In the life of a father, there are probably two very special moments: the birth of the own daughter, and their wedding. For a long time, it is Tradition that the bride’s father stops at the wedding celebrations of a speech. But how does such a wedding looks like a father referring to? In this article, read what aspects of the wedding speech of the bride’s father and as an emotional highlight of the festivity. Your daughter is already married and soon have a wedding to an anniversary? Then is there here for more help for the wedding speeches, for example, the wooden wedding, rose wedding , or a silver wedding anniversary.
The bride’s father’s speech: Survived Tradition or tears guarantee?
More and more couples choose to forgo many of the traditional elements of a wedding ceremony. Free weddings are becoming increasingly popular, and Church weddings leave the future spouses, more and more game room. So why even a classic father of the bride speech in the ceremony integrate day?
Speeches on the subject of wedding speech by bride’s father: Our recommendations for you
Properly implemented, the speech of the bride’s father is a soulful highlight of the wedding day. In today’s time, it is in this wedding talk less about the groom to his duties as a husband should be noted.
Rather, it gives the address to the parents the opportunity, the shared time with the daughter to reminisce to. Wishes for the common future of the couple, you can also install. The bride’s father for such a speech, decides emotions are guaranteed for the bride and groom, the groomsmen and all other guests.
From birth to engagement: content father of the bride speech

In a speech as father of the bride, you should to choose every word with Care – embarrassing © Sveta Y – Shutterstock are excluded
To find the right words is not always easy.
Especially on such an important day as the wedding of the daughter, it is important to avoid missteps and blunders.
Thematic Inspirations
The speech by the speaker to be free of. Nevertheless, the following topics areas for Inspiration draw:
- The development of the daughter
- The common life of the couple
- Stories that connects the Couple with the family
- Wishes for the future
The bride’s father can bring in the designs of all of the expression, which takes place in everyday life may be no place. The speech is exactly the right time, to the child of their own to tell how Proud of it.
Too much of a Good thing: contents, to avoid
The speech has no rules, it doesn’t mean that each topic is appropriate. In addition to the groom nobody knows the bride as well as the parents. Therefore, it is important to individually estimate the stories are of value and which are not. It is important to describe the bride-to-be is positive. Awkward stories that cause discomfort should be at this point in any case is not part of.
Furthermore, can also anecdotes about former relationships to uncomfortable lead. On this day, it goes solely to the love of the bride and groom, not to previous partnerships.
Also keep in mind who listens to the father of the bride speech at the end. Only friends of the couple are present, only close family, even many (large) related business and even partner among the wedding guests? Depending on the theme and select sound.
It gives these points of attention, not it is the day of the wedding to unpleasant Surprises.
The Letter by the bride’s father’s speech: From thoughts to words
To put one’s own thoughts into words is not always easy. As a father of a pregnant bride, there is a lot of wisdom that you would give to his daughter on the way.
However, the content alone is not all that matters in an emotional speech. How to package your message in the best in a bride’s father’s speech, read in the Following.
Collection of ideas: tell the collecting value of the Material
The father of the bride-to-be do not need to ride the task of the idea of collecting all alone. Together with the mother of the bride or other family members, he can consider what special moments and stories to tell are worth it.
The possible contents can fix the bride’s father, in writing, in a kind of fabric collection. However, one should not hold on to it, to immediately make a final outline to create.
Rather, the first Brainstorming can take place in any Form. A mind map is suitable for example. This Phase of the talk for writing is used only for the purpose of all of the potential anecdotes and content together to wear.
Order creating: create An outline
A colorful unordered list is available now, it is true, the main elements to be filtered out. Stories that don’t seem relevant, it should be deleted. Content to find in the father of the bride speech place, to bring it in a ordered sequence.
In advance of the speakers should be set by a red thread for the lecture.
The relationships are more visible. In addition, the speech makes the content easier to structure. What are the components fit well to each other, which can be a bad link? This is a question you should ask yourself when Creating an outline in any case.
