The bride and groom are the two main protagonists in the case of a wedding, so should your wedding speech guests away. The wedding speech by the groom serves primarily as an opportunity for the guests for Coming to say thank you. They also want to thank Relatives and friends for their help, as well as their gifts. Not least, the groom should also contact his bride-to-be, as well as your family. For the accurate design of such a speech there are basically no strict Plan, but the groom should be personally and emotionally, as this is an important day in his life, and a rigid and impersonal speech, the emotional importance of this day is undermining.
Examples of wedding speech of the groom
Example 1: wedding speech of the groom
The groom begins his wedding speech with the welcome of the guests and an introduction:
Love of relatives, dear friends and dear guests,
my dear bride-to-be Elizabeth and I want to thank this opportunity to thank all our guests and energetic helpers. Without you, dear friends and relatives, we would not have been able to make such a gorgeous wedding on the legs. At this point, once again, big thanks for your effort and your commitment.
With your help, we managed to make this day joyful and wonderful.
Also, we would like to thank you for the many gifts and congratulations. Both will remain in the memory and the many gifts we will use certainly good, now that we are moving to in a private household.
Yes, to this day both starts for us now, in fact, a new life. We both know that this will be influenced by the duties and great responsibilities. But we have decided and we are happy, that you are all so great a trust in the both of us. It is important for us to know that you are supporting us and accompanied.
Big thanks goes to our parents who have supported us in the past and even now, at our side.
It’s not always the parents, which is dedicated to this part of the wedding speech. Here you can all apply in a special way, the bride and groom taken care of, and, therefore, has an important place in the life of the bride and groom take
The first hurdle is now managed. Now the groom has to make the main part of his wedding speech. Here it is, to be able to improvise, because feelings can be overwhelming, and then the geübteste speakers don’t know. Anyway, the groom should now turn a little more personal to all that are particularly important to people. The family, closest friends, the bride-to-be….
But there is more to the people, to whom our thanks are. For example our dear friends who have helped us through difficult times, and with whom we have wonderful days we have spent. We will also be sharing in the future, so much joy and friendship to each other.
In my wedding I want to thank this way, because she has always stood out to me and give me courage and strength. I hope to give you in the future, the same energy and power that has been given to me.
May make our life together is harmonious and happy. To ensure this, I have made it my mission, and I’m sure Elizabeth will be the biggest support, if I should stumble on our common path.
Gradually you should now see the end of the wedding speech targeted. Here are must thank the groom again to all those present. He could, in his speech to stop, that he was the guest invites to the Couple and the wedding toast.
Before I get to emotional, I would like to thank you very much to all those who I forgot to mention in particular. Thank you for you all the time, today to celebrate our wedding with us. We would like to propose a toast to our future together. We like to keep all of this day in the memory, and a healthy and happy in the future. We wish you much joy at our wedding.
Another example of a wedding speech from the groom – thanksgiving
If the bride does not dare, nothing speaks against that of the groom’s speech of thanks alone keeps. It goes without saying that he also speaks in the name of his wife, but he should mention that, of course.
Example 2: wedding speech of the groom
The bridegroom thanked them in his wedding speech to all the guests for Coming and to all who helped with the wedding. Not least, he is grateful for all the gifts and wish everybody a beautiful wedding ceremony.
Dear family, friends and wedding guests,
I would like to thank you very much for the honest, soulful, and very impressive to Talk to our colleagues, our friends and our family. We, my wife and I felt quite clearly, the were all words that came directly from your heart. We are overwhelmed and will never forget!
Of course, we want to say a big thanks for all the great gifts. In this regard, we are overwhelmed – every bride expects, of course, pair with a pair of great Gestures. However, this is beyond our expectations. We are very happy about every single one of them.
For my wife and me, a new life begins today section. We hope that this section of wonders will bring pleasant moments full of happiness, peace and love. We have sworn to be always there for each other, in good times and in bad. We are pleased that we were able to do this vow in front of all our dear Relatives, friends and guests, now we want to celebrate this with you.
Finally, we are thrilled that you are all in such large numbers. For us its almost unbelievable that almost all of them are accepted our invitation. Nowadays, this can be regarded as a matter of course, because everyone has always dates and must come up with his life. I know how tight the time is sometimes, and this is exactly why we are so excited that you all come to us for.
I raise this glass to you now, on this unique wonderful day and on your Well-being. Thank You!“
A very personal wedding speech from the groom
Another example of a wedding speech that is held by the groom.
