You may also have questions about how this process works. We have answers.
Thank you for your interest in having your wedding featured in The New York Times. We are actively seeking couples with interesting, inspiring and diverse love stories that represent and reflect the world around us.
Wedding announcements are now known as Mini-Vows and include a detailed account of your love story and wedding.
To submit news of your wedding, please follow these instructions closely. Click here to submit your wedding for consideration.
When should I send my Mini-Vow submission?
Ideally, we would receive your submission for review at least six weeks before the scheduled legal wedding ceremony.
When will my wedding article be published?
Marriages are reported online at nytimes.com/weddings every Friday and in the Weddings pages of the Sunday Styles print section each weekend. Mini-Vows are typically published online and in print within two weeks of your legal ceremony.
Does it cost money to be featured?
The Times does not charge for publishing these reports. If your Mini-Vow is published, the report will become a permanent part of The Times’s archives, on and off the web. (We do not remove editorial content once it is published.)
What information do I need to complete my submission?
You must include your full legal names, the date of your legal ceremony (this is the day you sign your marriage certificate) and the exact location of the ceremony. We also need details about your love story, including: how you met, how your relationship progressed and how you arrived at the decision to marry.
Accepted submissions will become reported news articles that are fact-checked and edited to Times standards.
We must have the name, title and religious and/or legal affiliation of the person who will legally sign the official marriage certificate. For an interfaith event, you may include the name and affiliation of one other celebrant who will participate with the officiant.
All announcements must include daytime, evening and cellphone numbers for the couple. We also need the phone numbers for those performing the ceremony. Submissions without telephone numbers cannot be considered.
[Sign up for Love Letter and always get the latest in Modern Love, weddings, and relationships in the news by email.]
Important Photo Information
What photo requirements are there?
The Weddings pages historically published formal portraits of couples and individual brides. We are pleased to report that this has changed.
We invite couples to send fun, candid photographs that best reflect their relationship.
If you are chosen to be in the Wedding pages, we will ask that you send two to three high-resolution JPEG files, as attachments, in an email to the reporter who is assigned to your feature. (Photos should be sent two to five days after the wedding; please notify your photographer that a selection of photos will be needed soon after the event.)
Examples of candid wedding portraits can be found here, here, here and here.
Image Requirements
Image requirements: JPEG file format, width and height of at least 3,000 pixels. Maximum file size of 12MB. Minimum file size of 3MB.
Note: Photographs altered digitally or in any other fashion are not accepted.
Vows Column Consideration
Occasionally, some Mini-Vow submissions are considered for our longer Vows column. If your submission is selected for a longer feature, the reporter assigned to conduct your interview will explain the additional requirements for a Vows feature.
If questions remain, you may contact the Weddings desk via email at [email protected].
Due to the high volume of submissions, we are unfortunately not able to notify couples of their submission status.
Thanks again for your interest, and we wish you all long, happy marriages.