The outline is the skeleton of the speech, and should be worked out so well thought out. It is worthwhile to consider at this point, how much time are allowed to take the individual components in the claim. So to avoid from the beginning that the speech is less than the desired length or under.
The Formulation of The outline points to fill with life
Now the most important step is The outline points and elaborate, so that at the end of the ready-to-father of the bride speech is produced. Even if the lecture later, only with the help of bullet points is played, it makes sense, the speech word-for-word to write down. So on the day of the wedding, the right words and the formulations thoughtfully sound and all around.
When Writing, it is a style to incorporate. This can make a speech more vivid and pictorial. The bride’s father to Express how important it is to be a child for him, so he can, for example,
metaphors or comparisons to draw.
Reps ensure that important phrases of the bride father speech in your memory. Here, you can install a repetition in a single sentence, or characteristic rates in different Parts of the speech to repeat on a red thread to add.
In some Places, also a rhyme in the speech integrate. Whether it is suitable to write the whole speech as rhyme, it is necessary to decide in every case. The bride’s father is not a gifted Reimer, he should use this sparingly. The address will be natural. This also means that you should only select the rhetorical devices that match the style of the speaker.
Sample reading: On the right note eighth

Before you present your daughter’s loving words – practice the father of the bride speech
The father of the bride speech is held now in black and white, should look at the author of his work in peace. It is the speech early finish. In this way, you can put the Written once to the side, and some time later, with a neutral point of view to inspect.
When you read the wedding speech should be the father of the bride, make sure whether the speech also for outsiders to understand. To ensure this, you can also ask a bystander to take a look at the speech.
In addition, it is necessary to examine whether or not consistently use the same emphasis in the speech is used. The first part is rather loose and funny, it can represent a large fraction, if they are followed by a theatrical speech follows. Of course, it is in order, a variety of emotions in the father of the bride speech-making. However, the feelings should be comprehensible, so that the guests and the bride and groom of the speech can easily follow.
Structure father of the bride speech: structure and content
A wedding contains, in addition to the bride’s father’s speech, many more components.
Therefore, it is important to inspire the guests not only by the emotional content, but also by a clear structure for the speech. An unstructured speech, no one follows up to the end, simply because it is difficult to grasp the red thread.
Introduction: The beginning with a quote or anecdote
The wedding speech , for example, the classic start the wedding couple and the wedding guests directly to address. A welcome note, however, is not always desired, since the mostly assumed by the spouses themselves.
Alternatively, you can also start directly with a quote or a short story.
This is the father of the bride speech designed from the start to be varied and exciting. In the introduction, it is important to secure the attention of the guests, and, of course, the daughter and the husband. Therefore, you should avoid cliché-like formulations.
Quotes or humorous entries in the father of the bride speech? Examples of the success of
Quotes from famous people
“Do you love your child, send it on travel.” – Indian Proverb
“Women simplify our pain, double the pleasure and triple our expenses.” – James Saunders
Real love is looking for you.“ – Peter Rosegger
“Women love the simple things of life – for example, us men” –
Farrah Fawcett
– Jamaican Proverb
“Do you doubt that the stars glow,do you doubt that the sun moves,like keeping the truth, you a lie,do not doubt, but never in love.” – Shakespeare
Humorous entries in the father of the bride speech
“Love the wedding guests, as many of you already know, I am not one of the people who enjoy it, especially to stand in front of many people and to make a great speech. I am so on the front here and the floor is probably mainly due to the fact that I was already for 30 years and the opportunity to finally talk time of 3 minutes, without having to be directly from my wife interrupted married, too tempting for me”
“What is that, but for a terrible Situation in which I find myself: I should stop here as the father of the bride speech and all to enjoy. But you have to put yourself in my Situation? I must not give up my beloved daughter. No, I can grab then still deep in the pocket. And now you expect me to also praise the end of the speech!”
“First of all, I would like to thank all of you, that you today, to the wedding celebration of my beautiful daughter and her Future to come. I would particularly like to thank the guests who don’t let her have Come to hold, although you knew that I would have a speech tonight.”
