Wedding games have been enjoying many years of great popularity. Many wedding couples and wedding guests are thrilled by the wedding play and develop a great ingenuity in the implementation. There are a few good reasons why wedding games may not be missing at a wedding is easy.
Wedding games – Why you may be missing?
Wedding games will contribute to the Success of a wedding ceremony. By such small pastimes will not be bored. The wedding games should not, however, beyond the scope of the Celebration and refreshing, bubbly, humorous and fun to be. A contact between the guests are met, maybe never, is linked in this way is much faster.
Once in a while, that the wedding guests to good food and Drink just sit around like that, the conversation has dried up, and the momentum of the Celebration threatens to tire. A good wedding game, guests are entertained, it comes down to the mood and the game can be the starting point for an amusing conversation. In any case, it enriches the celebration of a marriage and leaves a lasting impression during the bride and groom and all guests.
What are the games for what wedding?
You go in the planning and selection of the wedding play with the greatest of care.
Note you list both the wishes of the bride and groom as well as guests. The wedding party, especially from Relatives, friends and Acquaintances, is a game can be a little rambling and loose. Limits should not be exceeded. It may not come to the great embarrassment or even insults. The wedding couple and the guests are more likely to be formal and conservative, not all of the games installed. Cheerful and entertaining they may be, but still. Wedding games is able to make sure that fear will disappear and, for example, business partners, friends. Here you will find games a selection of ideas for refreshing the wedding.
The wedding guests will be a Post-it (self-adhesive paper). On these Post-it small requests can be formulated (1x coffee drink, a dinner invitation, 1x cleaning the car, etc.). All requests will be pinned to a pinboard and the couple throws a Dart. The first 3 matches of the bride and groom to be understood as an invitation by the pair of Guests to the bride and groom, the first 3 matches of the groom as the invitation of the couple to the Guest.
You will need: a referee, a tennis ball, a Person with brandy tablet
The couple searches for a 10 couple of. All stand in a large circle on (alternating man-woman-man-woman…..).
The bride-to-be is now clamped in place a tennis ball between your chin and chest. This, you must be rich without the help of the hands, to the man on her left side. Of course, he has to pick up the Ball, without the help of the hands, with his chin and chest. These he gives to the woman at his left side. All of the During the game, the music can play or the guests cheer on the contestants!
The Ball falls down now, you must drink both of the ‘polluter pays’ a brandy.
But: The ‘polluter pays’ takes the tennis ball back and tried it again, until it works.
It is now managed a round, the women in front of their left-hand men, 4 men to the left and a (man rows of back-woman-man……)
The candidates are too good and have it Hustle and bustle occurs !!!
This can be set popular for a long time
You need: A rolling pin, many couples
though many dancing couples on the dance floor are calls for the couples on a (best to use the microphone of the Band), in two rows to set up.
The men in the a series, the women in the other row, at a distance of about 3 meters. The groom gets a rolling pin between the legs (there is already the first laughs) and then go to the opposite side to his bride and hands her the rolling pin to operate without the hands. He remains at the place where his bride-to-be, this goes to the other side to the next Lord, and pass the rolling pin, … (so it goes in a zig-zag back and forth, till all were at it).
A visual feast for the eyes – films not forget!
You will need: bride, groom, 20 chairs, 20 Volunteers, a game map
, There are 20 people on the stage asked the best 10 men and 10 women. This one is divided by gender into 2 groups and ask them to sit in a circle (with the face to the inside). In the group of the men, the groom in the other, the bride-to-be.
A game map will be more by suction with the mouth at the next right Partner, without falling down. The game starts when the bride and groom and ends there as well. The group is gained has to be the faster (once around) and gets a drink, a damp Hands or what ever comes to mind.
The fun of not only the participants, but also the guests will have!
It is 3-4 pairs are selected (and of course the wedding couple). A Few remains in the hall, in the middle of two chairs, the other will be sent from the room.
The first Pair should now consider how a Statue is like, a love couple is. Then this Pair should make this Statue with the help of the two chairs, (or a chair). Whether it’s on the chairs sitting, lying down, standing, the imagination has no limits.
If the Couple has found the final position, it needs this to remain. Now the bride, the groom, or another Person is brought in the room.
This Person should now take a look at this Statue and make suggestions for improvement, i.e., the Couple work things out so –
He is finished, he must take the place of what sex they belong to. This is now up to the end, so on.
A lot of fun – cameras ready!
You need: Several balloons, a chair and some couples to Play
It, depending on the number of guests staying 5 or more men selected. This is not your Own), you must choose among the guests was a woman (of course.
Now, every Pair of 4 air gets balloons, the need to inflate it as quickly as possible – no matter how large.
It is then opened to the couple that you have to make the (usually very small) balloons, without the use of the hands and feet, in a certain way, broken.
A front just below the bellies of
the butt of the woman
next to the Shot of the man that sitting on a chair must be
The last on the ground, the man and the woman will have him there to Burst.
The time the couples will be stopped and the fastest gets a small prize.
Looks super fun to film or photograph will not forget!
You need: Several clothespins, a scarf (around the eyes to connect to), and a couple
In this Then be attached to the bride at all possible (and impossible) Put clothespins. The groom must then search through the keys on the clothespins and off.
Of course you can make the game as a competition between several couples, and handing out prizes.
The items you’ll need: 2 spoons, and two long cords
, The cord is on the spoons attached. The bride and the groom for 4 guests and make two rows. At the beginning of the series, the bride, or the groom is.
Now everyone has to thread the spoon as quickly as possible from the top to the bottom (e.g. a shirt and trousers) and to the back of the man pass.
The spoon has arrived at Last, the whole Return and the bride and groom have to roll up the cord as quickly as possible.
The winner is of course the one who has developed the Fastest split.
You will need the following things: a large white bed sheet, red paint (spray can), and 2 nail scissors.
With the red spray a large heart is sprayed on the bed sheet.
On the wedding, the groomsmen holding the bed sheet and the bride and groom must cut each half of the heart from top to bottom.
It is said: Who has done it first, has the say in the marriage.
The following things are needed: Two or more pairs, table-tennis balls and smaller stool (depending on the number of pairs)
are best suited, among other things, the following pairings: groom and best man of the groom, bride and maid of honor to the bride, father of the bride and mother of the bride, … (you can see the
The men stand on a small stool (not too high), the women get a ping-pong ball in the Hand and to the shirt collar
, The sounds well, maybe slightly, but this little ping-pong ball is so slippery and hard to grab that it’s a big fun! Especially because you have to stay with the Hand outside of the clothes, and since the Ball is not put so well. Funny is, especially when the Ball through the pants!
Laughter guaranteed!!!!
submitted by Kirstin beetle
There are 8 chairs in a row. Then 8 people are selected, which must be put first on the chairs. The people will be assigned to a role (child, father, mother, mayor, midwife, uncle, aunt, bride-to-be).
Then the story of the birth of the child is told. Whenever in this story, the role name of the Person in question is called, must Stand up to the own chair to go and sit back down.
In a small village with a merry message reached a small family. Now, you waited impatiently for the stork, who was finally inclined to bring up a CHILD. The FATHER and MOTHER had been happy in a long time on the CHILD. As the birth of the CHILD, shortly before, had written of the FATHER and the MOTHER already the UNCLE and the AUNT that they would soon have a CHILD. Also with the MIDWIFE, she had talked about the upcoming birth of the CHILD.
Finally it was time. Early in the Morning, the MOTHER felt that the CHILD would come at any moment.
The FATHER quickly ran to the MIDWIFE to tell her that the CHILD could come at any moment. The FATHER had to walk very far, because the MIDWIFE lived next to the mayor. In the meantime, it was getting worse and worse with the MOTHER, who now knew exactly that the CHILD would be born at any moment. Luckily, the FATHER and the MIDWIFE arrived just in time for the birth of the CHILD. The mayor, the experience had also came up with.
Oh,We have a CHILD … a CHILD … a CHILD of their own, a good CHILD, a healthy CHILD, a beautiful CHILD. The MIDWIFE beamed across her face at the sight of the CHILD. The mayor was delighted with the new citizens and congratulated the MOTHER and the FATHER to the birth of the CHILD. UNCLE and AUNT sent a congratulatory telegram, but the mayor, as the postman was sick in bed. Some time later, the UNCLE and the AUNT came to visit to see the CHILD.
The FATHER held a small and invited ALL of them. Here they sat, ate and drank and were happy. The FATHER, the MOTHER, the CHILD didn’t know what it was about, the MIDWIFE, the UNCLE, the AUNT, and of course, the mayor was there as well.
Now, the CHILD came to the school, which stood opposite the house of the mayor. FATHER and MOTHER were very proud of the CHILD, because it was very good in school. From time to time came UNCLE and AUNT’s for a visit, and brought the CHILD, and sometimes gifts. The CHILD was older, and grow up. One fine day, there was a great celebration, because the CHILD took a BRIDE, and married. They went to the town hall to see the mayor. The mayor didn’t trust the KID and his BRIDE. The best man of the UNCLE and the AUNT. Then, the FATHER, the MOTHER, the MIDWIFE, the UNCLE and the AUNT of the CHILD and his BRIDE to the wedding congratulated. Of course, the mayor congratulated, in silence, he was looking forward to a new CHILD.
The following items are needed: The songs of
Initially said someone the appearance of the star artist Heike Schäfer, there is serenity prayer and all of the guests to take a seat. Then the Bodyguards of Ms. Schaefer (5 men in a trench coat with a hat and sunglasses) come in. Go to the song Here, you can only look at the floor and, above all, very seriously.
Then the song begins to play
In the chorus (The bells of Rome) to tear the Bodyguards of their coats, and comes to the fore, that men put on in addition to their boxer shorts, a belt, a Cowbell hangs. By hip movements, these bells are rung during the choruses. The coat needs to be closed then the verse again and until the next chorus again be opened.
