Two people close to the knot, decide this is a very special and emotional event. It is the first step in a common future. An important part in such an occasion is the wedding speech. In General, it holds the bride’s father or the groom. Now it has become naturalized, that the mother of the bride, groomsmen or friends a wedding speech during the celebrations hold. How your speech for the wedding to be perfect, you will learn in this article.

The wedding vows is the most emotional Situation of a wedding © Andrey Nastasenko – Shutterstock
Just in the current Corona times is a speech for a wedding, a special gift for the bride and groom, and also via Skype, telephone or letter put forward can be.
What is the purpose of a wedding speech?
The purpose is, the Pair of his appreciation present. In addition, the wedding speech welcoming a new family song. From the point of view of the bride’s father wedding is considered speech as a symbolic act, in which he passes the daughter of the husband-to-be.
Who is a wedding speech?
Originally, the wedding was held speech of a professional speaker. Meanwhile, people keep the speech, which stand in a particular connection to the bride and groom.
Here you will find the appropriate Talk
Generally speaking, anyone can keep a wedding speech. This is no matter whether it is family members or close friends. However, the order is fixed yet clear. She looks as follows:
- In the first place, father of the bride or mother of the bride is.
- Then the parents of the groom will speak.
- Only then, groomsmen, friends or other family members are in the series.
- The final word will always have the bride and groom.

The speech of the best man is usually with anecdotes and memories © Natalia Kabliuk – Shutterstock peppered
It often happens that the bride and groom want to say something. Most of these words are directed to the Partner. It is important that the bride will be left to parents and groom’s parents first. This is not a set rule, but it is still used today as a sign of respect and decency.
What to include in a wedding speech?
If you are holding a wedding speech, a good preparation is very important. Therefore, you should think about exactly what you want to talk to. In principle, one should note at the wedding speech, that she’s personally.
Feelings are explicitly desired. It is helpful if it points to the wedding to make before trick of speech. Write down every little thing that occurs to them to the wedding. Sort out you can.
It is important that the speech is too long. Even if you during the speech, many more things, don’t get bogged down and stay with a theme. A little Humor can also be included like that. Likewise, it is allowed, if a few tears flow.
The outline of a wedding speech
Welcome: Here is a short salutation or greeting speech, such as, for example, love wedding couple and guests.
Introduction: to ensure the attention of the guests to pull.
A quote a celebrity to the initiation of curiosity. Are you a good joke-teller, is also Humor in the introduction allowed. However, caution is warranted here. They tell, for example, It is the same with an anecdote from the life of the bride and groom. This should not, be for the Couple, embarrassing story.
The main part: Now it is the theme of the wedding speech to deepen. A personal reference, you should appeal to the bride and groom time to time, personally.
Other topics for the main part can be:
- Your relationship to the Couple.
- The past of the two.
- The common history before the wedding.
- Certain Hobbies or quirks, because of which the bride-to-fit pair so well together.
- Romantic stories from the relationship.
Conclusion: As a conclusion is usually a short summary of the speech for the wedding. Good wishes in connection with a Toast are always glad to see. Not recommended statements, such as:
- That’s it for now!
- Now you’ve survived, I’m done!
- I have to say!
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How long should the wedding take speech?
As the guests were asked at the registry office or in the Church as a listener, one should not take the wedding speech too long.
Appropriate for five minutes maximum. So the guests are not overused or start to get bored to.
What must a speech in a wedding?
As already described above, should be no embarrassment or malicious jokes in wedding speech. The following things are to be avoided:
- You should make any political Statements.
- No mention of Ex-relationships.
- You talk for longer than five minutes.
- Do not read from the paper.
- The word
- To start the speech, you should not tap on glass.
What you should know about the wedding speech by the bride’s father?
The father of the bride speech is a Central part of a wedding celebration. She has a great symbolic importance, since the father hands over his daughter This Moment of the wedding speech is very emotional, due to the often complex sensations in the case of father and daughter, ranging from joy and happiness to sadness and grief.
When is the right time for speech?
They want the full attention of the wedding guests, you should keep in their speech, at its best during the evening meal. Make sure that you have already eaten something, because Hunger is not for the concentration and attention conducive.
You speak with the wedding planner or the groomsmen of your daughter, to have a fixed time for your speech to assign.
How do you find the right words?
Especially when it comes to emotional events, such as a wedding, it is not always easy to find the right words. Below, we have some tips for you.
Effective the father of the bride speech: That should include
- Basic rule number 1 of a father of the bride speech: Be authentic.
