Edicate for engagement party

Edicate for engagement party

Wedding CEREMONY After the sermon the ceremony, the rite follows. The groomsmen are in addition to the bride and groom. The presented wedding Ceremony takes account of the fact that a Partner is not baptized, but God believes (for example, because he/she belongs to a non-Christian religious community). For the wedding Ceremony with a Person who does not believe in God, provided for own texts, which take account of this circumstance.

Wedding Catholic/in – Person does not believe in God


Survey the readiness for marriage

The bride and groom declare publicly that you are prepared for a marriage.

You Express that you thought the marriage of good and voluntarily enter into. They affirm their commitment to life-long love, Loyalty and appreciation, without conditions. They declare their willingness, in principle, to give children the gift of life and to educate them in the Faith.

(At the wedding ceremony, rite, both the salutation with Here You chosen title.


Priest/Deacon: Dear Bride And Groom! You’re (you are come…) in this decisive hour of your life here, to testify in front of us all, that you want each other to belong permanently as husband and wife. Before you close the Covenant of marriage, I ask you now whether you want to take your marriage in full freedom and with sincere willingness.

The priest/deacon asks the groom: N., I ask you: did you come to after careful Consideration, and a decision freely with your bride-to-be n. the Covenant of marriage to close?

Groom: Yes.

Priest/deacon: do you Want your wife to love and to respect and be Loyal to her and hold all the days of your life?

Groom: Yes.

The following question is of the children is omitted, if the circumstances such as the age of the bride-to-be people close to you. The question is differently formulated, depending on whether the groom is baptized or not baptized.

If the groom is Catholic:

Priest/deacon: Are you ready to adopt children, the God you want to, and in the spirit of Christ and of his Church to educate?

Groom: Yes.

If the groom is not baptized:

Priest/deacon: Are you ready to be the children of God trust you with want, and you Believe in him, to educate, as it is the duty of a faithful father is?

Groom: Yes.

The priest/deacon asks the bride: N., I ask you: did you come to after careful Consideration, and a decision freely with your groom N. the Covenant of marriage to close?

Bride: Yes.

Priest/deacon: do you Want to your husband love and respect, and to be Faithful all the days of his life?

Bride: Yes.

The following question is of the children is omitted, if the circumstances such as the age of the bride-to-be people close to you. The question is differently formulated, depending on whether the bride-to-be-baptized or non-baptized.

If the bride is Catholic:

Priest/deacon: Are you ready to adopt children, the God you want to, and in the spirit of Christ and of his Church to educate?

Bride: Yes.

If the bride is not baptized:

Priest/deacon: Are you ready to be the children of God trust you with want, and you Believe in him, to educate, as it is the duty of a faithful mother?

Bride: Yes.

Blessing of the rings

If in Celebration, the rings are blessed, it is ultimately the bride and groom themselves. The blessing is so the bride and groom will be wearing these rings. Bless means: Someone Good commitments. Bride and groom will say that which is with God and the assistance of the course.

The rings are a sign that recalls the bride and groom to each other, and the other indicates that the two promised each other love and Fidelity. The Ring as a circle has neither beginning nor end, is a symbol for God. Especially when the human love has its limits, must be taken of the Couple of God’s love and comprises a body of knowledge.

Priest/deacon: so you’re both on your own volition ready to marry each other in unfailing love and Faithfulness belong to. Before her Marriage to say, will be blessed the rings, you will infect each other.

The priest or deacon speaks in prayer over the rings is a blessing.

Priest/deacon: Blessed are you, Lord our God, the origin of love. Bless the rings, bearing N. and N. as a couple, that they may be to you for the whole life sign of mutual love and Fidelity. We ask this through Christ our Lord.

All: Amen.

Then the priest or deacon of the rings with a sprinkle Holy water.


It is possible to choose between two forms of vows: The marriage spell, with the groom and bride each other the promise. Or the Yes-word of the priest or deacon of the bride-to-be couple, the question is content with the marriage spell is identical, and the bride and groom to answer (Here is the marriage spell is selected.)

Priest/deacon: So, now includes the Covenant of marriage by the marriage of the word speak. Then puts on the Ring of the Faithful.

The bride-to-people contact to each other. The groom takes the Ring of the bride and speaks of the marriage spell.

Groom: N., before the face of God I take you as my wife. I promise you Loyalty through good and bad, in sickness and in health, until death do us part. I want to love you, respect and honor all the days of my life.

The groom puts on the bride’s Ring.

Groom: wear this Ring as a sign of our love and Loyalty.

After this, the bride takes the Ring to the groom, and speaks of the marriage spell.

Bride: N., before the face of God I take you as my husband. I promise you Loyalty through good and bad, in sickness and in health, until death do us part. I want to love you, respect and honor all the days of my life.

The bride is the groom’s Ring.

Bride: wear this Ring as a sign of our love and Loyalty.

Confirmation of the marriage

Bride and groom feed each other the right Hand. The priest or deacon places the stole to the clasped hands, the bride and groom, and his right Hand on it. Thus he confirmed the promise given by the bride and groom each other.

God is not a compelling chain, but a breakpoint, the last of meaning, and thus safety and freedom. God makes you free from the claim to have a perfect Partner to be. God says YES to every human, with the Strengths and faults. God has connected the Couple and makes it possible to say again and again YES to each other.

Priest/deacon: now each other with the right Hand. God, the Lord, has joined as husband and wife. He is faithful. He will be available to you and the Good that he has started finishing.

The priest or deacon places the stole to the clasped hands, the bride and groom, and his right Hand on it.

Priest/deacon: In the name of God and of his Church, I acknowledge the Marriage Covenant that you made have.

The priest or deacon turns to the groomsmen and the rest of the people celebrating it.

Priest/deacon: but N. and N. [witnesses] and all who are present, I take to witness this Holy Covenant.

Solemn Ceremony Of Blessing

The vows can be in the course of the marriage to be a challenge. As humans, we push our limits and fight with our shortcomings. Nevertheless, the promise is possible, because God is in the game. He is the load-bearing floor The marriage blessing is the promise of God is this: I am here for you and with you on the go!

The marriage blessing can follow a song or instrumental music.


In the intercessions, prayers for the bride and groom, their families and friends, to all the married couples and families, and to the causes that move the Church and society, for people in Need and understanding between the religions. It is finished intercessions can be selected, or which themselves formulated. The introduction and the conclusion of the priest or deacon always speaks. The individual can Ask to be read by different Celebration (e.g. Relatives, friends…). On each Please all of the people celebrating answers with a short call (e.g.:

Text templates for intercessions

Our father

The intercessions, the father of our. The prayer is spoken by all the people celebrating or sung.

All: our father in heaven, hallowed be your Name, your Kingdom come, your will be done, as in heaven, so on earth. Our daily bread give us today and forgive us our debts, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the Evil one.

For thine is the Kingdom and the power and the glory, forever and ever.



Closing prayer (and thanks to song)

The closing prayer is said by the priest or deacon. Then a song of thanks sung.

at the beginning of (the Marriage with a non-baptized Person)