Unique wedding vows

Unique wedding vows

Getting married is an important step in a couple’s life. The promise to spend the Rest of your life together is a Moment that you will remember forever. By the way, how to celebrate his love and loyalty to each other, however, is for each Pair different. A free wedding Ceremony with self-written vows offers the opportunity to create the wedding is individual and unique, without having to religious or legal regulations.

Table of contents

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What a free Wedding?

A free wedding Ceremony is a non-religious wedding ceremony, which is performed by a master of ceremonies or a free speaker. In contrast to a Church or civil Ceremony, a Wedding no legal or religious requirements. This gives couples the freedom to design your Wedding according to your Wishes and ideas. Here you’ll find more differences of weddings.

The advantages of a free wedding Ceremony

A free Wedding has many advantages. For one, there are no restrictions in terms of the design of the ceremony. As a Couple you can choose the location, the decoration, the music and other Details according to their own wish. A free wedding Ceremony offers the advantage that it can also be used by people of different religions or nationalities used. Another special feature is that you can compose his own Traurede and vows that reflects the personality and the relationship between you as a Couple to resist.

What a marriage is?

A marriage is a personal statement, you and your Partner to Express your love, your commitment, and your hopes for your future. You can use your own words and ideas to formulate a marriage. Wedding vows can be had at any kind of wedding, it’s a Church Wedding, a civil Ceremony or a free wedding Ceremony, pronounced.

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What is the difference between wedding vows and wedding vows is?

Vows and wedding vows are often used interchangeably, but refer to slightly different concepts. Marriage vows are the personal statements are you and Your Partner to Express your love, commitment, and your hopes for your future. Wedding vows are traditional, religious, or legal obligation to be at a Church or state Ceremony. Even though wedding vows and wedding vows are different, you can both play an important role in the Celebration of your marriage.

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You need to a marriage for a free wedding Ceremony?

No, you don’t need to marry for a free wedding Ceremony. A free wedding Ceremony is a non-religious ceremony where the bride can determine some of the process and the content of the ceremony itself. This means that you and your Partner can decide what are the rituals, songs, and texts to be included in the ceremony. Although a marriage is not at a free wedding Ceremony is mandatory, but it can still be a wonderful way to emphasize your love and commitment to each other and to make your special day even more personal.

How to write wedding vows?

The promise of marriage is the highlight for your free wedding Ceremony. One thing first: There are no fixed rules, such as the marriage vows should be written. The tips will just you to help your own words easier for you to find. A marriage is a personal statement, You and Your Partner. It is to Express Your love, Your commitment, and Your hopes for your future.

  1. Take time to ThinkBefore You start Your wedding vows to write, take time to Think. What is the meaning of Your Partner for You? What are the most important things that You value in Your relationship? What You want to achieve in the future with Your Partner? By answering these questions, You can create the basis for Your marriage vows.
  2. Write in Your own language: It is important that You in Your own language to write Your wedding vows authentic and personal sounds. Avoid being too formal, and use words that You normally use. It’s about Your thoughts and feelings to Express, so be honest and direct.
  3. Start with a strong statement: A marriage should end with a strong statement, begin to pay attention to Your partner on. For example, You might say:
  4. Tell a story: A good way, Your vows more personal to make, it’s a story to tell. You could tell, for example, from a common experience, and emphasize how important this experience was for You and how Your relationship has strengthened.

  5. Talk about your future: A promise of marriage should also in the future. Talk about what You want for your future and how You contribute to the want, that your relationship remains strong and growing.
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Length of the marriage vows

The length of the vows is ultimately a personal decision. Some couples prefer short and concise vows, while others are more detailed and more detailed the promise you want to make. A good guideline is that the promise of marriage between one Minute and three minutes. It should be long enough to convey all the important feelings and promises, but not so long that the guests are getting impatient.

Ultimately, you should focus on what fits best to you and Your Partner and what you feel the most.

How to start a custom wedding vows?

Wedding vows should be individual and may begin in different ways. Here are some examples:

  • I promise that I will support you in good times and bad, and that I’ll always be there when you need me.“
  • I promise to make you a better person, while I strut itself also to be a better person.“
  • I promise to support you, listen to you and share your dreams.“
  • I promise to be faithful and loyal and to show you my love and commitment in all areas of life.

    I give you my word that I’ll always respect and pay attention.“

  • I promise to always be honest with you my thoughts and feelings, to communicate and to appreciate our relationship and to maintain.“

These examples are intended to show you how vows can begin. Keep in mind that wedding vows are a very Personal and Individual. Choose words and phrases that fit you and your Partner.

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Wedding vows examples and templates

You want your wedding to something very Special, Unique and Personal to say.

But how do you start and what do you say? Writing vows can be a challenge, especially if you have no experience. But not to worry, I want to help you! Here you will find some examples and templates for wedding vows to inspire you and help you to transform your own words and emotions in a beautiful Declaration of love.

