There’s Nothing They Can’t Sing and Laugh Their Way Through

There’s Nothing They Can’t Sing and Laugh Their Way Through

Marnina Schon and Micah O’Konis, who are now a comedic musical duo called Couplet, lived across town from each other in Los Angeles (which could have been a deal breaker). They went on a date anyway.

When their venue burned down in the Eaton Fire five weeks before their wedding, Marnina Schon Wirtschafter and Micah Aaron O’Konis did what any comedic musical duo would do: They wrote a song about it.

“We made a plan for rain, but we didn’t think to plan for something this insane,” reads the lyrics to a song they wrote called “Our Wedding Venue Burned Down in Altadena.”

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Mx. Schon, which is the last name she uses professionally, and Mx. O’Konis both identify as genderqueer. Mx. O’Konis also identifies as nonbinary — and they have a song about that, too. In “People Think We’re Straight,” Mx. O’Konis sings, “Please don’t call me ‘bro,’ please use they/them pronouns if you heckle me during the show.”

Mx. Schon was only mildly interested when she matched with Mx. O’Konis on Hinge in February 2016. Mx. O’Konis had two strikes against them: They had attended a rival college (USC to Mx. Schon’s UCLA), and lived across town (no small thing in Los Angeles).

Nevertheless, the instant rapport they had on the phone changed Mx. Schon’s mind. Both are creatives: Mx. O’Konis is a writer, performer, guitarist and composer. They wrote a musical about gun control called “More Guns!” that was picked up by Second City Hollywood and ran on Saturday nights for two years. Mx. Schon is an actor who starred in “More Guns!”, as well as a violinist and writer.

Both worked in Jewish education: Mx. Schon as the program coordinator at IKAR, a nondenominational synagogue in Los Angeles, and Mx. O’Konis as a Sunday school teacher at the Silverlake Independent JCC in Los Angeles.