The engraving of the wedding rings is a special Moment before wedding. They symbolize togetherness and eternity wedding bands are a centuries-old Tradition and the exchange of rings is one of the most important part of the marriage ceremony. As different tastes, so different are the wedding rings. Traditionally, the woman is wearing the engagement ring, with a gem as a solitaire, to which is added in the ceremony, a Golden beisteck ring as a wedding ring will be. The guy gets at the wedding of the woman a gold Ring attached. Today, It’s what I like! For many couples, especially of the same gender no longer apply to these
Often couples find today make your engagement and wedding rings. The offer and the possibilities are endless. Small gold supplier forging in the place of residence, to Chain up to Online stores. The couples have the freedom of choice, depending on the amount of the budget. Via Online market places like Etsy, it is even possible, online, in small international workshops, shop, often of a very individual offer. A look at the various options and decide depending on your budget and style.
Classic wedding ring engravings: The identification of learning date
Engraved wedding rings ~ A nice inscription for wedding rings
If the wedding rings are chosen, then you have, in most cases, the possibility of this engraving. This means that a Symbol or a spell or Numbers, and characters of your choice will be engraved in the Ring. Theoretically, the Inside and outside of most of the rings are engraved. Traditionally, the engraving of the wedding rings, but mostly on the ring inside , and includes the name of the partner and the wedding date. However, there are many different ways to make these engraved wedding rings individually. In particular, there are different techniques, like this engraving is performed.
Here you will find examples of what the Engraving is possible.
Wedding rings: What types of engraving are there?
The inlaid engraving is from the actual Ring metal is taken out, and then molten Gold poured out, so that the letters or symbols then seamlessly in Gold in the Ring embedded are. This procedure is very time-consuming, but, of course, wonderful individual, because you can also decorate the outer side of the rings are beautiful. The wedding rings have been made at the inlaid engraving is made of grey gold (585), or platinum (950) and a certain thickness and width.
The Gold is in the liquid state, so hot, that the rings would melt other metals easy.
The Hand Engraving
The hand engraving is engraved with This means that a goldsmith can affect the engraving of the picture by different angles and Depths, and this individual engravings are possible. In this case, the image is, of course, not necessarily of The special feature of this type of engraving of the gloss that arises is, if the light is incident at a certain angle to the engraving on edge: this sparkles and looks very classy.
Diamond Engraving – The Classic
The most common type of engraving, which at the moment is to find, the
diamond engraving. Here, with an engraving machine can be engraved with the desired text, icons and names in the wedding ring. A good engraver can engrave long Trausprüche and poems. If the Ring has a certain width, are also engravings on two lines feasible. The diamond engraving is, in principle, a scratch on the surface and, therefore, has no color in itself – the resulting engraving is created by the outlines of this
Laser Engraving – Modern
The state of the art, of a kind wedding bands engraving to the so-called laser engraving. This is engraved with a Laser the Desired result of a chemical reaction in the Ring.
A typical black discoloration occurs. This can theoretically be subsequently removed, but is often requested. By the laser beam, the possibilities for engraving are actually no limits. The laser engraving is deeper than the diamond engraving, therefore, the Wear of the ring will pass without a trace on the engraving.
Wedding ring ~ sayings for engraving
For whom is the Name of the partner and the wedding date are not sufficient, you can also have a saying in the wedding ring engraved let. It must be noted, however, that the Ring must be wide enough to be able to the spell, and the engraving of the wedding rings has to be fine enough.
Talk with your jeweler, what is with the selection of your rings. If the spell is too long for a Ring, you can cast the spell two parts, and the wedding bands split up. So, the wedding rings are made for one another on another level.
Who’s a good spell, has also the possibility of a phrase from his favorite book, a text line of your song, or a quote from a famous personality engraved to leave. Here we have beautiful ideas for you is collected, to inspire you to find your Text for engraving.