At the heart of the father of the bride speech: The main part peppered with a Bible verse
The entry in the wedding is a success speech, the speech now run free. The main part provides the platform for everything that wants to give to the bride-to-be a father to his daughter.
How, exactly, the main part is structured depends on the chosen content. The speaker can give meaningful events either chronologically or a red thread keep.
It is only important that the speech for the audience is a good one to pursue. Because it is only when the guests are able to understand the core ideas of the father of the bride speech is guaranteed to be an emotionally-charged atmosphere.
For the main part of the bride’s father speech Bible verses that you can install in the speech are.
Examples of Bible verse for the wedding
“Neither the Present nor things to come can separate us.” – New Testament, Romans 8,38
“Let go of all the things that you accomplish, be done in love.“ – 1 Corinthians 16,14
“Let during the marriage, kindness, and Confidence to prevail and justice, in addition to peace.” – Psalm 85,11
“Our love must not be empty words. It must be true love, which shows itself in action.” – 1. Johann letter 3,18
“There let the love for me will always continue. Then you feel the joy that I feel. The joy let the love completely.” – John 15,9 b. 11
The conclusion: A Toast to the bride and groom
All the content is said, it is important to bring the versions of a round to the end. Here, the speaker may use, for example, the idea of the introduction, in order to create a coherent overall concept.
Alternatively, you can also illustrate the saying a toast to the bride and groom the end of the speech. At this point, once again, the good wishes can be attached to the common future of the young couple. The end of the wedding speech should make it clear that the son-in-law is now officially included in the family of the bride.
To Include in the wedding: The right time for the father of the bride speech
The speech of the bride’s father is an important Element of the wedding day. Therefore, you should not be, of course, held between door and Angel. The wedding party should be gathered as a community in one place.
Ideally, the time between the Appetizer and the main course is suitable for this purpose. At this time, ensure that all guests are present. Furthermore, the participants have eaten a little something – thus, not growling stomach of the importance distracts full speech.
The duration of the bride’s father speech depends on how many content to be taught. Ideally, one should not take the Present, but more than four to seven minutes. A talk time of over ten minutes is much too long, and will ensure that guests of the speech at the end of follow. This is to avoid it. After all, the bride wants to make a father with his speech, a contribution to the special day of his daughter.
Funny father of the bride speech: How you can loosen up the mood
To you, as the bride’s father is no Standard speech, but the guests with a few funny anecdotes and humorous sayings inspire you, please do not claim that they, as a Stand-up Comedian on the wedding need to perform. This is not, in practice, mostly to the rear, if you are with a comedic performances in front of an audience familiar with. Important for a funny father of the bride speech is that it doesn’t seem silly, but a authentic remains. However, a speech of the bride’s father may be like funny because the fans not only the mood of the wedding company, but brings the guests to stay on the Ball and up to the end, listen closely.
Do you include in your speech, not only your daughter, but your son-in-law with. This may have an unusual Hobby, or he is a Fan of a football club, you can’t stand? These topics are ideal in combination with a funny comment to make everyone Laugh.
So you can formulate:
Example 1:
When you introduce me to your husband about ten years ago, I was skeptical at first if it suits you, and you can make you happy. I mean, he is a Fan of Borussia Dortmund. That says it all, don’t you?“
Example 2:
(Pause.) when I heard that he is a Fan of FC Bayern. But I have also found that it meets all the other criteria perfectly. He is loving, warm, and just as crazy as you are, my darling. And that’s when I knew: This man is allowed to have my little girl.“
Between all of the funny comments and jokes, it is still important to be a bit emotional, and not only her daughter conjure up a small tear in the corner of the eye to. Otherwise, your speech can quickly get ridiculous over there and go in the wrong direction. Here, the following applies: The mix makes it.
Heinz Erhardt shows how it should not make
The bride’s father’s speech: An emotional Highlight
Without question: The father of the bride speech is a very special Element of the wedding day. The father can bring all of his feelings or the last advice of the marriage type. Here, the approach is a platform for all the little things in the hustle and bustle of everyday life there is often no time is:
- together Childhood memory
- Anecdotes give back
- heartfelt congratulations expressions
Structured wedding speech by the bride’s father is good, well prepared, and in the time frame, it is not only for the bride, but also for the parents and the rest of the wedding guests goosebumps moment.
