heart balloons also get the pagro
but whether the helium stand -I don’t know… and now to the actual question I was at my sister’s wedding master of ceremonies,
I was in the run-up to help organise helped (what they are, but 90% had already prepared, was, again, to fix)
, I got to the registry office to another, where the last sequence of things to be discussed, the castle with them visited and organized, the thing you didn’t knew, in time there is (to the part, more on that later)
the day before I again properly helped that the glitch happened (the hotel was double booked and there were difficulties,
to make the layers, but to be 100% our responsibility) good – that is to say, I’ve arranged a room (unfortunately, it was net the suite, you wanted to, but with a bit of decorating -by me – it was absolutely beautiful)
on the wedding day itself, I was 7 PM already at the castle, I monitored the flowers properly placed and have the decoration directed, just as you imagined, has, have your room prepared
have your surprise to receive (I’m white wedding doves organized, in front of it with your difficult family, the text in English and afrikaans translates)
the surprise well hidden
then from 13 clock with the groom, the guests received
the waiter monitors, the Yes no one without a drink or food must wait
14 at the people to their seats accompanied, Yes, and then began the wedding
mh – next we went to the ceremony with the surprise of the pigeons, I and your sister-in-law and best friend to read the relevant texts
when photographing i myself held back and the announcements of the photographer left
the panel was with a little work, because the waiter the expiration knew
games and music were organized
, and thus began the celebration of
the assumption of the gifts, their safe custody and clearing away after that was left to me
I love my sister and enables easy a celebration without a head, what comes next, where are the presents, the flowers in the water .etc.
it was a wonderful day