Whether in the guestbook, in the invitation, or congratulations card: Funny wedding sayings are perfect for this emotional event loosen up a little. Whereas in a scrapbook rather short sayings are, may be, the words in a wedding invitation, and also in the congratulations card to the bride and groom, a little longer. Are you looking for a funny wedding toast? We will help you with a few creative ideas on the jumps. Content:
Funny sayings to the wedding
Funny wedding sayings contribute to the overall entertainment of the wedding guests and the bride and groom in. Well possible that you have a creative streak and the loose line on you.
Otherwise, we have here are some ideas and inspirations for you. A great idea is, of course, a combination of their own words and an existing spell or quote. It is important only that the persons to whom the funny wedding sayings teach, understand the sense of Humor and can have fun.
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Wedding sayings funny for the guest book
Practically on every wedding is a guestbook ready and waiting for the guests, a little something for the bride and groom as a reminder to write the book. In addition to a few personal words, you can immortalize you with a funny wedding toast.
Maybe the right spell for you is the following:
Read more: The most beautiful sayings for the guestbook

Funny sayings for wedding invitations
Is your wedding soon? Then the correct wedding cards with a beautiful Text are missing. Would you like to create your invitation cards a little funny? Funny wedding sayings to whip you to the guests in the wedding invitations a Smile on your face. In addition to location, time and other important basic data, you can with a funny wedding saying in the introduction, the guests get curious about the upcoming event.
- (Author unknown)
Together with you, we want to make this day an unforgettable experience. For this reason, we invite you warmly to our Wedding followed by a wedding celebration.
For this reason, we invite you to support us in our Wedding followed by a wedding party actively.
Read more: Which is the Text must on the wedding invitations?

Funny congratulations for wedding cards
Also congratulations card you give to the bride and groom are allowed with a funny saying with your personal touch. As long as you’re sure this is received well.
- Congratulations or condolences?
My doors are always open for you, in good times and in bad. All the very best for your future together.
- I congratulate you warmly on your wedding and wish you, your common problems can solve easily.
In addition to funny sayings you can make the greeting card for you in other kind of funny. In order to give the newlyweds a small task and to make things a bit more exciting, you could whip up a congratulations card a Puzzle. Cutting the card into small pieces. The bride wants to find out a few of the message, he has no other choice, as the parts properly together. You have the right pieces of the puzzle together, you can, in fact, a second Time amuse – your funny
wedding wisheson the card.
Are you still looking for a suitable congratulations cards?
In the case of Send-a-Smile you can find not only wedding stationery, but also hundreds of greeting cards from which you can select your favorite Design.

Funny wedding poems to recite
Do you know the bride and groom well? Why not make a funny wedding saying recite? Build it in a speech! This will increase immediately the mood of the wedding! Especially nice it is, if you install funny stories of the bride and groom with in the speech.
Transform a funny story in a pleasing poem, and concern for a lot of laughs, and a terrific atmosphere in the wedding party.
Read more: wedding cards write – so you wish her happy birthday-bride and groom