Example 3: wedding speech of the groom
After the groom has to thank the wedding guests for Coming, is he the word directly to his new wife and their family. An example of a very personal and emotional wedding speech.
Love family, love friends and love of your wedding guests
we are very happy that you all have found a lot of time to celebrate with us our wedding. My wonderful wife – now I must call you so – and I are quite impressed, especially from the magnificent Celebration, which was arranged for us. At this point, we would like to thank you so very much for that. Also for the beautiful and numerous gifts, good wishes and kind words of you. We are overwhelmed.
Now I would like to put the word on my new wife and their family. I was able to you today, dear Christiane, get married, and I can’t believe it yet, that is my greatest wish really came true. You’re now officially on my side and together we will enter a new Chapter in life. We have decided to work together and have a great task ahead of us.
We don’t have to in the future, be alone, we can work together to make decisions and several loads of everyday life wear. You’re something very Special to me. You give me strength and the necessary support that I need. You strengthen me each and every day and make me happy. You manage to make me Laugh when I’m sad or angry. Every day, when I look at you, I see a wonderful and beautiful woman in front of me, so, of course, and strong in the midst of life. Every day I wonder what I did to deserve you. There is no hour in which I don’t think of you passes away. For quite some time, you will accompany me in my life and there have been many wonderful events, we were able to experience together. Now we are officially married and we belong together, before God and this country.
I thank you, my dear Christiane, that you me to do what I am today. A happy and satisfied man. Our relationship and partnership, meanwhile, also marriage, I find beautiful. It is easy and hugely familiar. She is the number one in my life, and I will give it my all. I’ve decided and I am glad. A partnership brings a real meaning in life – I think. It’s beautiful, dear Christiane, please let us keep this love fest. It is the Best thing that’s ever happened to me.
Now back to the rest of the people present in the room. Thank you for everything, celebrate, laugh, dance, enjoy your meal. It’s supposed to be a joyful and happy day today.
Let us toast to love and a new life. For The Good!“
Another example of a wedding speech to the groom
Example 4: wedding speech of the groom
Dear family, friends and wedding guests,
I must now initiate the relaxing part of the Evening. (Bride’s Name) and I are very much looking forward to welcoming the most beautiful day of our lives to share with you. We both just had our big, fantastic Moment. Now we hope, that you can feel the same a lot of joy, as we have it today as a gift. On the one hand, because we were allowed to give each other the Yes-word. On the other, because you have supported us in all the preparations and even at the present day, so actively.
A wedding is a big day. But I hope, for my part, that the most Beautiful is yet to come. I look forward, with my wife (sounds great, right?) build a life together. We are dreaming of (a house / children / common travel)… you see, we have very much. And, of course, with you. We hope that we will hold in the future, as well as the last few weeks has been a success. We really felt that we are surrounded by a family that loves us.
We especially want to thank, of course, our parents. Without you all this would not have been possible. Because there would be no us. On the other, because you have helped us so much to make this day joyful event he is. Each individual is allowed otherwise, our gratitude and love as well of course. You don’t understand but hopefully, I can list them all. Because I don’t know about you, but I would like to, if possible, open the Buffet.
So, let us not too far in the future or in the past, have a look. Today is our wedding anniversary, and we want to celebrate. Just have a lot of fun, and gives us our joy.
Why a groom speech?
The many tasks of a groom on the day of the wedding it belongs to, a speech to keep. This is usually a thank-you speech, in contact all the people you and your bride-to-be mean a lot and you have supports on the way to this big day. In particular, the groomsmen, your (in-law)parents and, where appropriate, the grandparents addition to the family and friends. In addition to the wedding speech by the groom always organisational character. They can announce what program points are expecting guests, and can lead to these issues by creating, for example, the Buffet.
When you are Writing your wedding speech always be aware of the fact that none of them expected that they are perfect. You are probably not a professional speech writer, but just want a pair of warm, loving words to their community. This is best done when you speak openly from the heart way. Let your guests to the joy that you feel, and show, in the speech of your love for your bride-to-be. It is best to start with a few words of welcome, and thank everyone for Coming. Then, you pick out then be targeted to a few people, you say a few personal words. This should always be honest and kind and Concerned, not just bodies. Some people don’t like being the center of attention, and you should respect that.
Then you can, for example, an anecdote from the time together with your bride-to-be tell. This is also true: The more sincere and the more hearts the better. Then you can point to a few program points. They are not limited here, but to the Essential, to ensure that your wedding speech too long. Then, once again thank all of your guests and wish you a pleasant time at the Party.
