Wedding speeches for parents

Wedding speeches for parents

Ye or a wedding who doesn’t like to hold a speech, you know, but how? How do you keep because wedding speeches? Where there is wedding speech examples? We have here a few tips on wedding speeches for success. Who concrete wedding speeches examples is in our Blog find: Three professional sample of a wedding speech

This article has been split into the following areas:

  1. Who gives a speech at the wedding?
  2. The wedding speech writing
  3. The wedding speech
  4. Wedding Speeches Examples
  5. The speech from the bride and groom to the guests
  6. Funny & touching wedding speeches Videos
  7. The symbolic objects suitable for wedding speech
  8. Surprising and special Alternative to wedding speech

1. Who gives a speech at the wedding?

Wedding speeches
© Katherine Elizabeth Photography

The wedding speech is an integral part of the majority of weddings. But who are the wedding speech?

The father of the bride speech and wedding speech from the groom to the classics. Keep the wedding speech is one of the important tasks of the groom. You must not be long, but the guests will enjoy an official welcome!

Come later, often, the witnesses to the word.

Welcome Speech Wedding
© Here Today Photography

Who else is coming in to the course, depends on how many guests you want to hold a wedding speech, and how many Talk to the bride and would like to pair at all. Surely you want to ban anyone, but there are limits to how many Speeches you can expect the guests.

Here it comes down to the skill of the master of ceremonies of the posts coordinates. In any case, not the table should allow speech wedding and Celebration be boring in the long – five minutes in most cases, are surely sufficient. A limitation is all the more important, the more are planned.

Speech for wedding
© Katherine Elizabeth Photography

Sequence: What is a wedding speech first?

Wedding Speech
© Sonja Schulz

Usually, the bride and groom (or both) at the beginning of the Ceremony, a few words to the guests, either in front of the Cutting of the wedding cake or before the wedding buffet opened.

Wedding speech from father of the bride or groomsmen, you could place the Starter, all the other Speeches in the later course of the Celebration.

Of course it depends on the rest of the planning which time the individual wedding speech best.

At a menu, you can push the Talk between the individual gears, at a Buffet, it is a little more difficult.

2. The wedding speech writing

Preparation for the wedding speeches

Wedding speech writing, cosy on the Sofa

Wedding speeches should always be well-prepared and thought out to be. Thinking in advance about what you speak like. This applies for the groom, bride, best man, father of the bride or the guest. It is a great honour to be allowed to hold a wedding speech. Take this Seriously. Because a good wedding speech can be one of the highlights of the wedding celebration.

Should it be a General topic, such as marriage or love, or want to tell specific stories from the life of the bride and groom? Observed that the speech should be personal, feelings are appreciated! Makes a collection with everything you could think of this wedding, and then find the points that make up the perfect wedding speech best DIY.

Keep your sentences short and fragmented you. Remains a topic, even if you can think of a thousand things.

Formulated in a clear, short sentences, in order for you from young children to grandparents, all can follow. A little Humor is allowed. You speak not in front of the Bundestag, but to the happy family celebration.

Outline of a wedding speech

Wedding speech
© Philip Dehm-Photography

Good wedding greeting, introduction, main part and conclusion are best to talk in four parts:.


Here is the short title of the bride and groom (love Anne, dear Peter / dear bride-to-be, dear bridegroom, etc.) and all of the guests in a (dear guests love / wedding, guests, etc.) is sufficient.


With the introduction, you want to draw the audience’s attention on you. A matching quote a celebrity, from a book or a movie or a good spell could on the topic of lead and curiosity.

Who’s a good joke-teller, you can use this as an introduction. Here are a lot of tact is required, however, to assaults, neither in style nor anyone hurt (no mother-in-law jokes!). Also, an anecdote from the life of the bride and groom would be a good Start for a very personal speech to the wedding.

Talk to the wedding

Main part:

Now the topic is still running. So, you can place the consideration on the subject of marriage or love. Don’t forget, however, from time to time, the bride-to-be to address some directly (as in the case of the two of you, dear Anne and dear Peter; For you, dear Anne and dear Peter, this is very different, of course), the personal reference.

Even more personal it is, if you are told something about the bride and groom; about your relationship to the two, about the past of the two, their common history, certain Hobbies, characteristics, occupations, for which the bride and groom fits well together, etc. of Course, no embarrassing stories should be told, better romantic, exciting, touching, or funny words and anecdotes are.


As a conclusion, you can summarize the comments in a short conclusion. Very good good wishes for the future of the bride and groom are.

These wishes can be about a Toast to gather together with all the guests of the glass.

Avoid meaningless phrases like:

Wedding Speech Example Pattern
© MNStudio – Fotolia

What if you’re not a good writer?