Wedding ring ~ short sayings for engraving
Who is the engraving of the wedding bands rather brief , can be a nice short set of engraving. This can often be, precisely because they are so split short, well two rings.
Examples of short wedding bands engravings
Here comes directly from the first swing of examples.
- Two souls, one thought
- Two hearts – one beat
- Searched and found
- Searched for & tied up
- To the moon and back
- On your Hand for life.
Short sentences for Engraving
Nice short sentences, which are engraved in two rings, and at the same time there is still space for the name and the wedding date are also.
Some examples are:
- Touch my heart
- To all eternity
- Covenant of love
- The Confederation of happiness
- You’re my happiness
- You give happiness
- Eternal Friendship & Love & Loyalty
- Free for me
- For my angel
- Happiness in all Ways
- Good luck and blessings
- Hold me tight
- In Gratitude,
- Love is growing the only thing that we waste it
- Infinite Friendship
- If I was your, I’m my only.
- Love & Loyalty
- Two hearts for a great love
Furthermore, you will find more Inspiration for beautiful sayings on the subject of love and marriage here.
Engraved wedding rings ~ modern sayings for engraving
Modern engravings are often in English, and quotes or excerpts from movies or song lyrics. Do you have a favorite movie? Maybe a saying or a quote for you, see which one fits your rings and this gorgeous individually makes for one of the romantic or funny scenes. Here you will find a few examples which are great as a ring engraving:
- Now and forever (Now and forever)
- Ever Thine. Ever Mine. Ever Ours. (Forever yours. Forever mine. Forever us. – Beethoven)
- Till death do us part (Until death do us part)
- Today, tomorrow, always (Today, tomorrow, always)
- I found love, and love what you (I found love and love was you)
- Nothing else matters (Nothing else matters Metallica–)
- Truly, Madly, Deeply (Really, crazy, deeply – Savage Garden)
- One true deep love (A true love)
Engraved wedding ring box – original
We also have a few original ideas for wedding ring engravingnot available on English and a little bit longer fail when they are engraved: Let yourself just a little bit of this and be inspired!
- You live in my heart
- You and I on the way to the WE
- For a lifetime
- You charmed me
- Forever – Hand-in-Hand
- Go with me
- Happiness in all Ways
- Hold me tight
- Heart to heart
- I am always with You
- Always Your
- No distance is too far
- Love is the beauty of the soul
- Love blooms
- My luck You’re
- Love is a magic
- Our common happiness
- My light in the Dark
- Close to You
- Not without You.
More ideas for sayings to Engrave on the wedding bands you can find also here.
Engraved wedding rings ~ ideas and suggestions
With today’s technology and modern methods, rings, engrave, especially the laser engraving are set to the ideas and possibilities are almost endless. If you are a modern, wide but shallow Ring, then it can look super, the wedding date on the outside of engraving to, for example, with a typewriter Font. It looks very modern and individual. If you have a special song and an affinity for the music and looks to it, maybe even great, the notes eures piece on the outer side of the ring is engraved to make. Who’s a good engraver has found, can even the declarations of love , the wedding, the wedding ring is engraved let.
The fingerprint of your partner today by laser engraving on the Inside but on the outside of the wedding ring engraving! Together, can these be engraved, a fingerprint heart arises when the two rings on top of each other are placed. Short sayings as Together Forever also great on the outer side of the rings, engraved, and also a Whole as soon as the rings of each other.
Engraving of the wedding ring icons
In addition to the fingerprint of your partner is an ECG heartbeat is also a popular Symbol for a ring, engraving and symbolizes the love of a lifetime. Also nice as a Symbol for wedding ring engraving of a compass as a Symbol of the fact that the Partner is in the home, the one always finds, or a map of the world. This can also be engraved, that the rings one above the other, a complete map of the world shown.