- Show how much you appreciate the wedding of your child.
- They tell of how you have experienced the previous relationship of the bride and groom and experience.
You are taking a detailed in shared experiences.
- You can use it for Transmission of your message short and simple sentences.
- You mean your son-in-law officially in your family welcome.
- You wish the newlyweds a happy and successful future, and bring a Toast to the newly married Couple.
- The content of the bride’s father speech is also heavily influenced by what the father of his daughter or the bride and groom to give to. He wants to give to the newly married couples, especially tips on how this is a good relationship to be in deep connectedness can lead to? Or he wants to warn the Couple of errors, one should not make the marriage better?
- Also anecdotes on the birth of his daughter in the wedding may be speech with incorporated. Allusions to common Hobbies of the wedding pair fit just as perfect in the wedding speech.
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What should you not say, as the father of the bride?
First, it is important that the guests are NOT welcome. Because they are a guest and not the host. Therefore, the welcoming of the guests should be alone for the bride and groom reserved. Next, you should choose your words Carefully. Statements such as Therefore, you should avoid this.
More are patterns of talk , while helpful, is an approach in the preparation of a wedding speech to have, but not a solution as the speech itself. In the worst case, one of the guests saw the speech as plagiarism. This seems to be an impersonal and on the other, it throws a bad light on you, because you have the words of your daughter somewhere from the Internet.
Similarly, words such as These words are often found in phrases like It is better if you write the speech positively.
Father of the bride speech: the No-Go’s at a wedding speech
In order for the speech to be perfect, you should avoid some things in mind. These include:
- Do not keep the speech, unprepared.
- Let your nervousness show.
- Extreme perfectionism is, in a speech out of place.
- Build only matching wedding sayings or quotes.
- Do not suppress your emotions.
Example of speech for the bride’s father with quotes
A humorous quote can be a good introduction into the wedding. You can say, for example, the following:
My dear daughter, my dear son-in-law, dear guests!
Why loves a woman and a man?
This is a quote from the writer Victoria B. Robinson from her best-selling book
But don’t worry dear guests, I’m going to count all of the 111 reasons.
Then you continue with your speech.
You benefit as a member of our current speech, entrances, and daily changing quotes!
Example of speech for the bride’s father as a poem
A poem can be very good in the introduction or the middle part of a wedding speech can be installed. Here we have an example of a poem for you:
Makes you a little bit of decency to prevail,
so you have to make a speech,for such a big day –
drum listen well to what I say!We know, sooner or later,
it concerns once all of the fathers:If your daughter fledging,
it is not an easy day on earth.The house is suddenly quiet and empty,
so much as Usual there’s not more.It is attached to all of the children,
in the case of daughters is again so hard.Recently, in the stroller,
you can see them today, the bride-to-be dress.You think she’s still tiny,
as is Parking your car.Even if it’s sometimes different wants,
the time is never still.It is on the earth,
that children grow up to be.I’m looking forward to all the guests
and wish the couple nothing but the Best!But between the flowers and gifts
we are now thinking about the future.In good, safe, Soft,
run on tracks that a life rich.
What you should know about the wedding speech of the groom?
As the groom, it is equally important that you talk to prepare for your wedding well. You take a few days to think about what you want to say to the guests.
When is the right time for the groom speech?
The groom holds his speech is traditionally the opening of the wedding buffet or between the first and second gears of the wedding menus. As with all the other Speeches, too, is considered here as a rule of thumb, a maximum of five minutes.
How do you find a suitable groom for the right words?
Wedding speech groom is aimed at the guests, groomsmen, family, and your bride-to-be. Therefore, you should address the above-mentioned groups of persons in the speech in person. So you can show your appreciation to these people and the joy of their existence.
Tip: make a Note of the different groups of people. Then, they take note of what connects these people or what they have experienced something special with you. In the beginning, you should make the most distant group of people. In front of the screen and work to a close friend or family circle.
What should you mention in the different groups of people?
The guests , for example, another thanks to, as the best man. Therefore, you should take according to the different groups of people. All the guests, it is sufficient if you Express your thanks. For the time you have taken to have at the wedding to be, or for the long journey that you have taken. Thank you also for:
- the support,
- the wedding games
- the great commitment and
- the gifts.
Here, you can call some guests quietly at the name. The groomsmen may you something more personal. Because, in General, are best friends that have helped in the preparation and orientation of your wedding. Also a thanks to for the year-long friendship or an unforgettable bachelorette party should you mention here. At this point, a couple of personal anecdotes are very good.