Surely, you can’t take this game, but as a suggestion, it is quite interesting.
The wedding couple learns about 10 poems, letter for letter what a surprise waiting for you. The poems are written on a card in envelope inserted. The first card of the wedding couple on the Registrar’s office by the Registrar (he was, of course, was inaugurated). From there it goes to lunch in a Restaurant, the 2. Envelope. After the meal, there’s envelope no. 3, then it goes to the bride and groom home to drink coffee. After a little break, it continues in the Evening at 20.00 hours at the bride and groom at home with a little Party with a Buffet. There is then the map no. 4. The Rest is obtained from the respective cards. The The cards should be drinking coffee (well) hidden.
Here are the individual cards:
1. Map: (still in office)
Now, it is so accomplished,
the Yes-word was’ even laughed.
You are now a Pair of living a life
in sorrow and in joy.
But now goes quickly to a fine meal,
we hope it is not presumptuous
of you to ask ‘For the hat,’
remember the
2. Map: (just before the meal)
, So taste it when it is freshly married
and some Red tormented.
Then there are also, instead of a beer,
just a stupid piece of paper.
However, in these lines is what’s inside,
you believe you have a sense.
Drum throw the letter in the hands of fort,
as for the
3. Map: (after eating)
The food was good, the atmosphere is serene,
comes the fun slowly.
We are looking to celebrate another goal is
to continue the light-hearted game.
So let’s go to the *__________ Allee
*Name of the street
where already waiting for the hot coffee.
The you can enjoy, that’s it, Yes, laugh
because what’s just before the soup to eight.
4. Map: (20.00 at party start)
, The time flies,
now you have enough around to be hung.
As a tip, there are instead of coffee
at exactly 8 a Cup of
Now searches in the house of the man (in this case, the woman)
, he stands in the corner, has Leather on.
He can’t talk, because he is mute,
drum addiction to it and around it.
5. Card: (in the vicinity of the man hidden)
So speaks the man in the black dress:
You can find me in the long
I still got a year ago.
However, the Search has no end
, on the point of a turn.
As the mystery continues,
your home on the quiet place.
6. Card: (in the bathroom or toilet of the bride and groom)
In the mirror, you see a happy Couple,
But you can not be too long to linger,
it is equal to 9 – need to hurry.
So run a bit faster,
the Trepp’ down in your cellar.
You may have the key, not to forget,
because otherwise the tip of the mice.
7. Card: (in the basement)
in the basement Here is not nice of
drum there’s a small
You should in all fast,
set to the 5. Place.
Now treat yourself to a little break
in the double bed on the wedding party.
But we want to you not long miss,
drum looks just quickly into your pillow.
8. Map: (bottom pillow)
– Wooly’s in bed to lie,
you think as you quickly to the children.
With 1 + 1, it is second to.
however, for
In marriage there are obligations
you always second to set things straight.
No, it’s now not about sewing
, it is meant here is mowing the lawn!
9. Card: (in the Garage)
4 must you now time to praise.
Because in spite of the cold and danger,
shows you as a strong Couple.
Drum wool’n you soon revenues,
but begin not now, already starting to doze off.
Because in the hallway with soft soles,
is under the Mat for the last tip to get.
10. Map: (under the Mat)
So now is’s finished,
you have it even before 12 made.
A _ O _ _ _ _ EGG _ _ E _ _ E _ it’s supposed to be,
but now you’ll probably die.
Because in order to know what your location is,
solves that little mystery there.
If you now that’s thinking, far from it. Now get the bride and groom a crossword puzzle with the content, to family, to friends, to learn to Know, to the place of residence, …
The solution is then the place where the romantic dinner was.
Also, a kind of gifts to give, is it?
submitted by Ricarda Garrandt
air balloons with some money pieces filled and inflated.
The bride gets flippers dressed and the groom Boxing gloves. Now the bride has to try and crush the balloons and the groom has to try to pick up the pieces of money. The collected pieces of money you keep, of course!
submitted by Ricarda Garrandt
an ancient chest (a gift for the bride and groom is) attached to multiple locks. The key to distributed before the start of the Celebration among the guests. In order to get the key, you must dance the bride and groom with the guests (of course, the bride and groom do not know who has a key). After the end of the dance, the bride may couple then ask if the guest has a key, he must then out the back. So, the bride must dance couple throughout the afternoon / evening with his guests. The Bridal dance couple of all the keys, it can open the chest and has earned his gift.
For you dear bride and groom is just this package have been submitted.
→ The package is the groom handed over to
Hold dear *__________, consider and review
*Name of the groom
and giving it to the Цffnen your love woman!
Now love *__________ is the package in your hands
*the Name of the bride-to-be
and you can’t even apply.
But the package is not yours,
give it to the men, the furthest away sitting by you!
If you also very far from the bride and groom sitting,
no, your presence has not sweaty.
Look at you once and prove to your cutting
and bring it to the woman with the most beautiful dress!
Your dress is pretty and fine,
but you have the parcels are not alone.
Don’t put in anything your nose,
but give it to the Lord with the biggest nose.
The biggest nose, did you not,
as measured has a chic mistress.
But in the package is something out of the Shop,
drum give it to the woman with the most beautiful legs!
You really have nice calves and beautiful legs,do you
drum, give the package to the man with the thickest belly!
Do you think it makes you the yard
and all of us want to be with you to Schwof,
but come on, don’t be so stubborn
and bring it to the woman with the most beautiful hairstyle!
Your Frisürchen is really to be envied,
but was a bit modest,
because the package is still not on the right place,
give it to the Lord with the greatest bald!
Your bald head is a great Honor,
because that comes from the many Study here.
Today, however, let the Study be
and bring it to the woman with the most beautiful Дugelein!
Beautiful eyes are always a delight,
thanks for give to the Lord, with the bald head a kiss!
However, the package must still Hiking,
give it the greatest Lord of all the Others!
You think you are now, probably,
that you were all alone,
but there’s even Bigger in the world,
because for the Bridal couple was the package finally ordered!
This would also be really,
you Two are determined on the contents of curious.
(If you package something to eat:)and
Let the contents slowly munden,
for he will bring you joyful hours
You will need: 8 rolls of tear-resistant toilet paper, a (rain)screen, 8 people
, All of the guests (or just the 8 people) on the dance floor in a big circle. The 8 people each have a roll of toilet paper in the Hand (a in addition to the screen). The bride and groom is asked in the middle and gets the open umbrella in the Hand. The first sheet of toilet paper is mounted at the top of the screen (perhaps with a needle or with an adhesive tape glued on). Now the music plays a nice, slow waltz and the bride and groom dancing. It must always rotate in the same direction. The Person must hold the roll with the toilet paper so that the bride and groom is wrapped from top to bottom (and back up again,…). All 8 wheels are used. The circuit needs to rid itself of the Bridal couple, and kiss.
Balloon pants
, You will need: approx. 30-air balloons, good lungs or a balloon pump, a needle, a pair of pants XXXXXL, with the braces
, It will be approx. 30 balloons inflated, and the female guests. The bride is asked to ‘outside’, and the groom is allowed to come up to the stage. There, he have to wear a too big pair of pants. Then the ladies are invited to the stage. These have the task of your air balloon in the pants of the groom to disappear. If all the balloons are properly stowed, the groom like a Michelin man!
Now the bride is allowed to come back in and have to Chen during a dance with a needle, the balloons atomizer.
The laughter of the guests will be safe!
The following things are needed: 2 thin ropes а 4 m
, The bride and the groom to be on the stage asked. Now the bride is allowed to choose 5 men from the guests, the groom 5 women.
Now 2 groups, а formed by 6 persons (in each group, 3 women and 3 men). The groups are parallel to each other. In each group, the women and the men are alternating in succession. A group begins with a woman (in this group the groom stands at the end). In the second group, a man starts at the front and at the end of the bride-to-be is.
The two front people get a rope in the Hand. This is as follows to the rear, passed through:
The women of the rope through the clothes of the The men push the cable of the To do this, you can, of course, the pants down (it’s faster and the fun is perfect).
The rope arrived at the end of the bride or groom, this must insert the rope through the clothes and then the end of the rope and hold it high. ATTENTION: The first Person has to hold the other end of the rope still in Hand. The faster group has won, the losing group must start as a penalty, and a Polonaise, so that the tired company back on track.
Much Success!
There are several couples are invited on the dance floor. The couples dance is interrupted to the music. Then the man has to take off his jacket as soon as possible, and the partner has to wear it as soon as possible. The slowest dance couple of leaves. The whole is continued until only one Couple is left.
The winners will be awarded prizes (see raffle)
The following items are needed: thick rubber gloves and packaged socks (depending on number of players)
, It will be minimum. 3 players selected (preferably including bride and groom). You can also allow women and men to compete. Each player sits on a chair, pulls out a Shoe (and cards if necessary, a pant leg). Now the players are handed a Pair of thick rubber gloves to be tightened. Now every other player is blindfolded. Then, each player in a Pack of stockings in your Hand, and please unpack the socks and then put on. The person who finishes first is the winner, celebrations.
You will need: 1 sheet/sheets, raw eggs, raw Cannelloni (large round noodles to Fill), 1 blindfold, 2 plastic bags for the feet of the bride, bills/vouchers for
The sheet/sheet is spread on the ground and the bride on a chair in front of it set. Then the raw eggs are placed in front of her on the sheet/sheet. You will be asked to memorize the positions carefully, as they must crush the eggs. Then you are connected to the eyes. While you are tied plastic bags over their shoes (with a lot of Make sure that they are at the same point. Now the bride is led blindfolded to the sheet/sheet and must crush the In the end, when everything is crushed, it is allowed to remove the blindfold again and your loot to collect
Send the bride and groom out of the room. Then in a stool or chair in the middle of the dance floor and asks the bride.