Popular symbols for the wedding bands are a key and a lock, which is also inlaid with diamonds, adorned or a landscape chain, for example, a certain mountain or the Skyline of a particular city, you and your Partner connects. If you like, you can make a sound portrait of his voice to make, and the waveform of one’s own Also popular are, of course, heart symbols and Yin and Yang symbolsbelonging to the present.
If you like, you can also order a Text of his choice in their own handwriting engraving. This is a picture of one’s own hand is transferred to the font on the Ring.
Funny engraved wedding rings
Who’s the marriage of Humor and this is already on the wedding rings want, for we have here also the right quotes and sayings for the wedding ring engraving the necessary Smile don’t miss:
- hart to hart
- Marriage = errare humanum est (Latin: to Err is human.)
- Who has no sense of Humor, you should actually Mörike not marry (Eduard)
- Marriage is mutual deprivation of liberty by mutual agreement (Oscar Wilde)
- Marry whom You like, but promise me that I will always be Your lover (Oscar Wilde)
- Love can decipher the inscription on the most distant star. (Oscar Wilde)
- Love is the Greatest thing in the world. There is nothing but love (Oscar Wilde)
- There is nothing in the world like the devotion of a married woman. It is a thing no married man knows anything about (Oscar Wilde)
- A woman in love, you can do everything you want (Gustav Klimt).
For more fun and romantic ideas for quotes and poems you can find here.
An engraving of the wedding ring in Latin
No language symbolizes eternity like Latin! Engravings for wedding bands in Latin, the classics, and of course we have the most beautiful sayings in Latin for you collected:
- Mea fortuna in manibus tuis (My happiness in your hands)
- Mea fortuna (My happiness)
- In perpetuum (forever)
- Amantes amentes (Lovers are Crazy)
- Amor vincit omnia (love conquers all)
- Pignus amoris didn (You have my pledge of love)
- Ab imo pectore (From my heart)
- Accidit in puncto, quod non speratur in anno (may happen In a moment, what you would have hoped for in a year)
- Amor vincit omnia (love conquers all)
- Tempus fugit amor manet (The times change and we change with them)
- In omne tempus (forever, forever).
The engraving of the wedding ring cost
The cost for the engraving of the wedding ring, of course, vary. For one, in which the engraving is done, and on the other, to which goldsmith and jeweler you go. Inlaid engravings are, of course, very time-consuming and therefore more expensive. The hand engraving can also be very expensive because of the engraver manufactures the individual letters by Hand. Engraving is a craft that time and requires.
Different processes, different prices
In any case, you should, before you make the engraving thoughts, know what you have for the rings in your Budget planned. In the case of Online jewelers you have is often a good Overview of Designs, metals, and above all ring sizes. This is also crucial when it comes to the choice of engraving. Machine engraving is often effective, it must be borne in mind also, what exactly is to be engraved. The more letters & symbols engraved to be, the more expensive is the engraving. Some jewelers charge for a diamond engraving more money, some people will have a laser engraving is more expensive. The possible expense will check carefully in advance.
Calm prices of the engravings compare
There are also jewelers, offering both engravings for the same cost. The laser engraving is probably the most reliable and safest method, as it is very fine contours can be engraved with narrow radii. The diamond engraving by the resulting fine and the Sparkle due to the refraction of Light a charm of their own. For what engraving you, of course, a question of taste is therefore decide. Be informed to you at the jeweler of your choice to the possibilities and let yourself examples. So you can Best decide which of the engraving of the wedding rings for you the best!
Photo credits: cover image of Corner House Photography & Hilary Chan, image of wedding ring with learning the date of the engraving of My Diamond Ring, photo of bride-to-hand with a wedding dress from Brian LaBrada Photography, black-and-white photo of bride-to-be with Bridal shoes by Hilary Chan, folded hands over wedding dress by Brian LaBrada Photography, photo of the bride with the Hand of the groom on the shoulder of Brian LaBrada Photography, bride with Bridal bouquet & wedding ring on the Finger of Brian LaBrada Photography.