Not to mention the fact that the wedding speech for the marriage of his own daughter, can not only be kept from the father to stay. If it is preferred, or is it the circumstances or family circumstances not otherwise allow can also be the mother of the bride to well-chosen words to the wedding will be asked.
The emotional father of the bride speech: How they move you to tears
For the father of a daughter, it is often difficult to give you on your wedding day in the hands of her husband. This day is a sign that the daughter now has a family of his own. In order to give the feelings, is an emotional speech by the bride’s father is a good option. In order to show that you can give your daughter in the hands of your groom, and that you include the son-in-law in the family, and Welcome. In this special talk, tears may flow. So let the emotions run free.

The emotions overwhelm the bride’s father. ©IVASHstudio – Shutterstock
Often arise in such a speech, if you speak as the father of the bride-to-be on the common in recent years, and Childhood the daughter reminisce. They describe moments with your child, and you remained in a Special reminder and you think back also to the many past years. Many experiences can not remember your daughter may not even exist – and that’s exactly what you stir in particular.
Example of emotional speech:
You know, when you make your first own puppet 4. Birthday got? At that time you said to me that I’m the Best dad in the whole world. You can’t put into words how much happiness can be felt in such a Moment as a father. It is simply indescribable. And now, so many beautiful years have passed. Today I have brought thee to the Altar, and you to your husband passed. I would have me on your 4. Birthday even can’t imagine how fast you’re growing up. But I’m so happy that you’re so become a confident, down-to-earth, loving and beautiful young woman.“
Also, you should make next to the love of her daughter, the love to the newly acquired son-in-law clear. Succeed, if you are turning at the end of the speech aimed at the groom and have him in your family welcome.
To include the groom with
Example 1:
My Little one, you’ve chosen with Michael to be the Best man for you, and I can see how happy he makes you. I’m so proud that I can be your daddy. And my dear son-in-law: I can’t really imagine a better man on the side of my daughter. Welcome to the family, dear Michael! I wish you both the greatest happiness of this world for your common life.“
Example 2:
Today I passed you on the Altar of my most precious asset – my daughter. I would not have done it if I wasn’t a hundred percent sure that you’re the one who makes my daughter the happiest woman in the world. As my wife and I have met you a few years ago, we knew you have the heart at the right place and our Clara can bring the stars down from the sky. We have taken you from the very beginning in our hearts and may not daughter happier about the choice of our. Welcome to our family!“
The role of the stepfather
There can be many reasons for this, if the biological father of the bride may be the day of your wedding is here. Often the stepfather then takes over the tasks of the father, and leads her step-daughter to the Altar, or the speech of bride’s father. In many cases, the stepfather is in any case what is the right dad, which is why it feels like for all parties Involved is by no means strange or unnatural, if the stepfather takes on these important tasks on your wedding day.
It is important, of course, that the bride-to-be dedicating her step dad in time, so that he can adjust to this responsibility. Otherwise the same rules as the biological father of the bride to apply for the stepfather.
In the speech of the stepfather can also be emotions and tears shed shown. How emotional or funny, the speech is, depends, but also of the relationship between the bride and her stepdad.
Formulation examples for father of the bride speech stepfather
Example 1:
I’ve had it from day 1 at very fond of, and that love has become over the years a lot more. I wanted to replace your father never was. I didn’t want you to forget your father and me as your dad. What I wanted was that you are loved by me as a father and I have always given everything to make you happy and satisfied young woman. Now that you’ve found with Florian, your great love, what makes me infinitely happy.“
Example 2:
I never could have me in the dream. I don’t know that our Start was the easiest for both of us. So I was even more surprised than you have entrusted me with this great responsibility. We have never said that, really, how lovely, we were able to win us over time, but I think we could feel it both in the heart.“
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