This has to stand on the stool and gets a broom in the Hand. So, the bride-to-be are, and says nothing more. At some point, the bride-to-be is going to ask what she must do, but the game remains silent. He, however, noted down everything what the bride says. After a certain period of time (you have to judge for yourself) dismisses the bride and invites the groom. This, too, must take on the stool / chair, the broom in the Hand, …..
Finally, the statements of the two read aloud, with the introduction:
Now listen to what * __________ in the wedding night _____________ says:
* bride’s Name * groom’s Name
And now you hear what * __________ his * __________ in the night of the wedding has to say:
* groom’s Name * Name of the bride-to-be
submitted by Gerlinde Rimser
, the Following preparations must be made: take an old empty box, and attached to it with a Band
From the company is a young, pretty girl picked out and gives her the old box in the Hand. Now, you must draw this to the floor behind her. Then all the men of the society are invited to follow the girl, this music is played when all stood up, and in the chamber a round was shot, it will stop the music and a selected host says into the microphone:
The following things are needed: table (at a Desk with utensils), 3 chairs, a Moderator (of the game bids), a marriage counselor(in), a wife, a husband (both ‘old’ dressed)
dear bride and groom, dear guests,
we invite you now to a little trip back in time to the year 25 after marriage. Take a seat in our time machine and travel with us to a time in the *__________ (month / year; 25 years later)
you see here is the office of a marriage counseling Agency. The marriage counselor(in) sitting behind the Desk. To him an You open and resolute, he is shy and rather reserved and, it could be our wedding couple.
But hear you, but just once, maybe learn something in the process,
a marriage counselor:
Well, Mr *__________, wife *__________, I think it’s very brave of you, that you here in the counseling office came to me with their relationship problems to discuss. You know, just younger / older married couples have the courage, come visit us often lacking. This is usually only a problem in communication between the partners. You don’t trust easily, outspoken about this, well, you know.. .uh.. . to speak of delicate things. Now, my dear couple *__________, what is your Problem?
Yes, doctor, uh… it’s like this: My husband can’t.. uh…. the marital obligations ……… You understand?
That’s true, but not *__________. I can still, just, I don’t want to!
*The first name of the wife
marriage counselor:
so you want to no more, Mr. *__________?
Exactly! If you have previously had to always, then – then will be the time where you don’t want to have to from time to time…. just because you can don’t want anymore.
besides, he always liked………..
Yeah, mom, at the time, I wanted to, because I also don’t want to….
at the beginning of our marriage, because he was happy, if he had to, because he’s always happy ….
Marriage counselor:
mm-hmm, very interesting. How long are you married already?
For the past five to ten years.
Marriage counselor:
And how often have you during the week?
Every day, of course.
Marriage counselor: (amazed)
Every day, women *__________? Oh!
………. and the five-ten years. Imagine the times.
Marriage counselor:
Because I need your man right, woman *___________, this is a physical burden.
Oh, come on! He worked hard, never large.
How are you supposed to even if you never a word of cheer receives, no praise, …
marriage counselor:
so you want to in the future, never, Mr. *__________?
Well, maybe once in a while, it belongs somehow to the married life…. but in no case more and more every day!!!
And if You’re not with me anymore…? Then I should see how I do it alone? And You stand next to it and look at me? No, I’m not in the mood!
Marriage counselor:
But maybe it would be a whole new Dimension in their relationship will bring. If you allow the question: Where have you had it always been?
Yes… uh…. actually, only in the kitchen.
Marriage counselor:
In the kitchen? – Oha!
….. or in the holidays in front of the tent – we are avid campers.
Marriage counselor: (amazed)
in Front of the tent? And in what position?
Actually, only in the Stand.
Marriage counselor:
Always standing up? In the kitchen? 15 years? Every Day? If you are doing your sexual fulfillment is found, please …
a man and a woman (look up in surprise to – at the same time):
Sexual what? Wash The Dishes?
Submitted by Stefan Seibel
As a preparation you need 3 (or more) chopping blocks, each with a small hatchet, a dime coin pro hack block, three Pairs of socks (cheap tennis socks), and for each candidate a blindfold. The wood blocks should have a minimum diameter of 30-40 cm!
The chopping blocks with enough distance, side by side, and lays on every chopping block, a one-cent piece.
Now is pro hack block a volunteer, a man from the audience brought (should be fun to be able to understand), and behind the log standing upright placed. (You should place the candidates close to the chopping block and let the chopping block the touch in order to get a feel for the size.)
The gentlemen behind the block is now stated that he now blindfolded, the dime coin as quickly as possible with the resolution meeting must, before one of his opponents in front of him.
So the whole thing a bit funny is, the game of candidates before their socks and shoes and next to the chopping block to place.
Now the candidates are placed in Position. In the meantime, exchange someone cent piece against the previously extended socks of the candidate (the candidate may not notice anything).
You explained to the candidate, who was the first to the penny piece has taken is the winner and gets a kiss from the bride.
Now starts the command: “axe; 3,2,1, go“ (or similar)
will be seen (been tested several times) that the candidates like crazy on the chopping block around fuck the Dime is the first to meet. But don’t you see that you can hack in reality, just your own socks short and small. The audience will be in this time and prior to the damage of joy and Laughter no longer on the chairs can hold.
After a short time (1-2 minutes) is stopped the game and the candidates need to take off the blindfold. The faces of the candidates to ensure for absolute laughter, both the candidate as well as the guests.
As compensation, the candidate is handed over socks now the tennis, so you don’t have to run without socks around.
White cheap tennis socks have proved particularly successful, as seen in the rest of the time, the Celebration and mostly dark suits the candidates again and again.
Have No Fear! The game was played at many weddings, and it’s never happened something and it also has never taken someone crooked, that the socks were hacked!
Submitted by Klaus Mölter
During the wedding celebration, there is the old tradition of the “wedding Shoe auction”. The bride of the Shoe is robbed and symbolic among the wedding guests auctioned. Finally, the groom bought the amounts of the Shoe, along with the up to this time inserted money. The money remains with the bride and groom.
Mostly to the later hour and properly moderated it can result in a joyous and exciting entertainment. Compared with some other high-time-and-play to the bride-to-be is customs pair of not very involved or even “presented” and has the nice side effect of that for the boy of luck, even, for example, the vacation Fund for their honeymoon, “improved” is.
A – of a myriad of variants, we would like to introduce:
1 auctioneer/presenter(in) – Best eloquent, quick-witted and funny, the bride’s Shoe in Hand (so that he/she is the Shoe again and again to hold up better and advertise can)
1 – 2 “Collector(indoor)” with a hat or tablet.
Not always society guests with this beautiful custom familiar, or from the conduct of the auction is voluntary to apply are in the wedding. Therefore, it is recommended sometimes, if the bride-to-be support pair with someone from the wedding party denies that takes this action, or if necessary, a “spontaneous“ auctioneer.
Also, maybe you should even before contact, how long the auction will last to (in order for it not to long drags on) or what is the maximum amount he has to stop (depending on the size of the wedding party, and the mood will rise at an “American” auction, the law changes constantly).
In the final bid for the groomsmen, father of the bride, etc. are awarded, of course, the bride’s Shoe from the groom to trigger to him to his bride-to-be back to give.
The bid money will be presented to the couple by the auctioneer to the end.
Furthermore, it should be ensured that Small is not available. The Celebration takes place in a restaurant, you should have the host, so also in the run-up to then that will be increasingly required to exchange money (mainly the 1 Euro coins 2 Euro coins). Celebrations in private or rented, for example groomsman/-in) spaces, you should see a “Familiar” (about the money ask for a bit more to have than usual, in order for him/her to the Emergency large Bills can be changed.
First of all, must, of course, a Shoe of the bride-to-be stolen to be. Then the auction, this wedding Shoe follows.
Attention! Often the error is committed, that of the bride’s Shoe is a classic auctioned. So a, a of the other beats, and each raises his bid for the full amount of the Shoe or in the end only the person with the highest bid pays’t really. The result, however, that the auction is over very quickly, because not all of us want to bid or can. Sometimes may also not so right mood.
Therefore, I recommend from personal experience, mind you – and the “American” auction:
“American” auction: The bidding will begin at a low amount, such as in the case of a Euro. The one who offers it pays one Euro to the auctioneers (or the “Collector”, with hat or tablet to the commandments “pick-up”). someone, for example, outperforms now with “three Euro”, have to pay this bidder only the difference to the preceding bid – two euros. The next outbids maybe with “four Euro” and therefore pays a Euro, so the difference to the previous bid. someone outbids now with “eight Euro” are to the person on the auctioneer four euros.
The rule is: One of the offers always pays the difference to the previous auction bid. The advantage of this is that the game goes longer, and guests can also offer a 100 Euro locker 101 euros, because one has to pay only the difference, so 1 Euro to the auctioneers. The effect is that the auction will take much longer, funnier, because every guest (even the youngest guest!) even at 200 Euro can offer, and not an Individual in the end a large amount will have to pay. For wedding parties of any size pretty penny come together in such an auction, the fast time (with each individual guest must not even have much to offer). At some point, if the auctioneer will realize that the game has gone on long enough, the commandments are no longer topped so quickly, or the auctioned amount has already been driven in dizzying heights, he is the best man (or father of the bride, etc.) the Chance to get the last bid, and gives him the contract (…for the First, Second and third). But even then, in turn, is collected only the difference between the last bid.
A good auctioneer is of course worth its weight in Gold, he makes his pitch for the fun entertainment and brings the guests a new commandment to beat. He should not wear at the same time ensure that the “auction” is too long, or to disturb greatly cheered guests to the game.
