“Happiness is only really if you have someone with whom you can share it.” Jon Krakauer
A unique day, a magical Moment that belongs to the word “YES”, and original rings that have been customized to your Liking and you can perfectly describe and complement. Wedding rings don’t seal only their mutual promise, but also have a deep symbolism. An important part of the wedding ceremony are the wedding ringsthat the couples during vow exchange. The process of selection of rings reveals a lot about your relationship – how well do you agree with the choice of the symbols of their love, and understanding.
However, not everyone knows exactly what to look for and where he can find a good offer. And that is why we are here. We believe in love and want to help you have the perfect wedding rings to find. Read our guide that will show you how a light breeze whisper is, what rings you through your life should be. Regardless of whether you are looking for a classic, plain Ring, for a perfectly matched Pair of Eternity-Ring a simple Ring , or even for a novel combination of different coloured gold wedding rings to choose it with love, and remember that this jewelry will last a life time will.
If you want to learn more about this Symbol of eternal love and marriage, read more. We have a small excursion into the history of wedding rings prepared, in which we will provide you all the secrets, you mountains, betrayed. You will also learn many other interesting facts about this jewelry.
The highlights of the story
You think that it has always been a Tradition that couples exchange during the wedding ceremony of your wedding rings? A Ring on a certain Finger shows that the wearer is married to the wearer. But how will you be surprised if you will read below, that the ceremony of the ring exchange between partners, which today is an integral part of the Western world, from the 20. Century? The reason and the origins of the ring, the track, the marriage, the pledge of allegiance and the merger of the heart symbolizes, however, thousands of years back. This ancient wedding custom has evolved over the centuries and in different cultures, which is why its origins secret shrouded in.
To visit the ancient Egypt: The Ring as a Symbol of infinity
The ancient Egyptians to have existed as early as 3000 BC, and rings at wedding ceremonies used. The Ring was made of reed or hemp woven, the life-giving Nile river grew.
But the Ring as a Symbol of the eternity not only of the inhabitants of the river Delta are used, but also of other ancient cultures. The husband put on the ring finger of his wife, the Ring of the entry in the common future symbolize should. The choice of the finger where the Ring should be worn, was not accidental, because there is a vein should run, which was connected directly with the heart. With the Plug of the ring, the man of his chosen ones, and your ability to provide for the common home familiar.
The durable reeds rings were soon replaced by rings that were carved from bone, leather, or ivory.
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You have your wedding preparations under control
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Ancient Rome: a bride for a Ring
The Romans also had the Tradition of the wedding ring can not escape, but that piece of jewelry was often from the groom to
the bride’s father passed , and served as a symbolic payment for the purchase of the wife. In the 2. Century BC gave Roman a married couple mutually valuable rings made of precious metal as a sign of trust: The man confided to his wife that she would take good care of his prized possessions. From this time dates back to also the first engraving of messages on rings.
Rings were worn on each Finger, however, both the Romans and the Greeks preferred the fourth Finger of the left Hand because they believed in his direct connection to the heart.
From the Jewish Tradition: The non-portable wedding ring
Earlier Jews wore the wedding ring on the middle finger or the thumb, but today they prefer to use the index finger. In ancient times, were in weddings, special tires, like the roof of a Jewish temple shaped and so big and bulky that you are not in the usual way worn could be. They were often owned by the synagogue and were only for Jewish weddings on loan, since they are only for a certain part of the ceremony were needed. There are also legends that these rings were used at weddings to Attach Myrtle branches.
Christians: we have taken pagan traditions
For many centuries the Christians considered the Gift of a wedding ring as a pagan Tradition.
They changed their minds in the 2. Half of the 9. Century, when the Church began, official marriages to celebrate. In accordance with the custom to put the groom’s Ring on the Finger, after he had said: “With this Ring, I take you to be my wife“, and continued with the words, continued: “This Gold and silver I give thee”, and put the coins in the Hand of the bride. In the middle ages, the marriage was not souls is not necessarily a Union of two loving, but a contract between families and a means to secure the economic independence of a young couple.
Romantic Renaissance: When two become one
From the romantic France dates back to the so-called Gimmel Ring (also Gimmal Ring) consisting of two interlocking rings with a Clasp consists of a bride-to-be, and the other for the groom. The Name comes from the Latin gemellus, twin, via old French. The fiance wore the rings to the wedding separately. At the ceremony, gave the man his half of his elect and his wife wore after the ceremony, the common piece of jewelry alone. The two rings were one, as well as the Partner, the absence of a marriage. Martin Luther married his Katharina von Bora, a Gimmel Ring.