You will feel at the bride’s family well? Then talk to the. Similarly, if brother-in-law and sister-in-law have become very good friends. This, too, may be mentioned. As for the groomsmen applies here: you Tell the story of great common experiences or the great birthday cake that your mother-in-law always bakes.
Do not forget to thank to your own family. For example, for the support throughout your life or for love, they were able to learn by their parents. Your parents have helped with the wedding planning, to talk to you, too.
Lastly, you should say a few words to your wife. How grateful you are for the past, how much they look forward to the coming future, how big is your love for her and how happy you are that this woman is at your side.
What should you avoid in the groom speech?
Thus, the speech is a success, you should avoid some things. These include:
- Keep your speech is not unprepared.
- Hold the groom’s speech is not without a microphone. The least speak so loudly that even the guests understand in the back row of the above. A quieter speaker provides agitation.
- To drink you, no courage. A shot can be too much, especially at such an exciting day.
- You can no guests outside.
Example wedding speech groom with quotes
Love Wedding Guests!
The Golf legend Sam Snead was the first player in the history of Golf, all golfers dream of:
He played under his own age. With 67 years, Snead, a 66 made-it round!He once said One day you’re in seventh heaven and the next day you can’t change the belly of Wales, tickle“.
Why am I this Golfer in my wedding speech, groom, love guests?
Because I’m floating for years, on the seventh heaven!
I didn’t have to tickle her for even a whale.Because I have managed to do, what not only golfers, but all men dream of.
On the track 18 on the Golf courseI got you first met, my beloved bride-to-be Eva!
You, darling, you look me in the time of the discount added.But because I was so nervous that my haircut, of course, in the vetches went.
Today, I’m nervous.
However, I suffer more from stage fright and fear of public Speaking.Self-could you defeat, my darling.
Example of speech for the groom as a poem
My love bride eve!
Right from the start
we met Cupid’s first arrows –
the love had, however, at the time
still in no great hurry!But on the first evening,
I got your number in the Hand –
which, of course, with practiced Hand
in my jacket disappeared!Then developed our love
over time –
on the first Date
were still friends willing to help.Our friends Adam, Berti and Christian
were very engaged –
without you I would have of me
with your phone number and decorated!
Note: If the groom is not a speech the bride of the Part. Then you should change the address accordingly.
What you should know about the wedding speech of the bride or groom’s mother?
As you know, traditionally at a wedding father of the bride speech. Then the groom’s parents, groomsmen, and guests follow. At modern weddings, however, it is possible that the wedding is held in the speech of mothers. Also, the wedding can be held in a speech to the groom or the bride of the mother, if the father would like to make a speech.
If mothers of the groom or the bride holding the wedding speech, you should keep tissues ready. Finally, this bond is very special, because you carried your child for 9 months under your heart.
A wedding speech from mother to son, can be very valuable, in which the mother of the groom tips and Tricks for a happy marriage are on the way.
4 tips from a mother to the groom or the bride in a wedding speech
Women are full of emotions, and if it’s a question of your own son or daughter, not the tears roll only the wedding couple. In addition to the loving words and wishes for a wonderful marriage, a groom always grateful for every tip he gets from his mother. Finally, he would like to avoid errors as well. The following tips should be decorated in spite of the seriousness with a bit of Humor, and maybe even anecdotes from the time of the Marriage.
- Time as a Couple to enjoy: In wedding speech of the groom-mother, it is important to show that time is very important. Seems to be the beginning of a marriage, if there are no children here, time to be a Couple of infinity. But these moments of change. You offer as a groom – or bride-to-mother support, should grandson be present.
- Small Gestures: For small Gestures, is always on time. It’s a love SMS, a Rose in the evening, a boiled dinner, or the tooth paste tube close. Women, attention is very high. Wedding speech of them as the mother to the son of this point is the most Important. Make him by his father.
- Right to quarrel: Each couple is fighting. Armed is good and should be implemented, is a spouse with a bit unhappy. Women know how to Argue. You, as a mother of the groom should put in wedding speech funny stories from their own marriage, the focus is on how to argue properly, so that it runs in the marriage of her son better.
- Trust: In a well-functioning marriage trusts you blindly. You talk about problems and secrets, there are not. It is so important to this trust never to miss. Because once broken, it is kitten hard to this.
Example speech for mother of the bride with quotes
My dear daughter, Eva,
my dear son-in-law Adam!It is wonderful that you have found!
I’m not just saying that because I’m currently a mother of the bride speech.
