Examples of vows for him

Examples of vows for him

Marriage is a promise to love for eternity. So it should be in the romantic sense, at least. The marriage together. There are the common wedding vows.
Whether your wedding in a registry office or in addition, the Church or a free wedding Ceremony takes place. Of course, all of the bride-to-be couples and their weddings are different.
The marriage vows create your wedding but in any case, personal. In General, you can both in the Church in front of the Altar, as well as at the table of the Registrar to a standard procedure to use.

It must make the bride and groom, so no thought about what to say. Everything that a woman and a man for the right spot then need to remember, is:

A Standard requires, however, that you must keep each Pair of slavishly to this. A Standard is not compulsory. For your Church wedding or a free wedding Ceremony you can, for example, a personal vows to choose from.

What is a wedding vows is?

A vows , have you during the Ceremony, the possibility of a personal and private promise to love for your marriage to give. With this unique promise the ceremony is designed to be your in Your wedding much more individual.

An unforgettable Moment: the personal Present of the marriage vow
An unforgettable Moment: The personal Present of the marriage vow | photo: © Katarina Fedora

8 steps of: What is important in vows?

Are you interested in the issue of marriage vows? You, but the Implement and, above all, the Start hard? Your head is buzzing quite loudly? With Writing, memorizing, and Reciting alone, it is not done in fact. Before that, you should first step for step together a few basic things to clarify.

What things are and a lot of examples You can refer to the tips in this article!

We recommend the following procedure in 8 steps:

  1. Request to clarify: is Defined only once under you, if you ever have a personally customized wedding vows for your wedding wishes.
  2. Coordination with the authorities to Discuss Your request with the state officials, pastors, priests, or free theologians, of the trust you should. The Trauredner experience with such a Wish.
  3. Involvement in the ceremony: together with the responsible Trauredner feast, at which point the Ceremony, the vows should be integrated. Normally as a complement to the vows of room for it.
  4. Wedding vows are looking for and write: Let yourself plenty of time in search of the perfect wedding vows. When Writing the Trauversprechens you take the best also, once again, a lot of time. Write down the marriage vows neatly. Then let it sink in.
  5. Wedding vows set: If you are sure that it is exactly these sentences and words to be, then puts you firmly. Otherwise, changes you promise again together and let’s do it again sink in.
  6. Wedding vows in advance to the responsible notify: will Notify the Registrar, pastor, priest, or free of theologians the text of Your choice. Then the Trauredner can divert during the ceremony better on Your promise.
  7. Wedding vows to practice: The vows you at the Wedding, though not free present. A free speech acts but much more authentic. The wedding vows learn best practice to memorize, and practice, practice, practice! The free Present of a shorter promise is usually better than that of a long marriage vows.
  8. Anticipation live: rejoice that the wedding will soon take place, and your marital promises to finally give up!


In the case of a Catholic wedding Ceremony, it is not always easy to integrate a personal wedding vows in the Trauritus. Thus, the marriage is valid, the Catholic Church, namely one of the two forms of the marriage of the word. A great Spiritual power, but possible. Usually you can connect individual pledge to the official marriage of the word.

From lonely together: thanks to a beautiful wedding vows
After the marriage vows, you can plug in and wedding rings
From lonely together thanks to a lovely promise of marriage | the marriage vows the wedding rings infect | photos: © Kathleen John

This is a classic example of the vows

As always, the ceremony takes place at the end of the Standard of most of the following words. In nuances, differ in some passages it is only through the Adding of God (the Church), or the Omission of God with reference to its own Amtskraft (in front of the Registrar’s office). In Essence, the formula remains the same.

Until death do us part.

Now for the big Moment: Now you can plug the wedding rings!


As soon as the clergy or the Registrar or the Registrar, then the marriage of the power of their authority have confirmed, as a woman and a man in the Covenant of marriage. Some of the different program points, connect, especially in a Church wedding to the marriage of the spell or the Yes-word and this anticipation can go, are here omitted.

