Groomsmen! Ever heard of it? The send men, gentlemen and friends, which are now in weddings more and more fully in the Trend. More and more often you see them in ceremonies in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
Many grooms wish that the best of friends in the wedding feast at your side. If you can own guys the most beautiful day in life with mount, is the great Feast the same but twice as beautiful.
One of the Groomsmen, ergo a Groomsman is then mostly in the traditionally well-known best man. The a makes is known to have a particularly important role for the groom, during, and after the ceremony.
What Groomsmen are?
Groom means in German Translation groom. The men of the Groom, then, are the men of the groom. Groomsmen are an old Tradition from the British-American cultural space. Already in the middle ages, Groomsmen ensured that the bride and groom were able to celebrate your wedding in peace. Their historical task was mainly in the protection of the wedding ceremony.

“Groomsmen are not only a beautiful Tradition for themselves. They are also one of the beautiful examples of how international traditions transcend boundaries, because they are just fun.”
Groomsmen and Bridesmaids
A bit has changed. the role of the Groomsmen, of course, over time But in Essence, they are the male counterpart to the bridesmaids, the one in English, Bridesmaids calls. Groomsmen should only look stylish on a common set of wedding photos. They also have some of the tasks.
But before we get to the tasks of the Groomsmen, a few important information about how the groom and his Groomsmen best picks. Finally, many friends and mates to come in question, but not all. That would be beyond the scope.
5 ultimate tips for selecting your Team Groom (sorted by relevance):
- Number: First of all, should the groom with his bride, the number of his Groomsmen to vote. In General, not more, not less, should join in the fun at the wedding also a lot of Groomsmen as Bridesmaids,.
- Prioritisation: because of, therefore, not all best friends, ultimately, Groomsmen will be able to, should the groom in the selection, make sure that for each task in the preparation or implementation of the wedding is desired, a suitable Groomsman is available.
Address: Traditionally, at least according to the old anglo-American custom of asking the groom and his Groomsmen’s not just whether or not you him as such at the time of his wedding to help be want to.
The husband-in-waiting, should surprise the aspirants with a small gift, if he comes with his request to the corner.
- Best Man: The best and closest friend, the best man around the Yes-word on the most important tasks for the groom is, finally, a sort of top-Groomsman. In English it is called the witnesses, the so-called Best Man. So, as among the bridesmaids at the end of a maid of honor can give.
Usher: anyone in front of the head, to push, there is still the second-best Groomsman.
This is the so-called Usher. Its task is at the wedding to be the first friendly male face, the guests are welcomed in the name of the groom, upon arrival at the Location.