Further examples of wedding speech of the groom
Example 5: a wedding speech for the groom
Dear Anna, dear mom, dear dad, dear parents-in-law and friends, dear guests!
You got me stirred it several times today to tears. Especially my Dad, called me at my wedding a washcloth. [Laughter; here is also another joke can be installed.] I can also speak in the name of Anna – the best family and the best friends we have. We want you to know that we are aware of it and we talk very often about how lucky you all are to us. Life is just easier when you have such an environment.
And I would like to take the most beautiful day of my life, to my wonderful wife – I can’t say don’t believe, that I must call you so – to, how much I love you. Thank you, Anna, for your Loyalty, your grace, your trust, your support and that you’re then given the first step and Flo dump. [Laughter] A life without you would be unthinkable. Even if you’re there with me, would you accompany me through my day. You fill me with love, joy, and you cook like a world champion. [Laughter]
Dear guest, we thank you for this wonderful Celebration that you have so many Surprises in store for us come up with left. So we don’t expect. Thank you for the many gifts and mom and dad – thank you for the trip – we will send many photos of the Maldives. And dad – well, you will after your Operation to the Maldives to create. I know that.
Now, let us together to celebrate, eat, drink, laugh, dance. We enjoy this time together. We love you! Cheers to all of you, stay healthy and happy!
Example 6: a wedding speech for the groom
A lot of time and heart and soul has gone into the planning of this Celebration. Bettina and I want to let us, therefore, most sincerely thank all of you who have helped in the present day to the best of our life to be. A special thanks goes to our two witnesses, the stretched really, all implemented on time and according to our Wishes. The two have partially inserted night shifts, the perfect planning, getting, and we are of the opinion that you have done a great Job.
Also, a big thanks goes to our parents, without which we would not be here today. Of course, because they are born, brought up and in front of the bogeyman protected. But most of all, because you have supported us so actively in the organization of the wedding ceremony. You have kept us in some Situation the back, so we could focus on the wedding preparations. Numerous tasks have taken over for us, our impatience and excitement to endure and to us the same level of love and support that we needed in the particular Situation.
A very big thanks to all the friends, family members and Acquaintances, make this day something truly Unforgettable. Each and every one of you today has brought a bit of joy and happiness in this room. You have many words of love and for us to remember that we are important to you and our happiness like. The has done well and we hope we were able to show you, how much your presence means here and now.
Now is the time to show you our thanks to a bit of hand strength. We have organized a small Buffet for you, with dishes that we like, which we also know, however, that some of you have very fond of you. We open up solemnly in the Buffet and wish you all a lot of fun with eating, Drinking and Talking. Thank you dear, that there is you, and that you celebrate with us.
Example 7: a wedding speech for the groom
Bettina and I have long prepared for this day. We have selected the flowers, the music is organized, the meals selected and much more. We had a lot of helping hands that have ensured that we are not going to stand with all of these tasks alone and overwhelmed. First of all, I would like to thank both of our witnesses. You have really done a great job. A difficult task was probably to fulfill our desires and still bring in your own ideas and to prepare us for the one or other Surprise. Well, you’ve succeeded brilliantly. Thanks for that.
A big thank you, we want to teach our parents. It is wonderful to you, even after all these years, and although we are now grown up, and for us there are, and it creates, to help us where we have your help is needed. But all others must be said, a big thanks. This Festival is something Special that you are celebrating with us and spend a good time like. Of course it is at this wedding, especially the love of two people, which will have for the Rest of our life. But your good wishes, your presence and your love will mean to all of us a lot and therefore, hopefully, this is just your big day like ours.
Despite good preparation for this day is actually a huge Overload. So many impressions in a rush on us, so many sounds, smells and conversations are to be processed. That a person can do in a day. Forgive us, therefore, please, if we act today, something withdrawn. This is because we are on cloud nine on the way, and not planning to come so soon down again. So please as many photos as possible, write small greetings in our guest book and remember the funniest anecdotes and events. In the coming days and weeks, we will be able to make good use of that in order to understand your point of view on this beautiful day and to the many impressions of the process.
But let’s now not about the money. Today, we want to celebrate and have fun and provided us with food, Drink, music, dance, and have a nice time. We are looking forward to spend with you a couple of nice hours and hope that we can share the joy, the gratitude and happiness that we feel today, with you.