Irish Claddagh Rings
Some sources claim that the Claddagh rings, the two hands are a winning heart hold on to the Roman period go back. The hands symbolize friendship (trust), the heart love and the crown Loyalty. There is evidence that they are already in the middle ages and in the Renaissance as engagement and wedding rings have been used – depending on which Finger you just were worn, and in which the direction of the crown showed (in the case of a marriage on the tip of the left ring finger).
20. Century: the rise of the wedding rings for men
Men wore until the 1940s, no wedding rings.
Only in the times of war, when they fought Overseas and far away from home, they were willing to put in a Ring on the Finger, to demonstrate their memories of their wives, and their determination to return to you. After the Second world war, this proof of Love, it was a Tradition.
Symbolism of the wedding rings
The wedding ring was mainly a Symbol of ownership: The man featured his wife, and made for the other at a glance, that you belong to him. After the Ring is a sign of the housein which the wife of your entire time spent, and thus from public life was to be barred.
Only in the 11th century. Century received the Ring to its present meaning of Fidelity (first, of course, especially the wife). For centuries, symbolizing the Plug of the rings in a ceremony of the unification of the Partner and the proof of the eternal and infinite love, as well as the protection of the husband to the wife for granted.
The Ring as an infinite circle
The shape of the wedding ring stands for a unceasing promise and a commitment. A Ring has no beginning and no end, just like a marriage. Many ancient cultures believed in this philosophy. Most religions view marriage as the “half of faith”.
Some historians even believe that the wedding ring consists of two halves, the one inseparable Whole together. By the man sealed the Ring, sealed, he is also his Faith.
The circle is considered to be the archetype not only for infinity, but also for wholeness and homecoming. As such, he speaks of the heavenly feast, the periodic times of the year, full of cyclical rituals and festivals.
The Ring as a Band, the soul and the body connects
The first wedding rings were not worn on the Finger, but the limbs. Since the mortality rate was within the ancient people believed that the soul simply flow out of the body, and the life could end.
In your but believe they were looking for a way to keep the soul intact. The husbands in front of, therefore, on the ankles and wrists of your bride-to-be with branches and Grass. You hoped so, your life will extend.
The Ring as a Symbol of ownership
Traditionally, the men put the women’s rings to the left Hand, to prove that the woman belonged to them. The left Hand has always been considered as weaker than the right, symbolizing the subordination of the wife under her husband.
The Ring as a magical Symbol
The rings have a deep-rooted magical significance and are put with dozens of old folk interwoven.
The rings in these stories have , as a rule, power, from spells and curses to protect. Today, the wedding bands traditional wedding ceremonies a priest blessed, which is a Tradition continues, you have a protective aspect attributes.
Wedding rings stand for the many ceremonial, symbolic, and social elements of the marriage. They carry a lot of meanings and are a constant reminder of the sacred Union. Ancient and modern, tradition-rich and mysterious, and yet almost universally understandable: The wedding rings in a single,
evocative Symbol of the art of the jeweler, the attention of the betrothed to each other, and the charm of love and partnership associations.
- In the early East Asian cultures Inge served more as a seal for a contract. Rings, which consisted of several Parts and only very hard to put on and taken off could be, were usual for you. If the Ring has been taken from the Finger, fell apart in the rule, so that the husband could not recognize whether the woman had placed the wedding ring during his absence.
- In Victorian England Inge in the Form of a snake were rather popular. They were inspired by the engagement ring, the Queen Victoria, her beloved husband Albert had received.. in addition, the crooked serpent symbolized eternity.
- In the case of traditional Indian and Muslim weddings are no rings to be used, even though engagement rings are widely used in these cultures. Indian brides during the wedding ceremony, a necklace with a Golden pendant and ornate silver toe rings, your marital status to mark it.
- Archaeologists have found in hieroglyphic inscriptions information on wedding rings in the case of the ancient Egyptians.
- In medieval Europe, the wedding ceremony was the bride-to-be a wedding ring on his Index, insert your middle and ring finger.
The symbolic worship of the Holy Trinity.
- What Material is used for the production of wedding rings, depends always been of the availability and the price. Today are wedding bands made of Gold and platinum are most popular. Some people opt for non-traditional Alternatives such as titanium or tattoos.
- The Romans were the first wedding rings-personalized. Also, the Byzantines took over this Tradition of them. Medieval rings were usually decorated, with engraved images or figures of the fiance. The advent of early Christianity meant that they were Jesus or the cross, which should bless their marriage. Today, the bride and groom your wedding rings, usually with the date of your wedding or your name engraving.
- Although the Wearing of wedding rings by both spouses, and only began after the Second world war, was the Greek Orthodox Church of the first, at the beginning of the 14th century. Century had introduced the custom to exchange during the ceremony, the rings.
- Just like in the ancient cultures was regarded in the middle ages, the Plugging of a wedding ring on the Finger of the bride as the recognition of the rule of the husband over the wife.