Getting married in the fast-track procedure in the kitschy colorful as Weddig Chappels designated chapels in Las Vegas, so we imagine an American wedding. This kind of wedding marketing however gives the wrong impression, because Americans marry traditional, time-consuming and stylish. Those who attend as a non-Americans once had the happiness of this occasion, will not forget this day again so soon.
Americans love to have the adventure of marriage
Many Americans marry at a young age with early to mid-twenties. American weddings are usually more elaborate and ostentatious as comparable to celebrate in Germany. It also has to do with the American culture. While Americans are not afraid to show their prosperity, in Germany Understatement. To show prosperity and wealth openly, is considered to be inappropriate and new money.

However, only wealthy Americans do not stage this day in a very special setting. Even less financially well-posed wedding couples strive to have a memorable and elaborate Ceremony. To achieve this goal, you are willing to savings elsewhere to make.
Best man and maid of honor
For the groom is the most important Person in American wedding the , the best man, after the bride of course. The best man comes a more important role , as in the case of German weddings. While the role of the German witnesses rather limited to the official function of the signing of the marriage certificate, organized by the American best man the Feast, paid to the clergy and kept the Traurringe.
In addition, it acts as a mood-maker, considers the wedding speech, taking care of the guests and provides the mental balance of the groom, under the Stress of very beautiful suffering can. By the way, he will sign and, of course, the marriage certificate.
The most important Person for the bride next to your future husband is the Braid’s Maid, as a Maid of Honor means. This is not to be compared with the German bridesmaids. In America, this important Person is referred to as the maid of honor, who can occupy this position only when she is married.
Most of the time, the honor of a lady, a sister, or a friend of the bride. She writes the invitations to the guests and help the bride-to-be in your wardrobe. A month before the big day, they organized the Bridal Shower, to the only female wedding guests.
The bride is literally showered with useful gifts
For these grants returned the favor on the day before the American wedding, the Bridal Brunch , and the evening Rehearsal Dinnerin which the wedding expiration rehearsed is. Then the ladies celebrate the end of the bachelorette existence.
The groom is allowed to have fun, of course, also for the last Time as a free man. His farewell to the bachelor life in the company of his brothers, friends, and colleagues as a Stag Party, stag party, or Bachelor Party referred to. Mostly, party, stripper, and/or Go-Go dancers.
Different Wedding Traditions
Depending on the location of American weddings can be very different. The Western wedding in the countryside up to the luxurious Party in the big cities such as New York City , anything is possible.
While you love the country a little more rustic and traditional weddings are, in the cities is quite cosmopolitan aligned. Popular gospel choirs, the typical Elvis Presley. Jazz music with the Dixieland Bands are welcome companion in the South of the USA.
Happy is also a Wedding theme pretend, for example, the 1920s or 1950s. Not only the wedding Location is held in the style of this time, but the bride and groom and guests to dress the same accordingly.
Church wedding, wedding cake, food and gifts
In contrast to Germany, the marriage is in the USA small duty. Wedding Chappels are smaller than churches, and less likely to go to a religious Background. You are more for a slightly more informal wedding than in the Church. The majority of the bride and groom to marry only in Church, in a double wedding with us is completely unknown.
The bride is conducted on the Arm of her father to the sounds of the traditional wedding March in the Church and the groom is handed over. As in Germany, the bride-to-be in most of the cases, with a
white dress and the groom with a dark suit in front of the Altar.

And then there’s cake for the wedding. Also in the US, you know, as in Germany, the custom that the bride and groom cut the wedding cake. In the United States was opened by the bride and groom and then the Celebration with a wedding waltz. However, the American wedding cake fails, like everything else, with significantly more complex than its German counterpart.
In America, it is frowned upon to show their wealth, because, after all, you have worked this hard.
Therefore, the members of the upper class such as, for example, politicians, artists or entrepreneurs see themselves not as massive criticism as wealthy people in Germany. The majority of Americans live, therefore, according to the Motto , This also applies for the wedding cake, which often includes more than five floors and countless details of the Decoration.
In addition to dances and convivial wedding games, there is plenty to Drink and eat, mostly in the Form of a sumptuous Buffets. The wedding ceremony itself is shorter than in Germany, because in the days before already abundant, it was celebrated.
The American bride will throw her bouquet in the wedding party, in the hope that one of the ladies of marrying age this field.

Many of these festivals are held after the opening dance without the bride-to-be few, what would be impossible, because the freshly-baked American couples to make early in the honeymoon to recover from the Stress. Not rare covers such a wedding celebration, more than 150 guests, gifts and money, there are plenty of. However, it is frowned upon, the wedding guests for money instead of asking for gifts, to the respect is expressed in the opinion of many deficiency.
The gift-money gifts must be voluntary.
Marriage License and Marriage Certificate
Marriage couples need a Marriage Licence. This license to Marry is the equivalent of the German certificate of capacity to marry. The future spouse will appear to the competent authority (Bureau of Marriage) and it is documented that the wedding takes place voluntarily. Enter a affidavit (Affadavit) that all of the information to the issuance of the marriage license, the truth.
After the Ceremony before a justice of the peace, a Registrar (Commissioner of Civil Marriages), or in a Church by a priest (Minister), to obtain the bride and groom, the Marriage Certificate, the
marriage certificate. The legal minimum age is 18 years, willing to get married under this age limit the consent of their parent in need of guardians. Marriages among cousins, and first Cousins are not permitted. Personal documents, such as in Germany, are not to be submitted, an array is necessary.
Blood test before marriage
The reason for the blood test is frequently used in American and African population detectable genetic disease. This Gendeffekt is referred to as sickle cell disease or sickle cell anemia, which causes a chronic disease of the red blood cells, which accompanied the patients for their entire life. The life expectancy of those Affected is usually lowered significantly, they often die in childhood or in young years. The disease is detected early and treated appropriately, the prognosis is favorable, many patients reach adulthood.
Many people are carriers of this Gendeffekts without, however, being ill themselves. They pass this genetic disease unknowingly to the child, in this disease, in spite of healthy parents can break out. With the legally prescribed blood test will of the legislator, the future parents about this disease education and protection from the often serious consequences protect. Meaning and purpose, therefore, is not to ban marriage for finding this Gendeffekts, but to prevent the worst from happening. Despite this statutory requirement is this blood test, but not in every state is mandatory, as, for example, in Arizona.