Not everyone has the special talent, profound and at the same time, fun to Talk to. But there is a solution: Let a professional Agency to help!

It costs a little money, but in return, you will receive a according to your Wishes written speech, the Bridal couple and the guests for a long time. Usually this is especially for the father of the bride or mother of the bride is important. Professional Talk you get, e.g., when – Talk to online now to order!

3. The wedding speech: Practice makes the master

Wedding Speeches Examples
© mastering –

When the speech finished writing is, it is: practice, practice, practice!

You read it again and again until you memorize you. Then try the wedding speech to present in front of the mirror. Also looks at the body language:

  • Not stiff like a stick look, but not the wild with the hands scrabbling around.
  • Stand upright and again and again, the eye contact to the audience are looking for.

If you feel safe, present the talk to a close friend, says his honest opinion. You pass the Test, and nothing can happen. All know, that you are not a professional speech-writer, and speaker are, and will forgive small weaknesses. A little stage fright is normal.

10 tips to Keep the wedding speech

Wedding Speech Father Of The Bride, Best Man, Maid Of Honor
© Pix by Marti – Fotolia
  1. Beware, you anzutrinken before the speech is Firstly, you don’t need, and second, it can go bad wrong. Drunk wedding are rarely talk about. You want to do is, finally, not as a fluctuating and/or lallender speakers make a fool of yourself.
  2. It is best, of course, if you think your speech is free. Index cards with key words can help you to not lose the thread. But not everyone. You can also read. Respects but particularly to formulate too long sentences, and not to speak too quickly.
    Marks exactly where your breaks do want to look high and what should be emphasized. But even if your ablest, you shouldn’t stick too tightly against the paper. Always look again into the round and speak the sentence by heart to the end. If you have prepared your speech well, this should be no Problem.
  3. Speak slowly, clearly and loud enough so everyone can understand.
  4. Speech, sight shut during the wedding contact with the audience.
  5. Do not be afraid of hangers or errors. You’re not a professional speaker, and no one expected of you. The listener will no longer ask to help, if you can think of, for example, a word.
  6. Please rate the game that you’re excited, the other guests will feel with you. If you are very nervous, focus only on the newlyweds and trying to forget the other guests. If you get calmer, you can still risking a glance to the other.
  7. Also, pay attention to the reactions of the listeners. If you notice that whisper comes up, talk a bit louder and clearer – perhaps you will not well understood. Just ask me in the round, if you can understand well.
  8. You have the feeling that the audience are bored and not listening? Maybe you can talk to the wedding have to be shortened. If you’re spontaneous enough, you can appeal to and a guest (Or what do you think, Dieter?). This will draw the attention back to you.
  9. If your audience is laughing, please leave plenty of time for that, before you continue to do so – even if, you would not have expected the laughter at this point.
  10. Let you not be swayed. There will always be people who can’t listen to Talk to the wedding or want to. The need to tell anything about the quality of your speech.
Wedding speech
© Rebecca Weiland Photography

4. Wedding Speeches Examples

Touching Wedding Speeches
© Photographer Christian Colista

Who’s keeping for the first Time, a speech at a wedding, would like to see in wedding speech examples free of charge, to collect a few ideas. Although we have one such example is promised (and also have), we would advise however, from examples of Speeches for a wedding reading. Sounds stupid? But there’s a good reason for this:

Prefabricated Talk stop you, perhaps, to say what you want to say actually. Instead, you say, then maybe what you’ve read, because it’s tempting to just – but the individuality is missing! Don’t leave you on the wedding speeches examples and writes, in particular, as the father of the bride or best man, something of my Own: A really personal speech for the bride and groom. Take the wedding speech templates as a starting aid.

If you still have an example of a speech for the wedding and the wedding guests read like: Here is the professional sample of a wedding speech.

5. The speech from the bride and groom to the guests

Bride Speech Wedding
© Fotolia Mic-03 – Fotolia

A short wedding speech from the bride and groom is unusual and rare than the typical father of the bride speech, but it’s also nice if the main persons of the wedding a few words to the Bridal society. A welcome speech for the wedding, the groom is often, but also about some of the words of the bride everybody is happy.

The bride speech ideas and examples


Of course, it depends on the character of the bride-to-be, if you would like to make a speech. Who is anyway like to be in the spotlight, which will surely want to stand out, even in this day especially. After all, the wedding is considered to be the day of the wedding.

You have a bride-to-be decided to hold a speech, or it is expected of you, then the question is, what ye shall say, anyway, of course.

This question will take you to a professional speech writer , or you are trying it by yourself.

What to say at the Wedding?