Example 8: a wedding speech for the groom
(Reference marriage as a starting point, with gratitude for the love, looking to the future)
My dearest wife,
so can I ask you a Yes officially for today’s call, I hope you remember just as well in my marriage as I was. I left the singer Tim Bendzko work for me, as we had arrived after a beautiful Party in the hotel room. He was just about to start to the meaning of the following words:
Yes, dear guests, as romantic as can be my Anna. But as you saw my face expression and Tim Bendzkos words made slowly the way to your heart, rolled out the first tears on your cheeks. Of course, I hope today that there were tears of joy.
I’m so grateful to you that you don’t need to even consider, even though I bring, yeah but the one or the other thing. I had in front of you in the case of the few women I have dated at all, rather the fear that you would want to bind to, and I would come out of the number, it was to me when you need to bind me. I just wanted to let you from the very beginning not to go, and I said, therefore, from the bottom of my heart today you. And Tim Bendzko even had one, it was easy to say Yes, because it feels with you always correct me and an infinite number of things, I want to experience together with you.
When we are old and gray, I look for your Hand is still in my hold, to our common life, and this day come alive in front of me to see. I love you for a long time, but today much more than any day before.
Dear Anna, I am very grateful that it gives us as a love – and now as a married couple, and dear guests, we thank you from my heart that you are celebrating this day with us! On us!
Example 9: a wedding speech for the groom
If I had presented to me as a teenager, to be married, then I always thought that this would be difficult. I thought that it’s very hard it must be to swear a man’s eternal Loyalty. I thought that you can’t predict what will happen in 10, 25 or even 50 years. How to promise a woman, to always be there for you and love you no matter what? I really had my doubts about whether I’m going to get this done or whether it might be too hard for me.
But the truth is: It is very easy. I have rarely done anything Easier than it is today. I just know that Bettina and I are meant for each other. I just feel that I want to be with any other woman, and that we are going to create two to be happy all life long. There is no doubt in my heart, but just Belief, love and trust. It is amazing how easily to me, everything falls at the present day, and how confident I am the future looks.
For this, all of you are not responsible. Especially you, Bettina, the give me this feeling of safety and Confidence, since we met for the first Time. Your love gives me strength and power makes any decision that affects the two of us, easy. But your (name of the groomsmen call) have contributed much to this security. You have the both of us, supported us, helped us Fears taken away, and our joy will be strengthened. That was a big help.
But all you others, you are here today, give me the feeling to have the Right thing done. Your support and your presence means a lot to me. And I want you to know that you are supporting us in our love very much. I hope that we can show you through this Celebration, a little, how thankful we are and how much you give to us. Let’s celebrate together in the easiest decision I have had to take ever. Many thanks to all of you.
Example 10: a wedding speech for the groom
Bettina, you’ve made me today, for the happiest people in the world. This is impressive, because you made me in the years that we know each other now, so often, so happy, that I thought that I could never be happier. But you can do it again and again, to increase the previous happiness, and to give me a feeling of love and security that I felt earlier in the intensity never before. Even now, something burning in my heart, you ignited there and it will burn for you as long as I live.
Besides, you’ve done it, that I am come to rest. All my life I was searching for something. I’ve tried a lot, have looked at the world and trying to find my way. But something (or someone) was missing. I never had the feeling to be complete, but felt more like a Puzzle, in which the crucial piece is missing. I was all my life to be happy, don’t get me wrong, but not completely. And you’ve changed now.
With you, I can finally come truly to rest. With you I have the feeling to have arrived and don’t have to look any further. You’re all the things I missed out on in my life at the perfect happiness. And now you’re here, you’re my woman and I can’t believe my luck. Now, where I gave myself away, I’m all by myself and feel that I want to be anywhere else. You’re the woman that makes me the man I want to be. You give me every day so incredibly lucky. And I’ll try all my life to give you a great happiness.
To all of you who are here today, I thank you that your spend our big day with us. Our families, the marked us up to this day, and accompanied, and made the people who we are today. Our friends who were always there for us and it is up to today. A very special thanks to our best man, without a gorgeous wedding celebration would not have been like today’s at all possible. I hope you can feel some of the love and the happiness that is to be celebrated here today. I wish you all a wonderful time and thank you for Coming.
Read the article: 10 valuable tips for the wedding speeches
Other examples of successful wedding speeches:
Wedding speech from bride and groom
Wedding speech from father of the groom
Wedding speech by bride’s father