The article is divided into the following areas:

- What a free Wedding?
- Who performs a free wedding Ceremony?
- How does a free wedding?
- What are the rituals for the free wedding Ceremony?
- What a free wedding Ceremony cost?
- Free wedding Ceremony decoration so wonderful individually
- Free Wedding ideas: May be a Motto?
- What should I look for?
1. What a free Wedding?

This type of ceremony is the counterpart to the Church, both of which is not legally recognised. But this is also a great Potential, because the ceremony can completely according to the Wishes of the bride and groom to be: Whether religious or rock, rustic on a
farm or elegant-romantic in its own garden, with music or without it. Even a wedding Ceremony in the Park or at midnight would be possible, for example at a new year’s eve wedding.
You can leave your ideas skewers and your personal ceremony, develop. The speech of the free Trauredners should be on the bride-to-be few and very personally tailored. Often much more tears to flow in the outdoor wedding Ceremony yet.

A free wedding Ceremony, incidentally, need not necessarily have an Outdoor Ceremony is to be! In a deconsecrated Church, in a stalactite cave, or even under water-free ceremony can be celebrated.
It is only important what you, the bride and groom like and what is important to you. At a Wedding there are no rules or regulations.
A nice example for a free wedding Ceremony without the Church, we have as a photo story for you!

2. Who performs a free wedding Ceremony?

In principle, each by a free ceremony, for example, the father of the bride, best man , or a friend of the bride and groom. However, the Person should have already gained experience in this area, developing a Traurede and to hold is a very challenging task.
That is why most couples hire a professional: A free speaker is the safe choice.

Professional Trauredner, and also some free theologians have specialized in the free ceremony and can be booked for it.
This free speakers can accompany a wedding and the wedding Ceremony as individually as possible, instead of first a detailed preliminary. In this case, the bride-to-be learns some free speaker or the speaker to know you, and Vice versa. It is important that the chemistry is right and, in a relaxed atmosphere.

The free speakers (sometimes also a master of ceremony) is then experienced by many skillful questions the common history of the future spouses and listen to a funny story.
With a lot of love and attention to Detail is then written this results in a mostly very personal Traurede what the wedding speaker needed a couple of days.
In the best case, the Wedding, think of later, of the free Trauredner with the bride-to-be couple of friends – because the ceremony was so personal.
It is important to ensure that you are engaged the cheapest or best speaker. The selection is crucial, how beautiful your Wedding is!

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Our Tip:
You pick out the Traurede very carefully!
How to do the best, and many more tips and tools compiled by the experienced Traurednerin Friederike, the trust ante, in your guide, an entertaining and informative.
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3. Free wedding Ceremony schedule: How a free wedding expires?

For the schedule, there are no rules or constraints, alone, the couple decides. So, for example, the bride’s father AND bride’s mother may lead the bride to the Altar.
A possible variation to the expiration of the free wedding Ceremony would for example be possible in this Form:

- Invasion of the bride with the father of the bride (or the bride and groom come together, hopping and dancing at the Wedding, or a dog accompanied the bride-to-be, or, or… )
- Speech on the history of the Bridal couple
- Ritual of marriage
- Speech about marriage in General, and points, the bride and groom are important
- Piece of music
- Vows of the bride and groom
- Yes-Word
- Trauurkunde sign
- Common Measurement Ass
By the way: In terms of Trauspruch for the free wedding Ceremony you can to biblical Trausprüchen (new and old Testament) and secular Trausprüchen select or abandoned altogether.

Tip for the music:
In the case of a free ceremony you are also very flexible in terms of music. Take the discussion with the wedding of the speakers at best a list of the tracks you want to hear at the wedding ceremony. Some of the suggestions we have in the article or .
Lyrically, for example, fits perfectly,
4. What are the rituals for the free wedding Ceremony?

Here, too, one is bound to no rules. Especially popular in recent years, in addition to the classic wedding vows free wedding Ceremony rituals, such as the sand ritual, the fire bowl, the wishing stones or the Share of the rings among the wedding guests.
Book a speaker will enlighten you of this and inform. Even more, he will create together with you a Ritual that fits 100% to you, and may be individually set with the ceremony in harmony.
For example, mix a Cocktail of various ingredients, and these later to serve.
5. What a free wedding Ceremony cost?

It depends on how the ceremony would make eures vows. The following questions are to be answered include:
- You hired a professional Trauredner? Apart from working with you, you must calculate a service provider, the preliminary interview, the Taurede to prepare and all of the required Details to obtain it. With costs from 800€ you have to expect at least some free Trauredner but also of€ 1,500 or more.
- Committed to your other wedding service providers such as, for example, a musician for the wedding Ceremony?
- Which decoration will make your celebration the Shine?
- Where is the Wedding? Have to be rented, the Location or tents booked?
Take a look at our free budget planner where you can clear all the costs points to enter and have a quick Overview of what your individual free Wedding costs.
6. Free wedding Ceremony decoration so wonderful individually

If there are no guidelines and regulations, the most beautiful festivals. This is also true for the Free wedding Ceremony decor – whatever you like! A great Highlight is a wedding carpet in the article read more.
Since there is no Altar, is often placed in front of a Traubogen. It looks festive and the Whole optically something more to Hold on to.
As inspiration we have compiled for you here are some examples of the decoration for free wedding Ceremony:

7. Free Wedding ideas: May be a Motto?
A beautiful idea for Free marriage ceremonies is to choose a particular theme that the bride and groom close. From the Hobby about favorite book and favorite movie to favourite holiday destination, everything is possible.
A slogan makes the free wedding Ceremony is not only individual and personal, but the wedding party is also a red thread. Decoration and accessories, you can deliciously easy to coordinate and Choose power, double the fun!

8. What should I look for?

A General answer that there are, indeed, the many individual possibilities, drawing from the free ceremony.
Basically, you can say the following:
- A free wedding Ceremony does not replace the official Marriage. This must be done anyway, even if it makes his signatures.
- Pay attention to the length! Mostly the attention of the wedding guests after a good 30 minutes.
- The ceremony is designed to be interesting and varied. Do you think your learning history is boring? For guests not!
- Think of the first line to you and to your wishes.
You love long walks and nature? The ceremony hold in the forest, no matter what aunt Inge says.
- Of course you can witness a free wedding Ceremony, parents or other wedding guests, engage, if that is your desire.
- Ask the Trauredner whether he/she needs a micro. Particularly in the case of larger companies, more beautiful, and effect told it’s full of, if not yelled, it must be.
- It is a hot day and you want to hold the ceremony Outdoors? Protection, such as a sun awning, screens, or possibly necessarily think of a sun like a shady place.
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A lot of fun and enjoyment at your Outdoor wedding Ceremony and enjoys the beautiful day!
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