The classic wedding vows is simple, arouses the same feelings
The classic wedding vows is simple, arouses the same feelings | photo: ©

Kathleen John

31 examples of individual vows

Who came with the read up to this point, it is obviously serious, with a personal vows to trust. This is what we find beautiful! Because you should get married only once in your life. There should then be at the wedding but also all please be nice, perfect and uniquely beautiful! At least as beautiful, at least, as our examples and templates for vows!

8 traditionally formulated vows:

Dear [first name], I take You as my wife (or husband). I promise to be true in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, until in all eternity.

I want to love You, respect and honor all the days of my life. Wear these beautiful rings – our wedding ring as a sign of my love and Fidelity.

Dear [first name], I take You as my wife from the Hand of God. I will love and honor You, trust You and be faithful. I want to help You and care for You, want You to forgive, as God forgives us. I want to serve with You, God and man, so long as we live. To do this, God help me.

Dear [first name], in responsibility before God, before Thee, and in front of our families and future children and children’s children, I swear eternal Fidelity.

I trust in God, You and me, me and my weaknesses never let this promise doubts, and our marriage is to me always a solid Stand there. As I will also assist You in times of doubt or fear. I will love You, respect and cherish, till death do us part.

Dear [first name], I’m taking You to my wife/my husband. I promise You from the bottom of my heart, to love and to protect her honor, and to comfort. I’ll let You, neither good nor bad days in the lurch, either in wealth or in poverty, either in health or in disease. I’ll keep the faith, until the end of my future, until the end of my days.

Dear [first name], I’ll take You from the bottom of my heart and with Conviction to my wife/my husband. I will always try with all my strength, to be a good Partner. I’ll stand by Your side when the world is shaking. I’m not going to leave Your side, whether You’re healthy or sick. I’ll be honest with You and You should love and respect and honor.

Dear [first name], as of today, we will be husband and wife. I promise You, I will give everything. I want to share with You the joy and suffering. I want You to be happy in bad times as a reliable Partner. I accept You with all Your faults, and beg You to accept me with all my mistakes.

Never more I will leave Your side. Our lives are connected now firmly together.

Dear [first name], I am taking You today to my wife/my husband. I know from the bottom of my heart, You’re my faithful friend, my dearest Partner and, above all, the love of my life. All I want to be for You. I promise to love You, to respect, honor, and protect, as long as I live.

Dear [first name], I love You! Therefore, here we are today, and getting married. I vow to You, so God may be in the world, our families and friends witness the eternal Fidelity, and the best of care and mutual respect.

As of today, I am going to share the world with You and like a solid part of Your world. My heart, my Hand, my body, my spirit, my Faith, my honour, all this I dedicate to You and to life.

Wedding in the Church, Christian marriage vows
Free Wedding, free wedding vows
Wedding in the Church, Christian wedding vows | photo: © Kathleen John | Free Wedding, free wedding vows | photo: © photo poet Berlin

9 Bible verses Christian wedding vows:

Where You die, as die, I too; there I will be buried. (…) Only death will separate me from You.“
*The Book Of Ruth 1,16-17

So they are no longer two, but one flesh.

What God has joined together, let not man put asunder!“
*Gospel according to Matthew of 19.4-6

If he fails, no one is there, the aufhelfe him. Also, if two lie together, then they have heat; how can one be warm alone? One may be overpowered, two resist; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken.“
*Preacher 4,10-12

Hospitality do not forget; for thereby some have angels without Knowing it. Remember-Bound as the Mitgebundenen which suffer adversity, as yourselves also in the body. Marriage is honourable in all and the bed undefiled; (…) The conversation be without covetousness; and be ye content with what is there.“

*The letter to the Hebrews 13,1-5

So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. Because no one has ever hated his own flesh; but nourishes and cherishes it, just as the LORD the Church. Because we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones.“
*The letter to the Ephesians the 5.25-30

What do you so swear, to the hold. Better is it that thou shouldest vow and not pay anything, because you don’t think, what do you so swear.“
*Preacher of 5.3-4

The love never ends, but the prophecies, they will cease, and the languages will be stop and the knowledge to stop.“

*1. Letter to the Corinthians, a 13.4-8

But above all these things put on charity, which is the bond of perfection. And the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful.“
*Letter to the Colossians 3,12-15

For love is strong as death, and her zeal is tight as hell. Your glow is fiery and a flame of the LORD; and many of the water is not like the extinguish love, nor drown in the streams.

