is Your pattern! Later, you can hang the dried image as decoration nice in the parlor.
2) planting a tree: A beautiful tradition at the Wedding in the garden can be the ritual planting of a tree to be. A wedding ritual such as this symbolizes that you have placed at the wedding in it the seed of something that will become a lot bigger. Let the tree with the love and the years of Your marriage grow ever larger!
3) broom jump: A nice, active memory is the broom jump.
The spiritual Trauritual, originally from Africa, it symbolizes purity and order. Jumps during the ceremony together a beautiful witch broom. To keep promise each other, hearth and home is nice and clean and free from evil spirits.
4) Branding: brand, have always had a deep symbolic meaning. After the Yes-word you can seal the joint marital bliss with this Branding. A corresponding fire iron leave in advance, for example, with Your initials and the date of the wedding to make. At the ceremony, this is heated in the embers. Then her burning the symbols of Your love in a piece of wood.
5) bride and groom mug or bride-to-Cup: The Nuremberg bride mug made of Tin is an ancient Franconian wedding ritual. The special Cup has two Füllkrüge, a large and free swinging for the Lord, a small and fixed for the lady. Drinking, the two married and during the ceremony and at the same time the Cup is blessed their marriage, through happiness, Faithfulness and harmony.
6) Eidstein: This Celtic Ritual has a particularly strong symbol of power and is also simple to perform. You let out a mystical stone from Ireland coming, and placed it on a small Pedestal.
While you may, for example, then your vows, give up, hold on to both of the stone. He sucks on your promises. They are then carved more or less
7) peace crate or dispute box: With this wedding ritual you in advance for harder times ahead. Thinking of you, what could you be calm at a future dispute at the best back. Grabs all of the audience to be effective in a pretty box and nailed them together. There’s later times the thickness of the air, it helps to be determined, to remember the beautiful time of the wedding, and to open the peace box.
8) Handfasting: This once more Celtic Ritual also has deep spiritual significance.
Actually, it is a knot ceremony, so Handfasting called. Your the Yes-word or wedding vows hands together, and one of the groomsmen wraps a decorated Band around your hands. The Band for the Handfasting choose your best in Your wedding colors. It is the Band Your love, or the Covenant of Your marriage!
9) wedding bread: The wedding bread is a fun and at the same time, profound Ritual. Her kneads at the ceremony, a piece of Money in a dough that is then baked in the kitchen of the Location for bread. At the wedding feast later, the fresh bread is shared among the parents and witnesses.
Motto: Find the coin! Who finds the money piece, is bound forever to get you in severe financial times particularly well to assist.
10) wedding candle and Traukerze: At this wedding ritual you can along the light of Your wedding candle and Traukerze ignite. It stands as a Symbol for the fire of Your love. To the later wedding days, most of the rounds, you can repeat this beautiful Ritual, then, respectively, and the candle to ignite once again.

11) wedding fire: If the fire of love within you and not only glows, but truly blazes, hands you a wedding candle maybe not?
Then, the flame, or the flame of Your love in a decorative exceptional fire bowl ignites but easy! This fire can’t you keep as a wedding candle.
12) wedding braids: the bond of love is here, too, the program. The wedding braid is another of the most beautiful elements with deep spiritual meaning. Here you can not tied only to the Band of Your love. Here is braids, it is even more powerful. You only need three cords (one each for the bride, for the groom and for Your future child), the braids together.
This custom is intended to strengthen Faith, love and hope.
13) wedding node: A fixed node can be hard to solve. This Tradition is similar to the Handfasting or wedding braids. It symbolizes Essentially the same good wishes. You, however, is to implement craft even easier. Because you need only to pull the most beautiful node to each other node and fixed. The stronger and more stable the node is, the more solid and stable so sealed the marriage will last.
14) wedding certificate: What, in fact, however, that Your free wedding certificate not all of the guests as witnesses to perpetuate may?
Right: Nothing! Instead of the official documents of state or Church, you will have all sorts of flexibility in the design. Sealed the Covenant of Your marriage with all Your Loved ones!
15) laying of the Foundation stone: at the ceremony, in fact, the Foundation for your marriage! At best, staff lists, and weather-resistant with a chalkboard made of concrete. In a just liquid concrete mass you pressed during the wedding Ceremony of your hands. Later, you can plate with the two Fingerprints, even as a Foundation for Your construction use. Or give her the beautiful
16) love letters: a Deep romantic and enchanting and emotionally such wedding rituals such as the mutual love letters.
Everyone writes, for example, as a promise of marriage is a beautiful love letter to both read those letters then, during the ceremony. Later, both of the time to give witness documents as an image under the glass is framed in a charming reminder and decorative on the wall in the living room.
17) planting ritual: It does not have to equal an entire tree, especially if you are not in your own garden is getting married. Together is a beautiful Plant to be potted, symbolizes that you have placed at the wedding in it the seed of something Great.
Something that will be much larger. Cherishes and nourishes the Plant to the best of our Knowledge and belief. You leave with a love for a long time to thrive!
18) Ritual washing: each other at the ceremony, the hands or feet to wash, has for many cultures have a strong emotional importance. Even from different biblical Tradition, this Ritual is well-known. Because water is a Symbol for life and the beginning. It is also a question rather than just Cleanliness. Someone else have you ever been to the feet or hands washed? Feels very different than when you do it yourself.
It is and remains a deep spiritual act.
19) sand ceremony: In this Ritual of pouring the bride and groom alternating Sand in different colors in a Vase or a heart of glass. The unique pattern created in a glass jar, symbolizes the pattern of Your wedding. The container is made of glass, or a nice picture of it, so that the pattern never changed you can set up later at home or the photo of them to hang on the wall. Great memory, great decoration!

20) shards of happiness: The Ritual of the stag night is the mind of the Zerdepperns of ceramic, clay or glass certainly already known.
In order for you to drive the evil spirits and the good wishes find you more easily. You can ceremony quite happy as a Wedding Ritual. Alone or together, you and Your guests. Broken yard with joy today crockery so that you will make in the future, nothing broken.
21) circle of Protection or Traukreis: The circle is an ancient Symbol of completeness, order, and protection. No matter whether it is rocks, flowers or herbs – create a beautiful circle of Protection, in the you inside while the Traurede and Yes-word.
Or let this circle of Protection by your Love hold on the hands. Then it would be a Traukreis and a great emotional Ritual for all!
22) wishing tree: A wishing tree at the wedding really is an adorable idea. As a Ritual you could write your Later, when the ceremony is over, could hang moreover, all the guests of their good wish for your marriage to. The wishing tree on top provides a brilliant wedding decor.
23) time capsule: Puts together a couple of things with emotional significance, or large-symbol character for you in a nice time capsule. Then it contains forever all of the beautiful memories of Your big day.
Also on this practice in her later occasions, can use as Wedding anniversaries or the birth of a child is wonderful. With memories from a time capsule of old feelings remain fresh for longer.

Wedding rituals after the Wedding: 6 great Evergreens
After the Wedding is before the Party! The Ceremony to the wedding and especially the Transition to this (from the ceremonial part) is an integral part of any wedding. This makes many wedding rituals after the actual wedding Ceremony noticeable.
The specific Trauritualen we pan back to the General wedding rituals. Extraordinary ideas are of course also possible. Usually, most couples fall back in Germany, but prefer to use tried-and-true tips.
In the opinion of our experts, the most beautiful rituals for the wedding Ceremony are:
Bride across the threshold to wear: If the groom from the Church and the bride over the threshold is wearing, cheer the guests. The same applies of course also to Carry the bride across the threshold to the wedding location, or on their own at home. On the wedding day, brides-to-be should be good and safe to be worn over all Thresholds.
Finally, the Pair has crossed a threshold into a new phase of life.
- Espalier are: In the context of the entry into a new life is also this wedding ritual. Family, groomsmen, friends, colleagues – all of the guests, a trellis, a Tunnel from a human form and receive the two Lucky when stepping out of the Church or registry office to protected and happy in their new phase of life.
Bride-to-be bouquet toss: The custom of throwing from the bride’s bouquet means pure promise. Because the woman among the guests who catches the bouquet will next be Married.
This Tradition, which dates originally from the United States says. In this Ritual, the fate beckons all you came up with the Fence post.
- Wedding dance: used to be the dance for the opening of a wedding celebration is an unwritten law. This dance belongs solely to the bride and groom. For many, this Tradition is still today a beautiful obligation. Commonly, many modern take
Wedding cake: The Cutting of the wedding cake is one of the many highlights of any wedding celebration. Culinary delights, the cake should convince as many of the guests. But above all, you attack must be optically correct what.
The wedding cake is not only to Eat but also a popular motif for wedding photos.
- Wedding games: wedding games have been part of the program almost every wedding. Wedding games are fun, entertaining, and boost your mood. Usually, this great Tradition is organized by the groomsmen. Not infrequently, the bride and the groom this fun a bit of

Still Have Questions? 3 practical answers to wedding rituals!
You have rituals all the ideas, tips, and information to and from a wedding in you absorbed? A couple of answers and inspiration you this for your wedding planning take?
However, questions are still unanswered? Then you, our experts in this section of our guide, article a few useful answers to give.
Which famous wedding ritual came all the way from England to Germany?
Something Old, something New, something Borrowed, something Blue and a lucky penny to carry the bride on the wedding day. Do you know this famous custom? Came from England to Germany. He goes back to an old English rhyme. In the Original, namely: .
What is a really practical wedding ritual is?
Thus, a well-known Ritual in Germany. Because it’s worth it but, the wedding dress long enough to lift.
For the implementation of this Ritual you will need, of course, a little manual skill in sewing, and sewing up. Or do you know someone who can. We find: a really practical Ritual!
Which of the wedding ritual is annoying?
A wedding is so exciting enough. Many brides and grooms have already a sleep deficit from the previous weeks. The ancient wedding ritual, the So dear friends: Let the two before the wedding rather sleep! Not an early morning on the day of the wedding coarse wheel in front of the house of the two.
Title image: © Weddings by Tim