The wedding season 2023 with a lot of weddings is coming up, and you’re asking yourself the question of whether it is ok to give money. We have the answer. Definitely, Yes! While in the past the Gift of money to the wedding was, in part, still frowned upon, today it is an absolute Standard and would like to be seen. Should you, however, that the money is not Otherwise there is a risk that the gift acts unloving is fast.
Conclusion: The wedding etiquette sees no Problem in giving money to the wedding.

Why do we give money to the wedding?
In many cases, wedding wishes some money for the wedding – usually a note on the invitation card can be found for this purpose.
With the money from the wedding gifts, for example, the honeymoon financed or the expenses for the wedding (in Parts) covered
How much money should I as a wedding guest pay?
This question is mainly from three aspects are crucial:
- How close I am to the bride and groom? The closer you are to the bride and groom, the more money you give, in General, to the wedding.
- How are my assets? Clearly, for a wedding gift, one should not take on financially.
- The framework In which the wedding will take place? It is for the wedding is still a long journey and an Overnight stay in the Hotel, from the wedding to pay as a guest?
In this case, it may be that the gift of Money is somewhat less in size.
For many guests, especially the reference to a wedding is certainly few crucial. As a neighbour or work colleague, I give less rather than as a good friend or family member.
As a guideline, the following values apply:
- Family members and relatives: 100 to 250 euros, in some cases even higher
- Good friends: at least 50 Euro per Person
- Well-known and accompaniments (
And for all those who want to know exactly, we have compiled some of the important cases:
How much money I give to the wedding of…
- my child (daughter and son): 150 up to 500 euros per Person
- my parents (mom and dad): 100 to 250 euros per Person
- my sister, my brother: 100 to 300 Euro per Person
- my aunt, my uncle: 75 to 150 euros per Person
- my godmother, my godfather: 100 to 250 euros per Person
- my Cousin, my cousin: 50 to 150 euros per Person
- a work colleague: 30 to 50 euros per Person
- a neighbor: 30 to 50 euros per Person
What to give as a…
- Couple: as a Couple depends on the amount depends on how close each individual the bride and groom is just one of the two good friend of the happy couple, the amount is divided unevenly, for example, 70 plus 30 Euro
- Best man, maid of honour: 100 to 250 euros per Person
For children is usually half expected.
What’s important to us is: The above amounts are approximate – if your financial Situation is tense, e.g. due to the current Inflation, are, of course, lower amounts of perfectly fine. For the bride and groom, the most important is that you’re on this special day and with him to celebrate.
How much money to give for a wedding?
If only the Registrar’s office is married, you can use the values from above as a point of reference to take.
If a
What can you give as a group to the wedding?
Very popular in friends group gifts circles. Here you should note that not everyone has the same financial resources. On so the best a can in each throw, what he or she wants. In the case of a larger group, a combination of a money gift and other offers attentions. Our Hochzeitsbox Deluxe you can, for example, a photo gift with high-quality products around the theme of Breakfast and a gift of Money combine.

Should I buy a gift when I can’t attend the wedding?
You’re invited to a wedding, but can’t come?
A gift is a nice gesture! It is to be used as a gift of Money, can be reduced to the above-mentioned amounts, but quite a bit.
Should I buy a gift if I’m not invited?
Sometimes, you are not invited to the wedding celebration, but would like to give something. In this case, you can have a smaller sum of money from 20 to 40 euros or a little attention, such as to present a great floral bouquet with a couple of personal lines.
How is the packaging and pass the gift of Money is best?
There are a number of creative, funny and original ways to vepacken money beautiful and resourceful.
The Internet offers great Overviews and inspirations. Our favorite Trends 2023-it-yourself crafts we have on this Pinterest Board selected.
If you are not in the mood and have time, to make their own, and it’s a noble and stylish money gift to, look here, over.

For Delivery, there is usually a table on which the wedding gifts are pretty draped. The bride and groom grabs the gifts then in the follow-up to the Celebration.
We wish you a great wedding season 2023, and a lot of fun to celebrate!