But, because I’m from the heart about your wedding happy!
My congratulations to you on your wedding come from the heart.I’m glad you both a Partner for life found you.
A loved one.
The you and support can support.
It is important to offer each other a shoulder.
This is what makes the love.These are my words of a mother to their daughter’s wedding.
Because, for a mother it is beautiful, that her beloved daughter has found a good and lovable Partner.In the process, I can still remember it exactly, dear Eva, on the day of your birth.
For hours I went to the hospital corridor to and from.
And then finally, my dear daughter, grieve for you the light of the world.
With a huge bump on his head.
Something crushed and wrong.At the time, thought I don’t dream of it, that I was once a mother of the bride speech would.
But today you’re gonna be here with us, next to your man and, look at you:
The bump is gone!You’re a beautiful woman.
In my wedding speech mother of the bride I would like to point out emphatically
, As a mother, I am infinitely proud of you!Love wedding guests, in the 1. The book of Moses says:
You, my dear daughter, already at an early stage to heart.
Because you have already decided over ten years ago for your Adam!
That was one of your smartest and best decisions.
Note: This sample speech is, to the groom turned, amend.
Secure now your exclusive access to over 3,000 samples speeches and their personal speech archive!
Example of speech for the groom-mother poem
Heart to heart is a guarantee
for a long life band.
How exactly? What is meant by’s?
It is the spirit that unites all of you!It is not only close to,
no, on the soul, the more can.
Obstacles are not a Problem,
if we are always in the spirit to see.Kind words and understanding
are part of the lucky commitment.
And, if you can’t solve can
take the Other in the Arm.Then flow unsuspected forces,
bring your love powers,
and with courage and Confidence
problems are wiped out.But so much of life’s philosophy
can also be nerve-as never before!
Enjoy the Togetherness.
Then you will be life-ease!Now we are all much cleverer,
are motivated and ready
to cheer and the glass to lift
your great love!
What you should know about a wedding speech to the groomsmen?
The best man’s speech , depending on the Region and Tradition at the end of the eventful and wonderful wedding day. During the wedding seats guests at the tables, summarize the groomsmen the day’s events or reports of common experiences with the bride and the groom. Here comes some funny or embarrassing anecdote , which the listener to tears of laughter drives.
Humorous formulated to give the one or the other groomsmen are also happy to relationship advice. The completion of the best man’s speech heartfelt congratulations for the newlyweds usually form.
Groomsmen talk: you need to pay attention to!
- Connect best with the other groomsmen together, because together it is much easier to original ideas for the best man’s speech , see.
- Who talk a fear of being in front of others, you should bring it up in the run-up to and a friend to ask at the Traurede to fill in.
- Make sure that your best man’s speech is not only for as long as necessary to get the wedding guests.
- Write a small cheat sheet with key words, in order to prevent that they get mixed up during the Celebration.
- Prepare your civil, religious, or free Traurede in good time before! This applies especially when you want to AIDS, such as photos, a projector, a screen, or presentations with mount. Ask for it at an early stage of the wedding location, which is technically possible and you have to think carefully about how much time you need for the design of the devices.
- Even if everyone knows that a funny best man speech for weeks, was prepared, provides hands-free Talking, a feeling of spontaneity. That’s why you should learn your best man speech always by heart.
- Instead of a classic best man’s speech in the last few years, especially creative deposits established: Whether it’s a small theatre, a funny Video, or emotional PowerPoint presentation – groomsmen have almost all the artistic liberties, as long as certain limits of the bride and groom should not be exceeded.
Tip: you’re the best friend or the best friend of the bride and groom? You betrayed your best man’s speech, each of the partners Tricks and tips on how this should be with the little quirks of the other handle. Be as specific as possible, not too serious, but try to make your content more likely to be a humorous way to convey.
The same rules also apply to all the other guests who want to hold a wedding speech. However, care should be taken that not too many people at the wedding speech. Because it can be boring in the long run.
The wedding vows in the shape of a wedding speech
From the free on the ecclesiastical to the civil Ceremony, the vows , has become a permanent place for wedding celebrations. Thus, the vows feeling and effect comes fully over, it should be authentic and above all very personally. A challenge for any bride-to-be few, but not impossible. With these tips and examples, you write a nice and at the same time emotional vows.
Tip: you Want your wedding a personal and loving vows submit, you should first checking with your priest, pastor, free theologians or state officials to clarify.
Tips for a proper wedding vows
- Talk about the length and the time of the marriage vow.