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I give you my word that I have you as my Partner and best friend treat will. I promise to cherish you and to show you my gratitude, for all the little things you do for me. I promise to inspire you and to bring you to your full potential. I promise to encourage you, when you feel depressed and help you to reach your goals. I promise to always be honest with you, even if it’s hard, and listen to you, if you want to talk. I promise to show you my love, every day, in good times and bad, to the end of our days.


I promise, your Hand to hold, if we look into the future together. I promise to listen to you and be there for you when you need me. I promise to show you my love, not only with words but also with deeds. I promise to respect you, to take into account your wishes and needs and to always be honest with you. I promise to accept you the way you are with all your Strengths and weaknesses. I promise to support you, to help you if you need support, and to give you space when you need time for you. I promise to show you my love, always and forever.


I promise to love you in good times and bad, in sickness and in health, and when you in the Morning look like a … or like a Supermodel. I promise to accept you the way you are, with all your flaws and quirks. I promise to support you, so if you feel insecure, to encourage you, if you have any doubts, and help you to realize your dreams. I promise to respect you, to accept your opinions and views, and to always be honest with you. I promise to walk with you through the UPS and Downs of life, to be always at your side and never let you alone. I promise to protect you, to trust you and to show you my love, every day, forever.

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Examples of funny Trauversprechen


Dearest/r, you know, that I’m not the most romantic person that I am, but I will give my Best to your wishes to fulfill as long as you are not too cheesy are. I will listen to you always and show you how important you are for me – even if it means that I have to sacrifice my valuable video game time. I also will shake your bed and the toilet paper refill, because I know that you hate it, if it is empty. And I’ll always bring a glass of water, if you’re in the night thirsty, even if I stumble on the dog. I love you more than Pizza, and that is saying something.


My darling, I promise you that I will always be there for you when you need me – unless, that is, the final of the League is currently running. In this case, you need to let me at least until the end of the game alone. But after that, I’m all yours. I promise you that I will never forget our Laundry in the washing machine and that I’m going to remind me to take out the garbage. I’m also going to keep our house clean, as long as you help me, because we both know I’m not alone create it. I love you more than my favorite Shirt that I wear for school.


My loved one, I will always be your best friend and you all trust. I’m going to get you to Laugh when you’re sad, and I’m going to help you to see the world when you’re lost in your own. I’m not going to give you my food, although I’m still tired, and I will love you even if you drop a crumb with Chips on the Sofa. I promise you that I will always have an open ear for you, even if I’m watching the game of my favorite team. I love you more than Bacon – and this is really hot!

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Examples of Romantic wedding vows


If I in our future, I see sunsets, picnics in the Park and long walks Hand-in-Hand. I see a future in which we will strengthen us and support each other, through good times and bad. I promise to always be there for you, listen to you, to respect you and to love as you are. You’re the center of my universe, and I am looking forward to stay with you for the Rest of my life.


Every day with you feels like an adventure, and I can’t wait for our lives together and continue. I promise to always make you Laugh, to comfort you when you’re sad, and to love you even when we fight. I promise, our relationship never as a matter of course, and to honor you always. I love you with all my heart.


In our years together we have in us through the highs and Lows are loved and supported. I’m grateful for every Moment we spent together and look forward to every future moment with you. I promise, you always have to respect, to trust you, for you to be you and to love as you deserve it. I promise to fight for our marriage, in good times and in bad. I love you more than anything.


If I our love think I see stars in the night sky, the smell of fresh flowers and the feeling of the warm Sand under our feet. I see a future in which we grow together, learn and love. I promise to always be honest with you, listen to you, to support you and to love you until the end of time. I thank you that you came into my life, and have it filled with so much joy, passion and love.

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Faithfully you promise with


I can’t promise that our lives will always be easy, but I promise you that I will always be by your side and support you, no matter what happens. I will comfort you in difficult times and help you to overcome the challenges. And I will always ensure that you feel loved and appreciated.


I can’t promise that we will never argue, but I promise that I always will try our problems in a more loving way to solve. I will always be respectful to you and your needs. And I will always be open to compromise, in order to strengthen our relationship.


I can’t promise that I’m perfect, but I promise you that I always work on myself to be the best Partner for you to be. I’ll always support you and inspire you to realize your dreams, and I’ll always be your biggest Fan. And I’ll always remind you how much I love you.


I can’t promise that I always make everything right, but I promise you that I will always be honest to you will be. I will admit my mistakes and learn from it. And I will always ensure that you feel safe and secure with me. Because you’re the most Important thing in my life and I will always do everything to make you happy.

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In summary, we can say that wedding vows represent a unique opportunity to Express your love and commitment to each other. At a Wedding you can decide for yourself whether you want to a marriage or not. Whether you choose or not, depends on your individual needs and preferences. If you write, however, to a marriage, you can be sure your free wedding Ceremony a memorable event.

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