The “Fuel” to serve the Moderator can also do the following:
a round amount offered (i.e., 10, 20, 30, etc.) of bidder or bidder a kiss from the bride or the groom to pick up, and this kiss (kiss on the Cheek. Also here is the “fine feeling,” the auctioneer called for)
it Is a repdigit offered (i.e. 11, 22, 33,…, fun paths 122, 133, etc.), the bidder or the bidder will have a brandy, liqueur or champagne (it may also be a person plan, which the beverage is enough).
Possible variant with Wedding Favors (memorial gift, Give away):
In round amounts and brandy numbers there are in addition a Wedding Favor (for example,B. individually printed champagne or a shot glass) for which the bidder(in). However, you should make sure that this “donation” per guest will be granted only at the time of his first round or repdigit-bid
the Following cans are needed: pea soup, Tutti Frutti (fruit cocktail), lentils, apricots, tomatoes, green beans, Sauerkraut, pineapple, peach, sauce, pears, canned beer. The bride and groom sit on 2 chairs and in turn gets the cans, one of which is removed from before their eyes the label (doses over night in the water, so that the label releases).
We are here to be your guests
to celebrate Your wedding celebrations.
The big question was:
After many arduous hours of work,
for you found something,
but we want to not say too much,
only one thing: love goes through the stomach!
On Monday is the Start of the week,
*__________ thinks:
*The Name of the bride
to Be that is your not shooting,
drum engages you to a pea soup.
Dessert there is Tutti-Frutti,
since it tastes *__________ as is the case with mom.
*Name of the groom
, And now, as we learned,
for the first time the label is removed.
On Tuesday, he’s in it himself,
with his Job as a household man.
You can see him from Afar grin,
because he cooks her tonight lenses.
In the TV there’s an apricot,
because Chips are still not in a can.
And now, as we learned,
for the first time the label is removed.
*__________’s great Wednesday eat,
*the Name of the bride-to-be
is her husband never forget.
You bruzzelt a nice Fry
with a sauce of tomatoes.
For beautiful sounds – we leis’ stress,
fits the vegetables: green beans.
And now, as we learned,
for the first time the label is removed.
On Thursday, it sounds loud,
to open the can of Sauerkraut.
To cook a juicy and stay,
take this: pineapple into slices.
As Sweet is it peach slices,
he gets excited:
And now, as we learned,
for the first time the label is removed.
The *__________ know that pasta is
*the Name of the groom
in a leak’ren sauce stuck.
That he chooses for the Friday,
and comes after the end of the good house.
The Dessert is nice and fruity,
him to fall bulbs.
And now, we – as we learned,
for the first time the label is removed.
And for the evening, there is here,
of *__________ a fresh draught beer.
*The Name of the bride-to-be
At the beer will be different than learned,
time is not on the label removed.
On Sunday she wants to entice him,
with a Dose of tender carrots.
As a side dish’s spicy rice,
that makes the *__________ really hot.
*Name of the groom
, you want him even more delight
to bring him some coconut pieces.
And now, as we learned,
for the first time the label is removed.
So for many weeks,
the old Question:
So you are spending hours at the stove,
but how to make it – makes you’s wrong.
This is the meat is too cold,
the sausage too thin, the bread is too old.
However, all of this cruelty,
is for the time being, for the two of you over.
What are you so lucky
takes 7 day to you, only to put,
can TV’n see you, to caress,
to eat anything out of the cans.
All the best to the wedding!!!
submitted by Nicole, supplemented by Karin Ramböck
You need a Person who is the Registrar reads, 2 rings and a 5-10 people singing the chorus (the melodies are from the choir of the text can be seen.)
something like this is me during my whole term of office not yet occurred! Has logged in for today a bride and groom, you can make only with vocals understandable, because both have terrible speech impediment. I ask the bride to come to the couple*__________ (bride’s Name) and*__________ (Name of the groom) to the Registrar. Before you enter the Covenant of marriage, are still to clarify a couple of important questions. So you want to get married.
Mr *__________ (Name of the groom), as they have seen a woman *__________ (bride’s Name) for the first time, what were you thinking?
../../Sound/damn it.mid ../../Sound/damn it.mid –
Damn I love You, I love You, damn it, I need You, I need You damn I want You, I want You, I want You not to lose.
woman *__________ (bride’s Name), how was it when you met? Where was it and what did Mr*__________ (Name of the groom)?
../../Sound/einmannl.mid ../../Sound/einmannl.mid
*__________ (first name groom) stand in the forest, very quiet and silent, he looks only to his *__________ (first name of the bride) to. Say, who likes to be the *__________ (the first name of the groom) who is in the forest alone, it must be one of*__________ (cash on delivery of the groom) `s clan.
Maybe it was not love at first sight. Determined woman *__________ (bride’s Name) has still looking executed a second Time. What did she say?
../../Sound/soeinmann.mid ../../Sound/soeinmann.mid
of a man, a man who attracts me is unlikely, this Growth, this power awakens within me the passion. As a man, a man who makes me fidgety and nervous, and it happens again, please be me, but not mad`.
Mr *__________ (Name of the groom),on the way home, you tried, you come closer to what you have to tell her?
There are millions of stars, our village, it has a thousand lanterns, Good and money, there are a lot of the world, but You, there’s only one up for me.
woman *__________ (bride’s Name), as after the first fight got home, as they were of her mother comforted?
../../Sound/heartache.mid ../../Sound/heartache.mid
Heartbreak is not worth my Darling. Too bad about the tears in the night. Lovesickness is not worthwhile, my Darling, because tomorrow your heart is laughing about it.
And again reconciled, as was it something more?
../../Sound/red lips.mid ../../Sound/red lips.mid
Red lips you should kiss, Kiss you there, red lips are 7. Heaven so close. I’ve seen you and I just thought, red lips you should kiss day and night.
woman *__________ (bride’s Name), helps you Lord *__________ (Name of the groom) work?
The bit budget is not a Problem, says her husband. The little bit of the household, but very comfortable, says her husband. How you can complain here and today only, is incomprehensible, he is your man.
How do we know they both have no time for Hobbies, what you doing otherwise?
up and down, again and again, so ham mer’s yesterday, g power, so do mer’s today. Up and down again and again, so ham mer’s yesterday g’power, mer, make today’s.
Is it always like this with you?
forward, backward, left, right, up, down, left, right. To the front, rear, left, right, up, down, left, right.
Mr *__________ (Name of the groom), what do you think of when you Wake up and the first woman to behold?
I break the hearts of the pride of most women, because I was so stormy and so passionate, and I need only one in the eye to have a look and you.
Mr *__________ (Name of the groom), take a look at your future father-in-law to. What do you think, he thought, as he has seen her invited guests?
../../Sound/wersolld.mid ../../Sound/wersolld.mid
Who should pay, who ordered, who has so much pink pink, who has so much money? *__________ (The first name of the groom) to pay for it, *has__________ (the first name of the groom)has ordered’s, *__________ (the first name of the groom) has a lot of pink and pink, *__________ (the first name of the groom)a lot of money.
woman *__________ (bride’s Name) now is the most beautiful day will end soon. The wedding night is getting closer. How do you keep it?
We make’re done in the morning and sing bumsfallera, bumsfallera, bumsfallera. We go through up in the morning and sing bumsfallera, bumsfallera until the morning.
Mr *__________ (Name of the groom), your bride-to-be would like to go through. What will you do?
a Thousand times touched a thousand times, nothing happened. A thousand and one night, and it has a bump.
../../Sound/gross.mid ../../Sound/gross.mid
early Morning, When the clock radio blaring and the *__________ (the first name of the groom) to the *__________ (first name of the bride) over moans; Yes, Yes, now again in the hands of spit, we can increase the gross national product. Yes, Yes, now I have to spit in the hands, we can increase the gross national product.
I don’t want to be curious, but where are you going to spend their honeymoon?
In the Hofbräuhaus, one, two, g’suffa. Since some of the Fasserl runs as, as one, two, g’suffa. As many a brave man, one, two, g’suffa has. Shown what he can tolerate, early in the Morning he started, and late in the evening, he listens to, so beautiful, that’s in the Hofbräuhaus.
How do you imagine your future?
Funny is the Gypsy life, faria, faria ho; need the tax office no interest to give, faria, faria, ho. Funny it’s in the green forest, where the Gipsy stay, faria, faria, faria, faria, faria, faria, ho.
*__________ (groom’s Name), what do you think of when you Wake up in the Morning, and first thing on your *__________ (the Name of the bride) see?
Good Morning, dear Worries, you’re already all there, you have also slept so well, yeah yeah, all right!
Oh, before I forget, I want you all of you present here for your future, want to:
Oh come, little children, oh, come all. To come*__________ (family name of the bride and groom) ‘s, to *__________ (family name of the bride and groom) ‘s in the stable.
Now they are a happy Couple. What is your motto for marriage?
../../Sound/marble stone.mid ../../Sound/marble stone.mid,
marble, stone and iron breaks but our love don’t. Everything, everything will pass, but we are loyal to us.
From my point of view is that marriage and a promising future, nothing in the way. Now you get the Ring of the Faithful. Mr *__________ (Name of the groom), plug in your wedding Ring. Wife *__________ (bride’s Name), plug in your groom’s Ring. The signatures on the marriage proposal. I hereby declare you man and wife.
I may now kiss the bride.
High, should they live in. High life’n’, three times.
High life’n. High life’n’, three times.
Children should get their hands on, children should they get three times three!!!!
On the Morning after the wedding night
has Günter her coffee in bed
, and said:
You’re now with me here to the house.
Now, did You do it better I want to spoil You,
from now on every day of Your existence is beautiful.
Day and night I’m only here for You,
my pet, kitten, that’s for sure.
His wife was impressed and was thinking:
Want you in the budget useful,
found Günther ever not Laugh.