- Check important data beforehand. This includes, for example, whether the vow refer to the future or the past, or whether it is a Declaration of love.
- Set a topic, such as, for example, the properties of the partner.
- Are you looking for sources of information. This can be love poems or Proverbs, which are their feelings well. A Mindmap is to create. You write the name of the partner in the middle and around individual strands for the character.
- You will find a beginning by statements such as
- They use everyday language. A high-flown expression may provide the Partner, as well as the guests of confusion and little authentic look.
- Show honest feelings.
- You write on various topics, a version, and you decide at the end for the one you like best.
- Prepare vowscards before. When you decorate these on the back a little, not see the cards as a cheat sheet.
- You can practice your Text again and again.
Example of a wedding vows
Eva, I love You because the colors of my world will begin to glow when I’m with You.
I love You for how You deal with the people who are important to us.
I love it, as You are a new offer every day the fate of the forehead.
I love the way You look at me when You think I don’t notice it.
I love it when You kiss me, as I would be the most valuable, most fragile gift You’ve ever received.
Eva, I love You because You have touched my heart.
Because You caress my soul with Your vicinity.
I love You because You’re special, I have been waiting for my whole life.
What wedding days are another important occasion for a speech?
From the first year of marriage, every year there’s a reason to celebrate the wedding, again. So you can be prepared for every day of the wedding, the right of speech. The most important hubs of wedding days, we have assembled a list for you.
Name des HochzeitstagsGrüne Hochzeit
JahrTag der Eheschließung
Name des HochzeitstagsHölzerne Hochzeit
Jahr5. Hochzeitstag
Name des HochzeitstagsRosenhochzeit
Jahr10. Hochzeitstag
Name des HochzeitstagsKristallhochzeit
Jahr15. Hochzeitstag
Name des HochzeitstagsPozellanhochzeit
Jahr20. Hochzeitstag
Name des HochzeitstagsSilberhochzeit
Jahr25. Hochzeitstag
Name des HochzeitstagsPerlenhochzeit
Jahr30. Hochzeitstag
Name des HochzeitstagsRubinhochzeit
Jahr40. Hochzeitstag
Name des HochzeitstagsGoldene Hochzeit
Jahr50. Hochzeitstag
Name des HochzeitstagsDiamanthochzeit
Jahr60. Hochzeitstag
Name des HochzeitstagsGnadenhochzeit
Jahr70. Hochzeitstag
Wedding speech 10. Wedding anniversary – the rose wedding
The 10. Wedding anniversary is also referred to as rose’s wedding. The Name was created by the best known symbol of Love – the red Rose and is for blooming love. It is said that the marriage of ten years, is beautiful, rosy, young and tender. Just like the petals of a Rose. But the partners know how to defend themselves against external influences. In the same way as the Rose with its thorns, protects from enemies.
The rose wedding there are many beautiful customs, such as, for example:
- the rose bouquet for the bride,
- the decoration of roses,
- a cake with roses decoration.
On rose’s wedding may a beautiful sayings Talking, of course not be missing. Here we have three examples of sayings, in respect of the Rose, 10. Wedding day:
You’re the Rose of my love, the Ros‘ on my heart the hallway. It andre shoots Flowers, foreshadowing my Rose only. It’s the pile, he zerstiebe, Disappear each track had to. The room for my Rose would have to remain vow forever.
Infinitely beautiful Eros and his beauty shines through the Psyche, like the light of the Rose.
The Rose in the dew, it is pearl grey were shone, as the sun, they were rubies to.
If you want to hold a wedding speech, rose wedding, Rose appears, it is suitable, for example, the following Text as an introduction to the speech:
Dear Bride And Groom,
In marriage it’s not just about survival, and the marriage to maintain.
It is, therefore, to consider the marriage as a Rose, the spirit can draw new strength.
Wedding speech to the 20. Wedding day – the porcelain wedding
The term porcelain wedding, because this day of the wedding between the glass wedding (15. The day of the wedding) and the silver wedding anniversary (25. The day of the wedding) is. They say that after 20 years of marriage, this is so fragile, like glass. But it is also not as stable as silver.
One of the most popular customs on this occasion, the Shattering of old porcelain, and replace it with a new one. Here we have three examples of the beautiful sayings:
- The verdict: We move on porcelain, nowhere to be, we must not launch. So be careful in our judgment, be.
- Where a good marriage is made pottery, are in time sometimes broken. This is quite normal. Sweeping away the broken easily and it continues with the good marriage.
- The wise husband buys his wife the most expensive porcelain, because he can’t be sure, she throws it to him.