Tasks of Groomsmen
The first tips for selection have already indicated, the Groomsmen can have different duties. Not every Groomsman is for the same tasks. There is a certain hierarchy, and in part it is very important in supporting roles and sometimes just to not less important representative tasks.
14 responsibilities of the different Groomsmen Overview (A-Z):
- Welcome*: A Groomsman welcomed the guests on behalf of the groom and provides a relaxed, cheerful atmosphere, before the Start of the ceremony. Also for course assignments in the Church or Location of all the Groomsmen can be together supporting active.
- Feed: Before the arrival of the bride and groom each Groomsman, together with the agreed Bridesmaid representative and elegant in the Location for the wedding Ceremony a.
Escort: At the Altar, waiting for the Groomsmen together with the groom and the bridesmaids to the bride.
- Getting Ready: The Groomsmen to the groom on the Morning of the wedding mentally accompany. They ensure that the Groom is relaxed in the best way possible, his nervousness does not dominate, and he’s in a good mood.
- Groomsmen Look: According to the Wishes and specifications of the groom choose the Groomsmen of your wedding desired Dress Code and uniform. The Look should additionally fit the groom, the Outfit but not in the shade.
Marriage helper**: During the ceremony, to the Supreme Groomsman the rings and to Signal to the groom passed. In addition, he is the marriage certificate for the marriage with the bride and groom, the Registrar or priest to sign.
- Wedding suit: The Groomsmen help the groom in the selection and purchase of his suit for the wedding.
- Wedding planning: the actual planning the Groomsmen strategically and in Detail, and helpful. In General, the groom in an Advisory capacity.
- Wedding rehearsal: In a trial run for the wedding in support of the Groomsmen the groom actively.
- Wedding games: regardless of the groom to plan and organize the Groomsmen together with the bridesmaids and Bridesmaids appropriate fun games for the wedding.
- JGA: The bachelor party for the groom organize the Groomsmen.
- Location: On the desire to help the Groomsmen in the construction, Repair and Decorate the wedding location.
- Party: the wedding party to spread the Groomsmen in a good mood and look that the Party off. At the same time make sure that everything goes according to Plan.
- Clean: On request, support the Groomsmen and Bridesmaids the bride and groom during removal after the Celebration.
*The task of the Begrüßers is especially the so-called Usher, the other Groomsmen can, especially with larger companies like to help.
**The role of the direct marriage helper at the ceremony, is the sole responsibility of the so-called Best Men, under the Groomsmen, the best man.
Individual tasks of the Groomsmen require certain skills and inclinations. The groom should strength prior to the selection of his boys, in addition to the actual Relationship questions: Who comes, what is in question? On the so-called Best Man should leave, for example, be 100 per cent. And the so-called Usher should be communicative and entertaining.

Extraordinary ideas for Groomsmen
In addition to the usual tasks for the Groomsmen can also Surprises for the bride, groom, or bride and groom think of. Without the Knowledge of Bride and Groom, of course. So some idea of bringing the wedding party really set in motion. And some of the incident to ensure the Party really all guests remains sustainable in hopefully a memorable one.
3 exceptional ideas for Groomsmen Overview (A-Z):
- Abduction of the bride-to-be: In some regions of Germany, a popular custom is the bride kidnapping. All the Groomsmen, except for the groomsmen, and so, in addition to the Best Man, kidnap, before the eyes of the guests, but without the Knowledge of the groom, the bride-to-be. For example, it may go to a nearby pub. The groom must then find the best man at his side after the bride and trigger.
- Groomsmen Dance: All of the Groomsmen could a wild or sexy group dance rehearsal. The run about after the wedding waltz, to the Surprise of the bride and groom in front of all the guests. So, the wedding party starts right with the liveliness and joy of life.
- Posing in wedding photography: When the time for the wedding photos came or in between, if it fits, may Groomsmen like to float. Just pre-agreed poses take in case of shared group photos with the bride and groom. Bride and groom need to know in advance about it. As a result, – seemingly spontaneously – some of the coolest wedding photos.

Still Have Questions? To Groomsmen 3 clever answers!
In Essence, you have a lot about you so far, perhaps, still unknown custom of the Groomsmen know. But one or the other question is still open? Then have a look here, if not a helpful answer for you is. Our experts often know which questions of interest to the people!
How hot Groomsmen in English?
Groomsmen were women, they would hot Bridesmaids (i.e., bridesmaids). A term that can be used directly from English to German and translate, do not exist. Because groomsmen are not really applicable. Groomsmen emblematic male bridesmaids. Historically, there are in English only in the broadest sense of the term, the bride-to-be leader.
Who pays the Outfit for the Groomsmen?
His General Outfit paid for usually, each Groomsman itself. The remote is similar to the procedure for bridesmaids. The Groom, the groom, is paid however, often the small, but fine, because of the important accessories for his Groomsmen. This single fly, ties, suspenders, lapel flowers, and cufflinks include, for example,.
What are the gifts that the groom gives to his Groomsmen?
The man of the world, surprised his Groomsmen with small gifts, as this is the groomsmen usual. For the groom to ask his Groomsmen, whether you want to support him in the wedding Ceremony, recommend about small personalized gifts very. Some like to combine the Useful with the Pleasant. You give away the same individual gift boxes with pretty accessories for the future Groomsmen Outfit.