Please note that this is only a pattern for a wedding speech. The speech, of course, should be adjusted accordingly. Matching tips you will find in our article .
If you are a part of the wedding guests and a speech wish to keep, you can find more information here:

This article has been split into the following areas:
- Tips for wedding speech from bride and groom
- Short Wedding Speech Groom: Sample No. 1
- Longer Speech Groom Wedding Speech Patterns No 2
- Surprising Alternative to speech: Hochzeitsrap
- Additional tips for thank you speech wedding & engagement
1. Tips for wedding speech from bride and groom

At the wedding speech couple or groom or bride-to-be bride can find the right words, it is important for the theme of for a few days time.
It’s worth it, because the wedding we talk to one of the most memorable moments of the day, you often think of will!
Those who want to read in more detail in the topic, write for me, you’ll love the eBook, the Ex-groom, Sebastian, and thanks to its tips very own personal speech create! The eBook is great written and makes you preparing for your groom’s speech is very easy! The same speech of the bride applies for the wedding – this is rare, but a speech for the wedding of the bride-to-be will encounter at least as much enthusiasm!
2. Short Wedding Speech Groom: Sample No. 1

This wedding speech groom template has Sebastian, Ex-groom, and author of a terrific Bridal set speech. Here, the focus of the speech from the groom lies on the Declaration of love. Of course, this speech can also be used as bride-to-speech convert.
Lots of tips and even more examples for the speech from the groom in his 60-page Ebook. Very entertaining written, and the optimal preparation in your own speech: Read more about the guide .
Type of speech: short, without much of a joke, but with a lot of love and Emotion
First of all, I would like to thank Marion and Stefan.
Thank you for your beautiful daughter, Sonja.
Your co-operation to this day was incredible.
I would like to thank you also, for you welcomed me so warmly into this family. It means very much to me. But most of all, I would like to thank you for that, you’ve raised an incredible and beautiful woman.
Looks like my wife today is not that amazing?
Wow – I called Sonja just the first Time, when a wife feels a little weird.
Next, I would like to thank all of you for you are here. It is beautiful to feel all this love and friendship, and to see. Thank you for all your good wishes, and that you celebrated with us today, this special day. Thank you for your gifts, I am sure that you will be with us on our new path assist.
A big thanks to remote to the bride-to-be young, you all look stunning. It has always been a great desire my wife to have their own bridesmaid and you have enabled it – thank you and guide you through the present day.
And now I would also like to thank my beautiful wife, my thanks. I just want to tell You from the bottom of my heart, how happy You make me, You married me today and that I love You and will always love you.
For all those who don’t know, We men have a precise idea of our wedding, when we are younger. These are very safe even as the ideas of women with pretty white dresses, large churches, but we also have dreams.
When I was a kid, was to marry my dream, one day, a beautiful woman and be happy the rest of our lives to have a family and a beautiful home. This is what I expected from a marriage. And when I met Sonja, I knew that she was different. You took me out of my way to make you Laugh and this feeling of happiness that surrounds me, if we’re together or when I think of us, is indescribable. My wife is more than what I could imagine in my Dreams. I love You my [pet name].

There are so many great moments that we have experienced together. Whether for companies, parties, on vacation or in everyday life [with Certain places/memories insert]. But like all couples, we too have had bad times, where we were fighting or not talking. However, all of these things and the experiences have made us who we are today. A strong couple that goes through thick and thin, and the brilliant works together.
So once again many thanks to all of you, that you for sharing this important Moment with us.
Please, fill your glasses and raise a toast to my beautiful wife, the Only one I love, Sonja.
3. Longer Speech Groom Wedding Speech Patterns No 2

This longer example, an amusing acceptance speech for the wedding is from the eBook, Sebastian, Ex-groom, and author of a magnificent wedding speech. In his 60-page Ebook gives great tips, suggestions and many more wedding speech patterns, so that you have a memorable groom speech can hold. If your wedding is supposed to be speech from the groom’s funny, you can be guided you here.
Type of speech: for a Little longer, with a lot of wit and Emotion
Dear guests, I would like to take this opportunity to thank some important people of this special day.
Be sure to fill your glasses, because we will not trigger only once.
Ladies & Gentleman, love of family and friends. And Marcel.
In my and in the name of my now wife, I would like to welcome you all once again a very warm welcome and we thank you that you spend this special day with us. We appreciate your efforts and we are grateful that all of you are coming from so far away, today, we have guests here from Ireland, Hong Kong and new Zealand. I said the other day to Clara that some people would do anything for a free meal.
The day would not have been possible without the help of our parents. Therefore, I want to first thank. Franz and Gabi, I know, traditionally, I should thank you for having me today in your families – but – I felt since the first day you welcomed, that I have a very long time, the feeling, to belong to the family – thanks for that.