Actually, this speech is hardly one of which, the groomsmen or father of the bride, to be held. Keep the aforementioned tips.

In addition, your guests you should, of course, thank special people mention that you guys helped with the wedding preparations (e.g., your maid of honor).

Also, a funny anecdote from the time of the preparation is certainly a good one. Where were you, for example, disagree, or what was hard to choose?

Finally, a few loving words to your loved one to a beautiful conclusion. What are you looking forward in the common life the most?

Quotes and sayings are mostly very well and give the bride-to-speech, a certain degree of elegance or Humor, depending on which quote is chosen.

Short Wedding Speech
© Photographer Christian Colista

Tip for the groom:

Sebastian, Ex-groom, and author of a magnificent wedding speech, is in his 60-page Ebook with great tips, ideas and examples for a memorable groom speech.

Very entertaining written, and the optimal preparation in your own speech: Here you can read more about the guide .

Speech Wedding

6. Funny and touching wedding speeches Videos

Groom’s Speech


7. The symbolic objects suitable for wedding speech

When it comes to the Bridal couple is also very good, if you have to match the wedding speech one item that you can give to the newlyweds as a gift.

The speech (and the associated happiness wish) symbolically underlined, and the wedding speech receives a personal character, as well as a beautiful remembrance piece.

Here are a few ideas for the wedding speech gift:

The light of love

Wedding Lights Wedding Gift
© Geschenke24

Speak the speech, e.g., in the wedding on the light of love (which never expire), then a custom wedding awarded to the lantern.

These can be engraved with a custom spell. Matching suggestions, sayings, and ideas for the speech, you will find in our article.

Price: from 49€

A lucky horseshoe as a gift to the wedding speech

Horseshoe personalized

In your wedding speech, you wish the couple much happiness. Illustrates this desire with a horseshoe, which is to be personalised presents.

Whether silver or Gold – which could bring more happiness than a genuine worn lucky horseshoe? Thanks to laser labeling, and a beautiful gift box for the wedding will hold a couple of these lucky charm is always in honor!

Price: from 44,90€

Lucky horseshoe
© (translated

Wedding speech as a message in a bottle

Money gift bottle
© Geschenke24

If you put forth to a self-written poem (or story) in the wedding speech, then it would be great if the poem is written on a beautiful sheet of paper as a reminder is given to the bride and groom.

To do this, you could, for example, the gift bottle with cavity use. A couple of congratulations to – done!

Price: from 29€

Personalised picture with the wedding speech spell

Wedding gift personalised pictures
© Geschenke24

When in the speech of a particular quote, or a spell is used, then you could this as a great reminder on a personalized image to print.

The bride has few direct a lasting reminder of the wedding!

Price: starting at 34,99€

A Streitbox for the first Ehrkrach

Streitbox Wedding Game Wedding Speech
© Sonja Schulz

A great and yet unknown Ritual is also the Streitbox. It is used to reconciliation with first marital fight, and can be incorporated into the speech.

Briefly explains the Ritual, and presented to the couple of the Box. This is sure to provide a few laughs, and underlines your perspective at the end of art.

Short speech for the wedding of the daughter
© Jasmine Norris Photography

For more ideas, with symbolic character:

  • Fun icon to the wedding speech: Perhaps the parents of the bride or of the groom’s old baby rompers from then lifted and it could be as a Symbol for the rich blessing of Children, and long-standing relationship with the family of the bride and groom as a gift. Similar also goes with other items from Childhood.
  • Memories album wedding speech Close friends of the bride and groom can also take a Fotobalbum with many common pictures. The photo album should be only covered up to about the half. Then, you handed the gift to the bride and groom, thank you, is a symbol for the common years of friendship, and pointed out that the friendship will hopefully continue for a very long time, and the photo album can also be used in the future with great reminder images adorned the.
  • Touching icon to the wedding speech: As a parent, you can at the end of a wedding speech to a large poster or sheet to hold up that says:

Read more…

Further information for special wedding guests we have here for you:

8. Surprising and special Alternative to wedding speech

Moving Wedding Speech
© Sandy-Kind Creative Agency GmbH

To talk in front of many people is not your thing? Or you want to present to the Speeches of the other, nor is it a Highlight?

Then a custom sand painting-creation as a Video-the perfect Alternative to the Standard wedding speech! An artist draws the personal story of the bride and groom in fine Sand. Also your wishes or a The story you discuss individually with the artist. To the desired music she creates with elegant hand movements charming, evocative images that captivate all audiences and emotional take.

Price from 800€ – in addition to a recorded Video, a Live Performance is possible.

This article on Pinterest rememberWedding speech examples for free

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