Do You dream of an outdoor wedding Ceremony in the open air, preferably in your own garden or in the Urban said Look? Surrounded by Your favorite people? Do You want a ceremony that is perfectly tuned to You and Your Partner, and during your YES-word roll at All, the tears of joy? Then I give You here are 10 ultimate tips to your personal ceremony more personal, more authentic – more YOU make. A free wedding Ceremony is not just a free wedding Ceremony. It depends on so many little Details. The fact that the right speakers*in Your page, you, the fact that the expiry of the ceremony, the perfect tension for Your YES-word building and, of course, on how and whether your vows in front of the Traufragen would wish to give.
You see, the magic of the little things that give You at the end of an unforgettable celebration of love.
First things first: in the outdoor wedding Ceremony, everything is allowed, what suits you and Your personal love and life history. With the following points, I’ll give you insider knowledge from my years of Trauredner experience with the Hand. But this never replaced a professional wedding speaker, the to you it fits.
Wedding tip 1: The greeting before the wedding Ceremony

Before the actual ceremony begins and the couple moves in, I’m your guests in Your name, a welcome, and briefly explain what you can expect. Because in most cases, it is the first Time your families and friends to experience a free wedding Ceremony live. Before to pick up and lose a few words about the process, is more than just a friendly gesture.
Another – an unbeatable advantage, in my view, the fact that the indentation proceeds much coordinated. Because before I speak to Your guests, I can usually be allowed to catch the first glimpse of the bride-to-be, and once again in the arms. The last questions, soothing words or encouragements be replaced every now and then.
Wedding tip 2: music during the free Wedding

And here we are, already in the second great theme of every wedding: the music. Please do not save, because nothing conveys emotions and feelings faster than the first 3 bars of your favorite song.
It plays in the first step, no matter whether you decide to music from a live Band or Live music. Wherein it is for me personally, nothing Better than to get during the wedding Ceremony of a Live musician support. For anyone who is a professional wedding singer is aware of the magic of his music and also spontaneously to an instrumental Version of your favorite song, if you failed in tears of joy, the voice. More Input to the right selection of the songs has the love of Jaqueline Rubino on my Blog post, tell.
The most beautiful songs of 2023 for a free wedding Ceremony
Find here the most beautiful wedding songs for. or, for the ring exchange or vows.
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Wedding tip 3: The Seating arrangement during the wedding

In the Church, or to the Registrar’s office, it is common practice that the bride and groom sitting with his back to his guests. Many Pairs of feel, so at first. However, in the outdoor wedding Ceremony, there are still so beautiful other Alternatives for you
Seating arrangement during the outdoor wedding Ceremony – a classic
Here you sit with Your back to the guests. Many of my couples decide consciously for this variant.
Because that’s the way to your heart people can look during the Ceremony with a straight face, and have the front of a small island, only for you. One or other of the groom prefers this version, by the way, since men are not to cry at the Wedding, the right and the guests do not know if there is a grain of sand should have lost an eye.
Seating during your Wedding – The Golden triangle
I personally call the Version in which you’re sitting, so to speak, diagonally opposite of Your guests and the emotions, Secured, and feelings directly aware of. As a speaker, I am personally of the whole ceremony, and have the ability to both you and your guests to look directly at them.
These are the two most traditional versions. But there are of course so much more. How about he idea that the two of you sit together with Your family in the first row. Where to place your groomsmen and what about the siblings?
More ideas about free Wedding
When is the best time for free Wedding and your guests can sit? Find out!
Wedding tip 4: mobile phone, and camera’s during the wedding Ceremony

This is a matter of absolute faith, and here, for me there is no right or wrong.
What I wedding couples, however always happy to be on Hand to give, is an ancient wisdom that has been preached to us, my art teacher 30 years ago, again and again. The cameras let in the holiday home. And we are talking about models, where you had the Film developed. With open eyes and ears, each city and each new Situation. Because only in this way you do not accept all of the smells, the colors, and your emotions in a holistic way very true and the world through a lens.
Everything is told – or is it?
Only note would be that it is for your photos much more beautiful, if you can look in the faces of, and not in the phone’s from Your guests, the Laugh, the tear, one or the other Joy, or to enjoy the sound of the Clap Your Yes-word want.
Wedding tip 5: technology in the outdoor wedding Ceremony

Microphone Yes or no. That is the question. For me, the following basic rule applies: The Trauredner should benefit from a number of guests of 25 people always have a microphone. So it is for all present much more relaxed.
The Bridal couple leave, I always decide whether they want to use during the vows, a hand-held microphone or not.
Here it is, in my view, no right or wrong, but only one: feels good or feels wrong.
Your heart, people should benefit for your good wishes will always be a hand-held microphone. Because, at the latest, as from the 3. Series to understand the rest of your guests, otherwise, not a word more. Usually 2-4 Familiar from speaking their good wishes out loud. This makes a total of about 10 minutes (depending on the Ritual and the good Wishes). For a very long time to understand nothing.
Incidentally, this is also the reason why I always take my microphone and my own BOSE sound system with a free wedding Ceremony.
So it is always ensured that the expiry of the wedding Ceremony is not interrupted and not only her, but also all of your guests can experience an emotional Celebration.
Wedding tip 6: The basin to the free ceremony