He then said, always with a serious face:
I peel the potatoes, I chop the wood,
I’ll get even the coals, I also have my Pride.
I wash and brush and swing the broom.
You can read quietly in the meantime, the newspaper already.
They could not answer and has thought:
Came Günther with his salary to the house,
she says:
He replied:
put a thousands way!
Make a klübchen it with the Wife.
I read to me like what a cost, my little love!
Treat yourself, enjoy Yourself properly,
and I trust You totally, I’m not jealous.
Tears fell from her eyes. She just thought:
If he’s in the evening, come home, tired from work,
day by day, a bunch of flowers, he.
now You me will have the right to be warmed.
And then lie down quickly an hour on the flat,
the bad budget, which makes You very weak.“
She lies on the Sofa and rests fine out,
he’s not the one running for you like a weasel through the house.
You see how he works, has often been thought:
When the knitting klübchen meets up at night, often three
Günther, the Dearest, always faithful and caring in the process.
Like he holds the wool, the mesh,
brings beer from the economy, pouring liquor from the bottle,
he rushes to the kitchen to cut to lubricate,
make coffee, do everything in a good serve.
Helps the ladies in the coat and brings you to the door,
then admits he is still on until twenty after four.
She lies in bed, only Good, he’s waking up.
Human Doris, because haste ,made a catch.
Every day you get a bottle of wine.
He opens it, whispers:
She enjoys every drop, SIP by SIP,
he indulges in the meanwhile, a ersatz.
Have you at lunch times asparagus in the potty,
get Doris only the delicious brains.
The he reaches out to her with loving hands,
he only eats the woody Ends.
When Crouching, as it has been sometimes I have heard that:
As recently, the Möhneverein met,
was Doris once again totally drunk.
She was not more upright, on all fours,
had six women in her home buxieren.
How was terrified, but the Günther, as he saw them:
What did the evil with You?
Then he gently into the bed you brought.
Now stay right there, don Heiachen make,
You’ll be fresh and ready in the Morning awakening.
The women have to farewell laughed:
You soon fell asleep, her warґs not bad.
You almost felt like Paradise.
At once there was a giant crash:
The clock time you woke up.
And gone are the whole splendor,
she had only dreamed of, all night,
and hear how the Günther next to her, shouting:
Should I cover the table about yourself?
You can fit, then would You taste it.
Your household do the fuck alone,
I must just in Time for the football to be.
If in 25 years, one way or another, we know it not,
everything was rhymed only for this poem!
Drum give you trouble, you two.
then we went to Silver at it again!!
For this game are the following items needed: candles, large towel, slice of bread, drinking glasses, water, cord, mirror, something to eat
Bonjour Mesdames et Messieurs,
Good evening ladies and gentlemen.
My Name is Pierre and I just came from Paris to here with the helicopter. By profession am a Japanese painter and I want to show you some of my pictures. But not paint with paint and canvas, Japanese male with people. To find these people, Japanese brought my assistant. Her Name is Jacqueline.
For my first image, Japanese need 5 men. Please Jacqueline, ‘m going to get 5 of the men, but you are supposed to bring all of your chairs.
Merci, Messieurs. Now everyone please lift his chair, and in the circles to go.
This image has the Name of The controlled defecation’
For my next picture will be a very nice man need. Please Jacqueline, search the most beautiful man.
Please, sir, take in each Hand a candle.
This image bears the Name ‘The candelabra’
For the next image, Jacqueline, Japanese need a gorgeous lady. Please, put you in this chair.
I need two more gentlemen, please come get you, Jacqueline!
The gentlemen are to the left and to the right of the lady and hold the cloth over your head.
This image Japanese’ve called ‘A dreadful woman,’
Now, the five men and a lady need. Please repeat.
The men put the French in a series, each gentleman takes a glass of water in Hand. The lady is now allowed to give each of the gentlemen to drink a SIP of water.
This image is called ‘Suleika soaks their camels’
Now Jacqueline, Japanese need four great women and a pretty little lady.
The ladies put the French in a series on. The little lady takes this bread and chews.
This image call the table ‘is The shortest period of time’
And now, Jacqueline, and need a beautiful, tall, slender lady.
My lady, please stand on this chair and spread the arms to the front.
This image is called ‘A great drought comes about Eusch’
Now, Jacqueline, the couple need.
My bride-to-be, please stand on this chair. The groom gives the bride a cord in the Hand and holds the other end.
This image has the beautiful Name of ‘A husband lets his dragon rise’
submitted by Mathias Riedel
Now, Jacqueline, and need an animal man.
Please make this book (The man stepping on a chair, lying open book).
Title of image: ‘A donkey, as he is in the book is’
submitted by Barbara Köhler
Jacqueline look for a big and less big man
, The two bodies next to each other and the larger one gets a lighter in the Hand, he’s over his head burning is needed.
This image call the Japanese ‘fire over Dover’
submitted by Gudrun cable
For the next image I need a man with very little hair, Jacqueline.
They put French please, to this chair, Jacqueline mirror (Jacqueline holds a mirror behind his head).
This image has the Name: ‘The Egg’
submitted by Ursula Bitz
Should you ask for all the time to get up (even you in the back, please). If all:
This image has the Name: ‘The people’s uprising’
submitted by Ursula Bitz
Jacqueline, get mixed, please be a gentleman with a great tongue.
Have you licking the quality of the door.
Here you can see the picture called: ‘The reading’
submitted by Ursula Bitz
Now Jacqueline take me 4-5 ladies or gentlemen from the audience.
Please make French in a row one behind the other, Jacqueline the food (the last one gets something to eat).
The picture is called: ‘The last period of’
submitted by Gerhard Jakob
For the next image I need a big and beautiful natural man, Jacqueline.
Stand here on the dance floor and don a dance posture. The left foot toes pointed and close my eyes and make a half-kiss mouth.
This image is called ‘dream dancer’
submitted by Gabi Ullrich
dear guests cubes we come to the last image. To do this, we need to have 2 old men and 2 young-at-heart women. Jacqueline, please.
Please make French in a series that hooks you please, and begin to sway.
The last picture is waiting for us in the age and it’s called: ‘group in a retirement home in’
submitted by Korina Schimske of goods mountain
Japanese and white with you you know all the. For this image, I’d like to have 5 older women. Please ladies on the French front in the series and watch the guests. Now all the ladies need to clap their hands. And dear guests, what do you think, is this a picture of?
Oh, I called this image ‘The gossips’
submitted by Sebastian Nickel
For my this picture table need 4 men. Please Jacqueline, get 4 men. To set languages please in a row and make a locomotive noise and go here in the circle. Do you recognize the picture? It’s called
submitted by Sebastian Nickel
For my second-to-last image, Japanese need a man or a woman. Please Jacqueline, repeat them to me, but bring a chair.
Set ä the chair and barking very loud! This image has the Name
submitted by Sebastian Nickel
For the last image I will ask a Person to be mixed. Jacqueline bring me the cord with the Cork stoppers. So my lady (or Hair) pull French, the cord, please afterwards – and the picture is called
ladies and gentlemen, and hope my images have you like. Please recommend me, Pierre the painter!
Goodbye! Au revoir!
A disguised older Person should be the poem present the following gifts: sugar, eggs, pasta, plate of rice, Knorr soup, liqueur, Jacob’s coffee, Apple juice, dish washing detergent, Liquid Laundry detergent, towel, washcloth, Shampoo, soap, celery, glass, basket,
An old Hausiererin I’m,
you know, certainly a long time for me.
I come every young Couple
to bring my desires is.
Here these things to bring,
you embrace you, I beg you.
Since I sugar – dear God,
maybe do today, he was still in Distress.
Here, I have something special for the Lord,and
the like, you are particularly fond of.
There are very fine egg noodles,
but let the cook do not gush.
However, he has a weak stomach
and can make the noodles are not tolerated,
because the help I with chalkboard rice,
he is quite beautiful and the flowers are white.
And do you want to fast for a soup,
you’re missing but meat and bone,
don’t cry, because that comes before,
in this case, it helps to have a parcel for you from Knorr.
And if you after dinner, tired,
maybe a glass sits together,
for I now look at her –
a delicious liqueur.
Or if the *__________ often departs and long car,
*The Name of the groom
on a heart complaint,
then I can only recommend
the good coffee of Jacob’s to choose from.
If your not drinking alcohol,
then tell you what it takes.
Many Дpfeln a juice,
the is tonight the Lord is the strength.
To flush the I here is a medium
and liquid to Wash the coat.
Towel, wash cloth, and Shampoo,
but also soap and I can still do this.
Finally, I’d almost forgotten,
it is for the groom something to eat.
Celery in the glass, because I thought
he eats it, then it tonight.
So, now says goodbye and Wiederseh’n
I still have a Few houses weitergeh’n.
The basket is all I have,
he is today the last gift.
I wish the two all the luck in the earth,
never dull everyday will.
However, a bitt’ I think in the way of Your happiness,
and sometimes to me, the Hausiererin back.
Prices supplemented by: Birgit Klüber, Sabine Pizzaja, Susann Kalinofski, Florian Guilder rock
The raffle is of a Person announced, another Person distributed the Loose (can also be for the benefit of the bride and groom to be sold). The profits to be made available to the guests tasty (to win a dream trip for 2 people; 2. Los a profit; here you can win from the fruit bowl to the TV, the thickest prices; …). The joke lies in the price, all of which have names, but as something else out. All Lots are to be distributed / sold to be asked guests to put their prices on the stage to receive. This will of course be announced once again tasty (for example, Here we have the 1. Special price, for a dream trip for two people – can I give you the two sleeping tablets; ….).