I would like to thank you also for it to have such a charming, intelligent and sometimes stubborn daughter to be educated and to have me given permission to marry her. I promise you that I will do everything to make you happy.
I can imagine no better parents-in-law than you, and I don’t want you to think that you lose your daughter, but that her visit now need to go to a restaurant, to an additional space.
Also thank you for all your help with the wedding preparations – Gabi: You have conjured up a beautiful cake, and Franz – thank you, You said, like a drunken street bum look as You make a purchase for the country to the other, to test, to buy all the wine and brandy from the offer.
My Parents. I would like to congratulate you on having such a great son, raised.
Now, to be honest – I will be forever in Your debt, because you have made me the man I am today. When I was growing up, it was not always easy with me – I know – but you’ve always stood out to me, and therefore I am grateful to you. I hope I make you this day a bit of pride. If the years pass, I am glad, when Clara and I’m half as good a parent as you were, it would be enough for me.
In this sense, I would like to toast with all of you. To our parents!

I’m sure everyone will agree that Clara’s Bridal look young remotely today, really class or? You deserve a thank you for all your help and especially to ensure that you have ensured that Clara had in the last 48 hours so incredibly calm and relaxed.
I would like to at this point – the whole thing is now, thank improvised and not in my speech – is also the flower girl, for you two, Angela and Angelique looked really super sweet and did a great Job in the Church. Many thanks also to all of you!
We come now to the Start of this event. My brand new wife, Clara.
I’m sure everyone else agrees here in the room, You look absolutely stunning. When You came this morning, down the stairs, and I saw You for the first Time, I was speechless
As for me, Clara had said the first Time that you would like to organise our wedding in only four months, I thought she was crazy.
Today – that day actually arrived, I know that it really is.
In all honesty, Clara incredibly a lot of heart put blood, and ideas in this wedding – without you, we would all not be here today without you, we would not get married in such a beautiful setting with so much love and attention to Detail.

Many of you now expect me to tell you something Embarrassing about Clara or how we came. Honestly has me Clara forbidden to tell you something Embarrassing about you. To tell me it has been banned, it has prohibited me… there are sooo many things that I could tell. Because I don’t want it to me right on the first day of our marriage with her, mess with me, I’ll tell you a censored version of our learning to know prior to 6 ½ years.
We had agreed to go to dinner and I had the task to the Restaurant to pick and choose. For this occasion there was for me only an ideal place and that was the Gourmet house. Anyone who knows me knows that I like spicy food like. Clara wanted to impress me and ordered, therefore, your food focus, which you never made. After the first 3 Bit red, you came to the tears and she had to repeatedly take a deep breath. I was afraid that she’s about to lose consciousness. But Clara – as stubborn as she is, did not let up and ate all the food. Thus, she had earned directly on the first Date, you have my respect.
Basically, I learned two things that night.
1. Clara doesn’t like to admit it, if you made a mistake.
2. Clara likes to accept challenges and to try New things – even if it went this evening in the pants.
The good thing is that it is with Clara, never boring, because she likes the Extreme and sometimes beyond your limits go. It was in Trying new Restaurants, dishes, traveling to unknown lands, or simply the notice of termination of their Jobs, to travel with me through the world. All of these experiences together, I wouldn’t have never made it if I had the adventure of Clara on my side – on my best friend.
Clara, You’re incredibly nice, accommodating, harmonious and honest and I love You from my deepest heart. You know me and understand me like no one else in this world, and yet You agreed to marry me.
I feel like the luckiest man on this world, because I may not marry You, and I’m already looking forward to our next great adventure. The Marriage.
All stand up, raise your glasses. Let’s drink to the wonderful Clara, my love, my life.
4. Surprising Alternative to speech: Hochzeitsrap

So don’t like the idea of you, to hold an ordinary wedding speech?
It’s supposed to be better is something out of the ordinary?
If you already love rap music listen and rap can, this is a very personal Alternative to speech.
Sure, your Partner, and guests are thrilled with, a very personal Hochzeitsrap!
5. Additional tips for thank you speech wedding & engagement

A comprehensive introduction to the subject of wedding speech by the groom with tips, amazing templates and advice to the Practice you get in the guide eBook So the speech from the bride brings a few sure all the wedding guests to applaud!
Additional wedding speech tips can be found here: