Dance with father songs

Dance with father songs

10.000 Reasons (Bless The Lord) (lyrics and melody)
All the world is your people dance tendon (Lord, show your mercy and give us strength) (melody, 2003)
At The Cross (Love Ran Red) (There’s a place where mercy reigns and never dies) (lyrics and melody)
Friends (Melody, 2002)
Befriended (Text and melody, 2002)
Benediction (both Text and melody)
Better is one day (How lovely is Your dwelling place) (Text and tune, 1995)
Blessed Be Your Name (lyrics and melody)
Can a nation be changed (Text and melody, 1996)
So I have (Nothing is so important to me to be)

(lyrics and melody)
Dancing Generation (Your mercy taught us how to dance) (Text and melody, 2003)
The heart of worship (music fades) (melody, 1997)
You’ll be in my praise (melody)
You are God in heaven (Text and melody, 2000)
You are faithful (melody)
You have made the world (melody, 2002)
You went to me to the cross (Jesus, lead me to the cross) (melody, 1999)
You do wonder (tune)
Facedown (Welcomed into the courts of the King)

(lyrics and melody, 2003)
For The Cross (I want to love You for the cross) (lyrics and melody)
Meet life (melody)
Grace, the us (the grace in the first cry, grace, in the light of the new Morning) (lyrics and melody)
Mercy (in the dust in front of the cross) (melody)
God of restoration (I am Yours) (Text and melody, 1998)
Holy God, Holy God (lyrics and melody)
Holy (How could we ever capture) (melody)
Here for You (Let our praise be Your welcome) (lyrics and melody)
Lord of the honour (in Front of you fades to the brightest light) (lyrics and melody)
Lord, just a day (I’m happy about this place) (Text and tune, 1995)
Here at the cross I give myself to you (the love flowed blood red) (Welch, a place where mercy reigns and never passes away) (lyrics and melody)
Holy (What heart could hold the weight of Your love) (lyrics and melody)
I fall to your knees (Lord, your house is wide open for me)

(melody, 2003)
I’ll give You my life (Jesus, what can I do) (Text and melody, 1994)
I dance around and sing (Mad for my king) (lyrics and melody, 1995)
In memory of you (melody)
In each city (lyrics and melody)
I dance and i sing au (Text and tune, 1995)
It’s Rising Up (lyrics and melody)
I’ve thrown it all away (Take the world but give me Jesus) (lyrics and melody)
I will dance, I will sing (Undignified)

(Text and tune, 1995)
I will offer up my life (This thankful heart) (Text and melody, 1994)
Jesus, Lord, I think of Your victims (And again, I look back to the cross) (tune, 1995)
King Of Glory (Your face outshine the brightest light) (lyrics and melody)
King Of Wonders (lyrics and melody)
Let everything that has breath (Text and melody, 1997)
Let my words be few (You are God in heaven) (Text and melody, 2000)
Lord, let Your glory a case (Text and melody, 1998)
Mercy (I will kneel in the dust)

(lyrics and melody)
With all our heart, soul (both Text and melody, 1997)
After all, what I heard (The father’s song) (lyrics and melody, 2000)
Nothing should shake us (melody)
Never, Lord you leave me alone (tune)
Only one thing, this is my heart’s desire (Closer to You) (melody, 1998)
Once Again (Jesus Christ, I think upon Your sacrifice) (Text and tune, 1995)
One thing my heart is set upon (Intimacy) (Text and melody, 1998)
O sacred King (lyrics and melody)
Our God (Water You Turned Into Wine)

(lyrics and melody)
Remembrance (The Communion Song) (lyrics and melody)
So, you are (water to wine, the Blind tendon) (melody)
So we recognize (melody)
The Father’s Song (I have heard so many songs) (Text and melody, 2000)
The Heart Of Worship (When The Music Fades) (Text and melody, 1997)
There’s a louder shout to come (lyrics and melody)
This Is How We Know (lyrics and melody)
Through It All (lyrics and melody)
Our God bless you (melody)
Father’s song (I’ve already heard so much about)

(melody, 2000)
What changed a country (melody, 1996)
We are looking to Your promise of old (Text and melody, 1996)
When we are in front of you stand (Holy Moment) (the Text and the melody, 2000)
We Shall Not Be Shaken (both Text and melody)
How can I tell you not to sing (A song permeates the time) (lyrics and melody)
Wonderful Maker (You spread out the skies)

(Text and melody, 2002)
You Have Shown Us (lyrics and melody)
You led me to the cross (Text and melody, 1999)
You Never Let Go (Even though I walk) (lyrics and melody)
Your Grace Finds Me (It’s there in the newborn cry there in the light of ev’ry sunrise) (lyrics and melody)
Ten thousand reasons (Come on and bless the Lord) (melody)
Show me your glory (Text and melody, 1998)