Alternatively, you can use the
Possible prizes include:
– a dream trip for 2 people: 2 sleeping pills
vacuum cleaner: a strong angestaubter baby bottle nipple
musical instrument: comb and bread-and-butter paper
– TV: binoculars
– CD: piece of ‘CD-soap’
– needle with a genuine stone: pebble stone with a safety pin in it
– a busy night: laxative (castor oil)
– Candle-Light-Dinner at the place of your choice: tin can with a candle
– tour of the castle, the old bike lock or postcard with castle motif
– butter travel: small wheelbarrow with 1/2 pound of Butter
– Цko dryer: clothesline
– BMW: bread With sausage
– broom for the pantry: toothbrush
– stimulants: bag Instant coffee
– cream for the top: dental cream
– cream for the bottom: Shoe cream
– wardrobe made of wood: coat hangers
– travel typewriter: Ball pen with Block
– floor lamp: candle
– tool for Insertion: Shoe spoon
– sharp team: Tube mustard / pepper
– windshield wipers: glasses cloth
– prevention means: cough drop
cushion set: 1 Pair of shoulder pads
– path to happiness: blank lottery ticket
– Security Kit: pack of safety pins
– sperm donor: pine cones
– Цko washing: soap
– binoculars: small shovel
– Цko hair dryer: air balloon
– weekend for two: magazine ‘weekend’
– budget assistance: dust-cloth
– instant camera: Mirror
– Comforter for solitary hours: Teat
– bowl of fruit: banana peel or Apple peel
– perfume fine fragrance: toilet fragrance spray
– session help: roll of toilet paper
– Panel-service: plastic Cutlery
– Mr kit: disposable razor and blade
– slicer: potato peeler
– Aqua Protection System: rain cover
– the key to a new car: shopping cart chip
– dental kit: gum
– picture (modern): the current edition of the Bild newspaper
– session help: toilet paper
– single-family house: empty snail’s house
– a wine dinner: onion
– something for lousy times: comb
– what you up to date holds: laxative tea,
blowing agents: baking soda
– ready-to-use Buttler: Shoe spoon
– nose warmer: Cigar
– hunting equipment: mouse trap
– protective clothing: condom
– source of energy: glucose
– dream trip for 2 people: 2 sleeping pills
vacuum cleaner: a strong angestaubter baby bottle nipple
musical instrument: comb and bread-and-butter paper
– TV: binoculars
– CD: piece of ‘CD-soap’
– needle with a genuine stone: pebble stone with a safety pin in it
– a moving night: laxative (castor oil)
– Candle-light-Dinner at the place of your choice: tin can with a candle
– the castle tour: old bike lock or postcard with castle motif
– butter travel: small wheelbarrow with 1/2 pound of Butter
– Цko dryer: clothesline
– BMW: bread With sausage
– Broom for the pantry: toothbrush
– stimulants: bag Instant coffee
– cream for the top: dental cream
– cream for the bottom: Shoe cream
– wardrobe made of wood: coat hangers
– travel typewriter: ball pen with Block
– floor lamp: candle
– tool for Insertion: Shoe spoon
– sharp team: Tube mustard / pepper
– windshield wipers: glasses cloth
– prevention means: cough drop
– 1-down fumble: 1 Pair of laces
– path to happiness: blank lottery ticket
– Security Kit: Pack of safety pins
– sperm donor: pine cones
– Цko washing: soap
– binoculars: small shovel
– Цko hair dryer: air balloon
– weekend for two: magazine ‘weekend’
– budget assistance: dust-cloth
– instant camera: mirror
– Comforter for solitary hours: Teat
– bowl of fruit: banana peel or Apple peel
– perfume fine fragrance: toilet fragrance spray
– session help: roll of toilet paper
– panel-service: plastic Cutlery
– Mr kit: disposable razor and blade
– slicer: potato peeler
– Aqua Protection System: Rain cover
– the key to a new car: shopping cart chip
– dental kit: gum
– picture (modern): the current edition of the Bild-Zeitung
Session help: toilet paper
– single-family house: empty snail’s house
– a wine dinner: onion
– something for lousy times: comb
– what you up to date holds: laxative tea,
blowing agents: baking soda
– ready-to-use Buttler: Shoe spoon
– nose warmer: a cigar
– protective clothing: condom
– source of energy: glucose
– 3 PCs. Travel Set: 3 different sized plastic bags
– 1 week beauty farm: soap
– a fresh-meat machine: mouse trap
– acupuncture device: cactus
– the Ritz-cleaning device: toilet paper
– 41 PCs. Budget Set: matches
– emergency kit for Ski-holiday (artificial snow): cotton candy
– a x-piece Set for house beautification: a Puzzle
The poem should be performed by a covered Person (age, skirt, head scarf, ragged jacket, old bag). During the previous day, the following utensils needed: the Golden Ring, Tooth (of a pig or self made), lock of hair, Golden star, Slimfast cans
Oh, wait, my friend, now there are lashes,
here comes the *__________, your old love.
*funny Name
How long do you have for me, the marriage promised,
and today you have your promise, is broken.
Today, you suddenly time,
you’re getting married *__________, she is now yours.
*The Name of the bride-to-be
is Now the Golden Ring
This Golden ring tatґst you give me,
it should remember, you always have to think.
You said, because of the Gold immortal is,
is eternal love and Fidelity, of course.
Now the Tooth to hold up
These small white Teeth,
hit you in your delusion,
as a man during the grape festival flirt with me wolltґ,
but then took him to the ambulance brought in.
Now the lock of hair to hold up
This Locke gave you to me,
your head most beautiful ornamental.
I got it a day, combed and cared for
, and at night under my pillow laid.
Now the Golden star to hold up
the star made out of pure Gold,
did you get me from the sky brought,
as we both fell in love, as we then were,
with the gondola through Venice are dangers.
I think so often of the long night,
we Dance in the ballroom spent.
You swore to me with both hands,
you want your love for me is just a waste.
Drum I have all my money invested
and paid for it what about you today belongs to:
Count, if possible, personal things of which you know he has.
The Porsche, the travel, the gold watch,
the three are examples only.
I paid the contribution from the sports club,
the tennis coach, the sailing license.
My last dime I gladly gave,
I thought, you’re fun to me, and the life.
How nice could it be, did you forget,
my baked potatoes that you wanted to eat.
We wanted to pull together – then,
have I shown you what I else can.
Now the Slimfast cans in front of him on the floor, throw
As many diets fact, I already try
with my figure for you to impress.
Whether eggs, Weight Watchers, potato diet,
I’m fasting from dawn to dusk.
What have I given anything
as a woman *__________ with you in *__________ to life.
*Last name of the groom *the place of residence of the groom
But *__________ won, if only barely,
*the Name of the bride-to-be
, you must have what I have.
But believe me, I wish you both much happiness,
my heart beats now for another man piece!
The gaps in the Text below (the Text can of course be varied arbitrarily) to be complemented by adjectives, calling to the audience, the public speaker,. Then the Text is submitted. You need the audience to animate as extreme or unusual property to use words.
To ______________ round _______________ circles of the _______________ families *______________*family name of the bride and *______________.*Family name of groom
are You _______________ bride and groom, your ______________ parents-in-law and her _____________ parents. Ladies ______________ groomsmen, your ______________ friends and values ______________ kinship. I am pleased______________ to______________ speech at all_____________ guests and greet the ______________ society in this _______________ days _______________ Ceremony of the _____________ wedding of our _____________ *__________ (*bride’s Name) and our *______________ (*Name of the groom). Her whole _____________ life was happy to see these two______________ people on this____________ event and long ______________ common years on the _____________ marriage prepared. They were under ___________ observation of the entire _______________ family dealt with_______________ tips and_____________ remarks never______________ or economical. May cancel the _______________ contact to the _____________ Relatives, in spite of the ______________ distances never. Our ______________ bride and groom both have had before______________ relationships in which they _______________ gain experience and new ____________ game types of the ___________ love to get to know could. Now you have ______________ determined, you ______________life in the ______________ future ______________ to spend, and we ______________ guests wish you to ______________ The heart of everything _______________Good. Your ____________ love life characterized by______________ understanding, _____________ respect and_______________ . Do you like set______________ hours in your _______________ home-spend, and the _____________ young soon. I think, to speak from all over the _____________ mouth, when I put the_______________ couple a ______________ life cycle and many of the common _________________ highlights of desires. You like to enjoy in_____________ togetherness is the____________ the delights of the_____________ married life and in the ________________ the stress of everyday life always ______________ power and ___________ support. Your ________________ is life full of small _______________ joys and big _____________ gifts. That you _______________ Bank account ____________ to be filled, and you __________ moments are given. Do you like to be a prop in the_______________ age is always a______________ , and _____________ children and _______________ grandson ______________ thrive.
I wish you ____________ hours and ______________ nights, that you ____________ as a public service by ____________ harmony and _____________ happiness is embossed. Ladies and gentlemen _____________ bride and groom, your _____________ parents and their _____________ guests, makes you ______________ beverages and ______________ dining a ______________ evening. The ______________ game, enjoys learning the ____________ table neighbors know and exchanges ____________ memories of the ______________ bride and groom. The _________________ dance leg swings____________ sing songs with us, and told a few __________ stories. Let us ______________ day on the basis of the ____________ photos and ________________ Videos in _____________ memory store so that we once __________________ joys and _____________ Delight reminded of the fact.
Let us now have a ____________ raise a glass and on the _________________ bride and groom toast
Women’s version:
(you will also need: 1 blindfold, bride, several women and, accordingly, many of the chairs)
, The groom to be blindfolded, then put the ladies in a row on the chairs. The groom must now try to see his bride on their legs (it may be necessary to pants to roll up legs). Allowed touch zone is the area from the ankle up to the knee!