After all these organizational issues, we come finally to the actual wedding Ceremony. And at this point, once Hand on heart: You would have expected so many questions that need to be in FRONT of the outdoor wedding regulated?
No? The most pairs, and that’s why I find it so important to work with a professional wedding service providers around the heart of your great day!
For me, the arrival of the bride and groom is one of the most emotional and touching moments. For in this exact moment, because your months is a long time planning, your dreams and hopes of the form. With Your steps to the front, since you are not is just a symbol of Your married life, but also to the people, which you will later on in the course of the wedding Ceremony of your love promise.
And this is exactly why it is so important that your appearance is planning carefully and discuss.
There are 3 different ways you can make your wedding ceremony to open:
The groom waits at the front. The bride pulls.
The couple moves in together
Both partners will be successively

Wedding tip 7: The integration of Your wedding guests in the wedding Ceremony

Your family and friends can enjoy mi to you and to many, it is an absolute matter of the heart, to make your wedding Ceremony a personal symbolic gesture or a Ritual even more personal.
I love it when we can, and all your favorite people involve. There are the following possibilities.
What kinds of rituals are there?

Active Rituals
During the Traurituals your heart people to take an active Part in the you can you, for example. your good wishes on Your common journey. But beware: it also requires a lot of courage. Because not everyone likes to speak in front of so many people. The following rituals are meant to be.
Passive Rituals
Your family and friends feel comfortable at the thought of having in front of all Your guests, according to the talk? No Problem. For this purpose, we use the so-called passive Traurituale, in which I’ll Speak of you and your families a symbolic action to perform.

The Involvement Of Your Guests
Also, the involvement of Your guests needs to be carefully planned. Do you wish that every guest has the opportunity to actively participate or just the best man and/or parents? Many factors, such as the number of guests, the desired rituals or the Location play an important role.

We want you
Do you want my bride and groom to be?
Write me, and let us know! Who knows, maybe I can accompany you on Your way to the wedding as your speaker?
Wedding tip 8: The personal vows

The wedding vows, I would prefer to all sides. Because to me, it belongs to one of the emotional Highlights of Your wedding.
There are so many different and very personal types, prepare for your own marriage vows that I mate my bride, in the meantime, a small manual use. In it, I explain the different ways that the vows of Love on the day of the wedding can be integrated.
Because it does not have to be always the great gig in the outdoor wedding Ceremony. Creating your Islands and consciously take time for this Moment.
In my blog post How to write wedding vows, I will give you a lot of helpful tips to the Hand.
more rituals for your free wedding ceremony
Wedding tip 9: a cheat sheet in the ceremony

More and more couples are asking me if they should write down your wedding vows because. First of all, I have this question honestly not even fully understood. But then a bride explained to me that she has read in some guides that the vows should be absolutely free and without any note delivered in the Hand.
I say: what a nonsense. This discharge is a Moment in which all of your feelings, and believe me, this is an emotional state of exception. It is for me, personally, is almost impossible, the marriage vows is this second, memorize, liquid, and without having to stumble Your Partner present.
That’s why I advocate always for the written word. Write down your thoughts and feelings. Practice it before. Corrected you and includes you in your heart. And then, then print it on beautiful paper and read it during the Ceremony.
This has, in my view, two main advantages: firstly, you have literally anything in your Hand, to cling to, and secondly, a wonderful and unique reminder of Your vows which you can always re-read. On the good days, but also, in particular, to the stormy.
The Same is true for me also for all your heart to people who want to read you their good wishes in the wedding Ceremony. For this reason, I offer my couples all the time that I have to bring both the vows and the good wishes of family members printed to the wedding Ceremony. So it may not and you have a priceless memory.
Wedding vows
Wedding Tip 10: The Extract

The beauty of the outdoor ceremony, the word And just as free as you can about the icing on the cake of Your thinking wedding Ceremony. You want a classic statement, in which you progress is the first down the aisle, or prefer the slightly modern twist your guests the first to take off a trellis for you?
How would it be if all the guests come forward to you to Congratulate to form a symbolic Traukreis.
The most beautiful statement ideas
Let the party get started! So you as a bride-to-be pair!
You know: the imagination there are no limits. The only important thing is that the last act of the ceremony fits the same to you, how your love is colorful!
I hope that I was able to share with you my Insider tips-a brief Overview of all the many wonderful possibilities for a free wedding Ceremony. And I hope that you get a feel for how much work goes into a good ceremony, and why it makes sense to the experience of a professional outdoor speaker to celebrate your moments of happiness duly.
Because it is Your day. Exactly as you deserve!
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Eure Anja
Providers involved in
concept & planning: Hattingen is getting married & Anja Happe, gold florets
Photography: HK Photographics
Video Count: Mumukuba
Location: LWL industrial Museum henrichshütte Hattingen
Attire groom: eiskirch Studio
Cake & Confectionery: Confiserie & Patisserie Card Mountain
Bride And Groom: Dance School Dance-Inn
Stationery: Sandra Semelink Write Manufactory
Traurednerin: Traufräulein – Wedding Planning & Free Wedding
DJ, Sound & light: EVENTIKS