If one wanted to give all the substance of his house for love, it gölte everything is nothing.“
*The Song Of 8.6-7

9 modern and secular wedding vows:

Dear [first name], I can’t promise that we experience only the good times. I can’t promise that we’ll stay all times bright and beautiful. I can’t promise that we’ll stay all times of the young and healthy. What I can promise You, but from the bottom of my heart, is that I’ll stand by You at all times loyal to the side that I’ll turn myself in, at any time, in front of You or behind You, I’ll stay until the end of time with You, whatever happens.

Why? Because I love You!

Dear [first name], You are my greatest happiness and gift. You are my sunshine and my rain days. You’re my life, and especially the love of my life. I am so happy that today You are going to be my wife/my husband. Therefore, I offer myself to You today itself. So we do seem to be the most beautiful of luck and gift. I’m going to today, in the future, and anyway all the days of faithful, caring and with respect to the page.

Dear [first name], I want to share my life with You and my dreams, my happiness, my Fears and my pain.

I want You to justify blind trust, and Your trust in me every day. I promise to share with You, if retain is more convenient. I promise to speak with You, if silence is easier. I promise to strive with You, when to stop would be easier. Take this Ring to all my promises. I will love You, honor and respect for all times!

Dear [first name], I say from the bottom of my heart to You! My YES is true in good times and in bad. My YES is for shallow and steep paths. My YES is for times that are full of hope, and also, for those times that seem hopeless. My ‘ YES ‘ for all of You, in you and around You.

My YES to You is universal. You’re my happiness, my love and my life. With this most beautiful of all the rings on our wedding bands – I promise You with every fiber of my YES!

Dear [first name], today is my best day. With everything that’s dear to me and in front of all our Loved ones I will take You today to the woman/the man. To the end of our days, I want to keep with You, laughing and crying, talking, and keeping silent, run around and held. I will promote Your Strengths and Your weaknesses smiling bear. In difficult times, I’ll stand by You and all the days of I’ll be faithful to You.

Take and wear this Ring as a sign of my promise!

Dear [first name], I promise that to me today for You. My Loyalty will also be considered for the days when it is out of the question. My faith in You will then be strongest when it would be easy to break the most. My care for You will be greatest when you demanded of me the most hellish effort. Because You’re the Best thing that’s ever happened to me. I’m never more.

Dear [first name], from this day will I look, with You always in the same direction. Always I want to share my happiness and my sorrow with You.

Only with You I want to experience beautiful and bad times. Alone You’re the scale, I align myself, and like to set up. Because You’re my Everything, my meaning and purpose, my love. Wear this Ring as a sign of my promise!

Dear [first name], I promise You today, on the day of our Wedding, the sacred vows that You and I are one, and that Your interests now are my. With You, I want to exist, and never again will You go. I want your trust and You build. It is not so easy: Your future is my future. Because I love You!

Dear [first name], in this Moment, take You to be my wife/my husband.

With You, I want to go through all of the deepest valleys, and each light level. With You, I want to defeat all the Fears and each trust. With You I want to stay together until the end of days. Yes, I want!

Modern wedding, modern wedding vows
Free wedding vows romantic as a poem for a free wedding Ceremony
Modern wedding modern wedding vows | photo: © Sven Hüseman | free wedding vows romantic as a poem for a free wedding Ceremony | photo: © Weddings by Tim

5 poems as a poetic wedding vows:

I carry Your heart with me

I carry it in my heart.

I never am without it.
Wherever I go, You go my dear.
And what is being made only by me is Your doing, my darling.

I fear no fate, because You are my fate, my darling.
I don’t want the world, because You’re my Beautiful, my world, my love.