Men’s version:
(you will also need: 1 blindfold, groom, more men, and according to many of the chairs)
, The bride-to-be to be blindfolded, then stand the men in a row on the chairs (for the bride to not bend must). The bride must now attempt to detect your groom to his calves (to roll up your Trouser legs).
In the game, one should take the directing, the brewing/leads the groom with the blindfold.
There are several gentlemen selected. After you killed the bride, the blindfold, to be shooed the men quietly of the chairs. Only the groom will remain on the first chair and goes to the ‘Sampling’ always a chair.
The variant can of course also be carried out with the groom.
(This Sketch should be delivered disguised by two people – best as a bride and groom. The first section of the two read aloud.)
If you married her, considering that a
couple usually has four legs
and, besides, two heads, always
– that is the worse!
Mistress *__________ come and listen,
*Name of the bride
I love – as You know – You very much.
I am the man who never forgets
You, my dear females are.
But remember the saying of Goethe:
My dear *__________ , how beautiful this is
*the Name of the groom
that You also musically are.
I’m telling You, as a conductor,
I have a powerful Talent.
So I hit You in all the rest
with cooking spoons of the time.
You will need: 1 large pair of scissors, a long-time married Couple and 3 other men. The lecture will be held by the woman. The three men (including the husband of the lecturers) to wear an already-prepared shirt (collar + ‘bib’ – everything except the visible range under a jacket was cut away) of the 4. Man is wearing a shirt under the jacket, that during the presentation, the cut can be.
Love *_________,
*the Name of the bride-to-be
, now You got a lot of hurdles to overcome,
with *__________ You are now forever connected.
*Name of the groom’s
Nice is, I know exactly,
finally, I am an old veteran’s wife.
But one could almost each wife renounce,
want I to You now something closer reports.
Good tips You’ll get from me right now,
practically illustrated from the Ironing area.
Men’s shirts – ironed without wrinkles and lines,
almost every young wife to despair.
So it was me and what I did then,
las counselors, and heard me some good suggestions.
A rational solution I found in the course of many years,
You, love *__________ I want this ordeal to spare.
*The Name of the bride
As take good care, dear *__________flax,
*The Name of the bride-to-be
, I dedicate to You now, in the secret of the Ironing one.
Oh, I would I were with my lecture, but in the end,
to me, knocking my heart and my hands shake.
In all the excitement, how could it be otherwise,
I grabbed the prepared men’s shirt is not.
*__________, please come up here, search the Wide
*a candidate with a shirt to Cut
, I need You very, very strongly at my side.
So *_________, now is it but specifically,
*the Name of the bride-to-be
as he was so helpful to my side.
Because, look, the smooth ironed is covered,
mainly, it is under the jacket hidden.
Please, take time out of Your beautiful coat,
wait until the coat pulled out was
, You see, were hidden by the shirt, about two-thirds.
You said to me, *__________ be a man,
*a candidate with a shirt for the Cutting
drum is he moving now, his shirt is off and not on.
So you saw the cuffs under the jacket,
no, so off – redundant dummy.
(Shirt lift, cuffs, visible to all, cut)
of the Дrmeln I know to reports,
she is not – drum can confidently plan do without
Logically, this rear, forever wrinkled ending,
smooth is only available in the pants – is a waste.
(lower rear end cut off)
on The back, which is never to see
why so long at the Ironing Board?
(full back cut)
next, we create the front page of rational,
that is, the iron is then much faster.
(front sides cut off)
shirt please, the jacket quickly over it,
aha, You see, now You’re much smarter than that.
Believe me, Yes, you can totally trust,
this method is very popular among the women.
*_________ and I have been for a long time in the marriage
*husband of the lecture ends with a cut out shirt
please pull Your jacket from – right, now You’re curious.
*__________ is been a while married
*players with a cut out shirt
now do You want to know what he is told so.
(takes his jacket off, cut-up shirt)
The *__________ the password I’ve long’
* of other players with a cut out shirt –
what he has under the jacket as well to.
(takes his jacket off, cut-up shirt)
Now you’re informed, and perfectly instructed
, and You can use Your marriage to the fullest.
There are 11 players are selected, 11Stühle in the Form of a Carriage drawn up, and each player his chair, and his activities are assigned. Whose The Carriage is called, all players active. The bride and groom may, of course, always remain seated.
a player missed his bet, has to drink a penalty, and a drink.
Proposal on the role of occupation:
gelding – best man (neigh and hooves pawing)
Mare’s – maid of honor (neigh and hooves pawing)
coachman – the father of the bride (with the whip and drink beer)
4 wheels – 4 best friends (one’s chair to run),
the Bridal couple – the bride and groom, of course, (graciously waving, kiss, smile)
2 minions, bride’s mother and groom’s mother (Knicks and the bride and groom air fan)
Carriage – all of the above persons (activities, see above)
People of all other participants (
Anno (1998) went on (pattern path) is an old-drawn Carriage, the two pretty, purebred horses, a gelding and a Mare was drawn up, in front of. The well-polished wheels glistened in the sun, and the front of the house waiting people marveled at the magnificent robes of the minions. The coachman called The horses, the gelding and Mare, nest on the hooves and the well-polished 4 wheels stood still. The bride and groom, the bride handsome groom and sweet, stroking the horses, checked the 4 wheels and gave the coachman a beer. The minions welcomed the bride and groom opened the door of the Carriage and helped the couple in the Carriage. The horses, the gelding and Mare, wieherten, the coachman called In the streets the people stood up and cheered the bride and groom, the groom and the bride, in her Carriage with 4 wheels, with the coachman on the box and the minions. The footman threw sweets among the people. The bride and groom kissed and greeted graciously by the people. The coachman swung the whip, took a SIP from the bottle and drove the horses, the gelding and Mare, for the bride and groom wanted to be on time at the registry office, where the people waited impatiently for the Carriage with the bride and groom. During the 4 wheels at the long journey diligently, the horses, the gelding and Mare, wieherten and the Carriage with the Bridal pair was hailed by the people, had been drinking the driver so much that he fell from the box of the Carriage. The coachman had to be worn by the minions in the registry office, while the groom ausspannte the horses, so that the 4 wheels stand still, and he was able to help the bride out of the Carriage. The people was cheering a trellis for the bride and groom and the people sang along with the coachman and the footman, while the horses verschnauften and the 4 wheels stood still:
supplemented by Ursula comfort
variant 1:
There are 9 chairs in the shape of a wedding carriage arranged. Then 9 people are selected, which must be put first on the chairs. The people will be assigned to a role. Then a history of the king and the Queen is told. Whenever in this story, the role name of the Person in question is called, must Stand up to the own chair to go and sit back down.
a player missed his bet, has to drink a penalty, and a drink.
Proposal on the role of occupation:
king – groom
Queen – wedding
coachman – the best man (must be in good condition to be)
2 front wheels (split left and right, V.) – bride parents of
2 rear wheels (split left and right H.) – bride to parents of Him
Coach (all wheels) – bride to parents
2 horses – friends
of deep, dark forest – the audience
and the audience,
It was once a long time ago, there’s a king with his Queen in a beautiful Carriage, drawn by his faithful coachman, with two proud horses over Stock and stone, through a deep, dark forest. The king trusted his driver, because the driver had brought the two have always been back home, safe and sound in their proud castle. That is why the Queen this evening was not afraid to drive through the deep, dark forest, and may be of any of the thieves robbed.
All of a sudden, the whole Carriage rumbled. The horses shied and threatened over Stock and stone to escape through the deep, dark forest. The king asked with concern: It is about a broken left rear wheel, as you’re about sticks and stones is the danger?
The coachman said to the king: All is right with the Queen in right?The Queen of the coachman says:
Everything is wrong with the horses, right? It would be a shame if you were to flee over Stock and stone, through the deep, dark forest.The coachman said to the Queen: I’m gonna climb down from the Carriage and the horses to calm down.The king said to his coachman:
The coachman said to the king: I’m also going to look the same after I calmed the horses to the wheels to check whether the Carriage is still fully intact.The driver climbed out of his Carriage and went over Stock and stone to the horses and calmed the horses with a few quiet words. After that, he went to the Carriage, which is controlled by the right front wheel, then the right rear, left rear and the right front wheel and at the end of the Carriage. After that, he rose again to the Carriage and took the reins of the Carriage in his Hand.
The king looked at his Queen, and then asked the driver: Then the driver said to the king: The Carriage is fully in order. It was probably just a big Branch that is against the Carriage flew, and the horses did,
The coachman said to the Queen: We are soon safely back home. I’ll chase the horses now over Stock and stone, so that we can leave this deep, dark forest as soon as possible.The coachman drove the horses, the Carriage rolled over Stock and stone, and went soon from the deep, dark forest to the courtyard of the castle. The coachman climbed from the Carriage, escorted the king and Queen out of the Carriage, from yoked the horses, controlled by the right and left front wheel and the right and link back wheel, and then went into the stable to feed the horses. The king and Queen were very happy with her coachman. And if you are not dead, then the king, the Queen, the coachman, and the horses and the Carriage still live in the castle in the deep, dark forest and go in the Carriage, over Stock and stone.
The wedding couple is on a well-visible place, back to back (can not see what the Other is doing). Both take off our shoes and give to the Partner a (each now holds a bride and groom Shoe in Hand). Now you will explains that you have to answer questions by holding up the appropriate Shoe high. It’s just a Shoe must be held high and within two seconds. Anyone who thinks that the answer is ‘HE’, holds the groom’s Shoe in height, anyone who thinks that ‘THEY’ is the answer, it holds the bride’s Shoe in height. For each Match, the bride receives a point. Can be present for a certain number of points, coupons, or the bride and groom in categories (see below).
Now the questions (the answer must always be ‘HE’ or ‘THEY’ are). The questions should be specific to the bride and groom aligned. The better the questions, the funnier the game. Here are a few suggestions:
Who is the other usually?
Those who decide faster?
Who is the long-sleeper is?
Who is the choleric is?
Who determines what happens with the money?
Who has made the marriage proposal?
Who irons the shirts?
Who of you has to be the home of the pants?
Who has the greater desire to have children?
Who cooks better?
Who wants Sex more often?
Who is faster (small Pause) home from work?
Who spends more money?
Who of you vain is that?
Who is fussy?
Who does the dishes more often?
Who is faster offended?
Who of you is driving a better car?
00-08 points: your journey even in stormy waters closer together!
09-12 points: In the first year of marriage rumbles, it is still a little – but then.
13-16 points: you have found the ideal Partner.
16-18 points: The Golden wedding is already in sight!!!
Das Brautpaar steht sich gegenüber jeder auf einem Stuhl ca. 5 Meter von einander entfernt. Von dem Brautpaar werden zwei Bänder in jeder Hand eins gehalten. Jeweils alle Männer und Frauen bilden um die Braut einen Kreis. Während die Musik gespielt wird, gehen die Männer und die Frauen entgegengesetzt im Kreis, hört die Musik auf zu spielen, hält das Brautpaar die Bänder runter, so dass ein Mann und eine Frau gefangen werden, diese dürfen sich an einen Tisch setzen und sich kennen lernen. Das Spiel ist vorbei, wenn alle Paare an den Tischen sitzen.
6-8 Paare können mitspielen. Frauen stehen in einer Reihe gegenüber die dazugehörige Partner zwischen ihnen muss man sich Wasser vorstellen. Der Mann geht zu der Frau hin und muss die übers Wasser bringen so das sie das Wasser nicht berührt. Die Ausführungen dürfen nicht wiederholt werden. Jedes Paar muss sich was anderes einfallen lassen. Gewonnen hat das paar mit der besten Idee. Wird von gästen entschieden mit dem Aplaus
Alle männlichen Gäste und der Bräutigam werden gebeten, einen großen Kreis um die Braut zu bilden. Jeder Mann erhält eine Rose. Der Brautvater tanzt mit der Braut und schenkt ihr die erste Rose. Er wird nach und nach von den anderen abgeklatscht, die der Braut ebenfalls ihre Rose überreichen. Das Spiel ist vorbei, wenn ein stattlicher Strauß zustande gekommen ist und jeder einmal mit der Braut getanzt hat.
Du brauchst zu diesem Gedicht 15 rote Rosen! Jemand liest das Gedicht vor und 15 verschiedene Personen überreichen mit einem Küsschen die Rosen.
Ihr ludet uns zum Feste ein.
Das war wirklich fein.
So bringen wir nach gutem Schmaus,
hier noch einen Blumenstrauß.
Wir geben ihn nicht nur so ab,
weil jeder von uns was zu sagen hat.
Denn jede Rose ist ein Stück
Für euer weiteres Lebensglück.
1.) Die erste Rose für die Liebe, dass sie Euch stets erhalten bliebe.
2.) Die zweite Rose für das Glück, nicht nur in diesem Augenblick.
3.) Gesundheit für das ganze Leben, soll Rose Nr.3 Euch geben.
4.) Bescheidenheit ist eine Zier, dafür steht Rose Nr.4
5.) Die fünfte Rose für die Treue sei
6.) Rose Nr. 6 spricht insgeheim schon ganz und gar für sich allein
7.) Für die Sorge um den Lieben gibt es Rose Nr.7
8.) Dass Eifersucht nur traurig macht, sagt durch die Dornen Rose Nr.8
9.) Die Rose Nr.9 die lässt Euch sagen, habt Mut in allen Lebenslagen
10.) Für Euer Wohlergeh`n haben wir Rose Nr.10
11.) Die 11 ist eine Jeckenzahl, soll Frohsinn schaffen überall
12.) Die 12 wünscht dass der Rubel roll`, nun habt ihr schon das Dutzend voll
13, 14,15) Die letzten drei Rosen sind Gottes Segen für Euch auf allen Wegen
So sind all die Rosen die wir Euch schenken,
um dieses Tages zu gedenken.
Das Geschenk befindet sich an einem geheimen Ort, zu dem die Brautleute nach Irrwegen über viele Umwege geleitet werden. Stationen: Handtaschen der Schwiegermutter, im Handschuhfach des neusten Autos. Dort findet das Brautpaar Kleinigkeit, die bereits auf das Hauptgeschenk hinweise, z. B. Kompass, Sonnenlotion.
This, too, is already being prepared in advance. Each guest writes for the bride and groom, a recipe, and signed the page. This is best done on a hen night, because it is then up to the day of the wedding, a real cookbook compiled can be. Hopefully, with a funny mixture: time-Consuming recipes from professional Housewives in addition to Fried egg – recipes from the cooking muffles.
Similar to the Memory game works. The guests of the groomsmen two blank cards sent to, the design, and on the day of the wedding, the groomsmen return. On the Ceremony the bride is presented to couple the whole game. Thus, it is a lasting reminder of all the wedding guests.
The wedding guests will get a few weeks before the Festival, a calendar sheet is sent with the request to make this individually. Each guest can immortalize with photos, collages, a poem, etc., and the bride and groom get a calendar for the first year of marriage and a wonderful memory. It is best, of course, when the calendar starts the week after the wedding and up to the first day of the wedding goes. The guests send back their calendar before the wedding, the groomsmen, so they can bind him, and at the wedding ceremony present. (In all cases, the reserve leaves to remove, because it is likely that not all of the leaves come back)
In many regions, it is still common practice that the bride will be hidden during the wedding celebration. In General, the groom must search for and buy. The bride-kidnapping becomes something more entertaining than drinking in a Local something, and you can select, for example, an extraordinary place, a Park or an apartment, where the couple first met. As an alternative to the kidnapping, the groom in a darkened room with a nightgown and sleeping cap can be equipped his bride-to-be looking for that in the hall hidden.
Each Pair together on an unfolded newspaper page. You will now need to dance on this page, without having to leave the paper and touch the ground. The DJ needs to get figured out at least 5 different pieces of music. The couples must dance to stop when the music ends. Now the newspaper is folded in half and the bride and groom should take on this half of the surface preparation for the next dance. By the way, it is also allowed to
A dancing master goes dancing by the number of guests. Dancing, he takes the Hand of a lady who is privy to. She follows him dancing and take the Hand of a gentleman. As the chain grows longer and longer, all marching happily through the room. The chain is long enough, the dance master the dance floor and all the dancing.
Ideal to mix the dancing people. The women pull out a Shoe and place it in the middle of the dance floor in a pile. The men then take to any Shoe, and look for the matching Cinderella. If all of the shoes have found the owner back, begins the dance.
This game is suitable to fill the beginning of the Ceremony to the dance floor. 1. Dance is, of course, danced by the bride and groom. After that, the bride separates pair and calls on successively as many of the guests to Dance. And the dance partner to change back quickly.
The bride and groom with the wedding Ceremony, by the United forces of the trunk of a tree by sawing.
On a large bed, a heart with the names of the wedding couple and the wedding date sheet painted on. Only 2 small nail scissors armed, cut the bride and groom the heart together. Then the groom must carry the bride through the resulting heart-shaped hole.
Instead of the video, you can prepare a Live performance. For the theatre piece of the bride and groom act out by wearing their clothing and hairstyle, and then a scene from everyday life reenacting. Topics for discussion can be: Who will be invited to the wedding? How was the bachelor party?
The long-time friends of the bride and groom film a short video about the two and create a great memento of the big day. There are 2 way: You can record in either of the Statements of friends, neighbors, and Relatives, as well as the places, which connects to the bride and groom to each other. Everyone can tell anecdotes and the bride and groom to his personal wishes to give. Or the joy around, so think of the right story to the bride and groom. Here you can let off steam creatively correctly. The fun is guaranteed with the Relatives as the actors, funny costumes, a variety of Props and a funny script rich.
6-8 men with raised legs on chairs in a row. The bride must now recognize blindfolded the legs of your groom. Depending on the result you will be rewarded or punished with a cute little thing.
First of all, the bride is sent, so that you can’t hear anything. Then the groom will be asked a few questions, such as: what is the favorite dish of your wife? Which tooth paste to use them? What would you say if your wife has bought a ugly dress? What is the favorite film your wife? Now the bride is led into it and have to answer the same questions. Then, the groom is led, and the questions to the bride. Depending on how many answers are exactly the same, there are prizes for the bride and groom.
The bride and groom sit on 2 chairs back to back in front of the guests. Now, questions are asked to the common life testing. The questions need to be answered by both at the same time with The bride and groom answer by holding up a ladle, marked Pretty trowels are in the shape of a heart. The examples of questions: Who has arrived, the Initiative for the first kiss? Who takes longer in the bathroom? Who is in a crash faster reconciliation ready? Who’s in your home, the pants? Who has, according to the food first, and does the dishes? Who falls asleep the night before?
On the filled area to dance a Few dances with a broom handle between, or optionally with a hat on the head. While the music is playing, it is passed the hat and the broom handle more. When the music stops, leaves the Couple with the hat/broom handle. The retiring Couple comes to the Bridal pair, and is one of the 12 cards on which the names of the months are listed. On the back is a task that needs to make the newly retired Couple for the newly-crowned couple. The tasting in September, for example, a wine or 6. December an appearance as Nicholas. The process is repeated until all the cards are gone. Thus, it is ensured that the bride will be invited to the couple for a year, every month, to a funny action.
Post cards will be provided with the address of the bride and groom and the card to send back. Each guest gets a card and writes a Surprise to it, for example, a voucher for bicycles brush, some Breakfast. Then the cards are hung on balloons that can be filled with a Balloon. All balloons are simultaneously released, and the world. Each card comes back, can be redeemed and makes even long after the wedding for joyful moments.