Here is the deepest secret is that nobody knows.
Here is the root of the root.
And the Bud of the Bud.
And the sky of the sky of a tree called life.
Which grows higher than our soul hope that our mind can hide.
This is the miracle that holds the sky together.

I carry Your heart.
I carry it in my heart.“
*Author: Edward E. Cummings (American writer, 1894-1962)

What I wish for me and You promise!

and of the happiness, the enormous,
that I, Through You, my heart won,

as our journey began.

Today, with our wedding now,
I want You in love Express,
I would never be without You to travel,
because it is only You in my thoughts.

So often it goes and how it is,
no matter how fate turns,
we are from now on a man and a woman,
in good Faith, exactly.“
*Author: WeddyPlace

O happy is the one who found a heart

the only in love thinks and meditates,
and with the love of loyal,
be beautiful’res life begins!

Where love of two hearts,
the only one to be in joy and in sorrow,
because of the need of the sky, sun,
and cheerful smile every time.“

*Author: Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben (German Poet, 1798-1874)

Trust (2., 4. and 5. Verse)

O time, when a stranger in klüg’rer world,
you dare to each joined,
and guileless as the nightingales,
in off a loop falls.

Her days, where we are smarter than the be,
how humid is your lunch light!
If the experience of warning speaks:
Vollkommnes live not on earth;
What blühet, for his mercy endureth not.

Well then the loving Gemüthe,
the trust preserved pure,
and his feeling be so tender,
never doubt of the Noble kindness
to the people of art.“
*Author: Johann Gaudenz von Salis-Seewis (Swiss Poet, 1762-1834)


and swells of power and Muth,
if deep and clear in his basic
Loyalty Demand rests!

What’s coming to him in the deepest part of living flame,
is not of the earth,
the Fidelity of the sacred fire burns with a flame
of pure heaven gluten.“
*Author: Victor Hugo (French writer, 1802-1885)

The couple and the future together in search of the correct words
The couple and the future together in search of the correct words

To write 11 questions and tips to find the right words

You will find our examples, ideas and quotes for wedding vows quite beautiful. So not the Right thing was, but at the Moment?

Would you like Your wedding vows fully self-write? No Problem! No fear in front of the white sheet of paper. If you want to be creative, we give you a few tips and hints to Inspire the Hand.

If you are following 10 questions are answered, advancing your Brainstorming good:

  • What do you think of Your partner or Your Partner?
  • What you share in common?
  • What binds you in love so tightly together?
  • What are you in the relationship thankful?
  • What makes you in the relationship, like, really happy?
  • What love means to you?
  • What are the quirks and foibles you’ve put up with the Partner so wonderful?
  • What distinguishes you?
  • How do you imagine a common future?

  • What do you expect from marriage?

With the answers to these questions, did you ever do any amount of notes, which you can process in a very personal wedding vows. Writes alive as you are. Let your emotions flow. Remains when Writing authentically! If Your promise in the first step, much too long the device, it is not a broken leg.

To shorten the Text step-by-step and focus to make the Text around is a totally normal process. The phenomenon is familiar with every copywriter with professional writing. Prioritized in the end, what you really really at heart,

what of the vows must be pure. Then you brought your dreams, wishes and hopes, perfectly to the point.


In all the excitement of Your Text and, possibly, a sense of Humor that Crashes with the words in Your wedding vows is never someone else in awkward embarrassment. What you find funny, others may feel very differently. Jokes about relatives or pejoratively-to-understand references to someone in marriage vows, better-for-nothing.

With this tip you free quotes binds well:

The Quote itself, you will find that a good thing?

Only our examples, sayings, and templates have not yet hit the point? Well, then why don’t you pick like your own quotes for wedding vows out. Just make sure that you are really something Special. Often, for example, sentences from the book

The book is sure to be beautiful. It offers a variety of matching hangers, to formulate a beautiful Eheglübde. Only it will be used just too often as the quote donor. There are so many writers and Poets who have written beautiful words about love and marriage. Around peruse quiet a little longer. You have the freedom of choice. Then you can be something really Unique for your wedding find!

Title image: © Weddings by Tim