Here, too, we have again an example of an introduction to wedding speech:
Dear Bride And Groom,
precious and fragile as the trust is also the porcelain. But who is good with it, it nourishes and cherishes, is a long time to have something like this.
You two have always trusted and you rely on each other.
This is the most important Foundation of a marriage.
Wedding speech to 25. Wedding anniversary – silver wedding
If the marriage will last 25 years, it is in the rarest of cases are still at risk. This is also a reason why this day – and – silver-wedding – called and mostly large is celebrated. Here, the focus is on the color silver. That is, the decoration can for example consist of silver roses. In the case of speech, or a spell to the silver wedding, the main focus is on the number 25, as you can read in the following three examples:
- The silver Pair, 25 years ago, who’d have guessed it at the time, you have surprised us, and all of a sudden over night, you were a couple. We wish you to silver wedding only the best and believe in the Golden time, a renewed strength in 25 years.
- 25 years you’re married now, 25 years together by the life is gone. So much love you can be proud of. I congratulate you most warmly and wish you well for the next 25 years of marriage, a lot of happiness and health.
- It is no small thing married life, 25 years, United in happiness and suffering, only the Best is worthy of your joy.
As an introduction for your wedding speech, you can use for example this Text:
Dear Bride And Groom,
Love appears as the fastest, but it is the slowest of all growths. Neither man nor woman know what perfect love is until they were married a quarter of a century.
Wedding speech to the 30. Wedding day – the wedding
Of the 30. Wedding day is as a pearl wedding called. As you can already guess, this book is devoted to the subject of pearls. In most cases, this day is celebrated in the smaller circle. Nevertheless, we must point out, for example, the decoration on this special day. A custom for this purpose, the beads wreath on the front door. Suitable Proverbs for pearls wedding, we have below for you:
- Pearls don’t lie on the beach. If You desire a pearl, You must dive for it.
- The pearl can’t Shine without friction, to the, to the man be perfected without effort.
- Love is not a product to you for a small price-must believe in something. It is a pearl of great price, which can only be by a bead of the same values outweighed. You can only be with yourself in the exchange-swap to pay.
You hold a speech for the wedding, you could look at the introduction as follows:
Dear X dear Y,
From the depth of the High grows. On the basis of faith of the sea, the pearl of knowledge is healing to the diver who finds you!
To remind you that you can call a true knowledge of your own. After 30 years of marriage, you know the other in its full depth, with all his faults, all his wisdom. Who knows other people as good and for so many years for him who knows what is love and what it means to be married. And this is not the most beautiful of the knowledge of the life, are there?
Wedding speech to 40. Wedding anniversary – ruby wedding
Who the ruby’s wedding is celebrating, you can probably many UPS and Downs from the common life. These good and less good times together, welding, but also. The importance of the concept of ruby wedding comes from the fact that it is the marriage after so many years of value – just like a ruby. On this occasion, also, it’s all about the color red. In order to find the right words, we have compiled for you Proverbs for the ruby wedding:
- Rubies are precious rubies are beautiful, rubies today we want to, as a sign of love.
- Mind is a gemstone that shines the most when he is caught in humility.
- Symbolically stands today is a gemstone for the 40-year milestone.
Because ruby wedding usually an older Couple is, should the speech, written to be. Therefore, the speech should be more seriously. An introduction can look like this:
Dear Cheering Couple
we wish you all the best to the 40. The day of the wedding!
You have our respect for the marital feat. Who can look back on 40 years of marriage, looks back on a life full of love that has survived a lot, which is supported in hard times and good times still nice to be made.
That’s why we would like to congratulate you warmly on your silver wedding anniversary. You both have really proven that your love is deep and dark red like a ruby that has not lost its luster.
Wedding speech to 50. Wedding anniversary – Golden wedding
Of the 50. Wedding day Golden wedding called. Anyone who has reached this day, you can appreciate quite happy. That is why the Couple has earned and, correspondingly, a beautiful Celebration of love and words. With the following spells to your happiness wishes come quite well:
- 50 years full of love, 50 years full of happiness. Not looking back on the eu’rem’s ren always forward. Confidence, harmony, and connectedness will escort you safely through the future. We wish you, to the cheers of some, even a lot of beautiful time to be together.
- Fifty years of married life firmly United in happiness and suffering, only the Best, which is no small thing.
- Green wedding celebrations, many of the silver there is in the country, but to the fifty-year goals, the fewest in the state. Two people in love 50 annual’ long, float to the Golden wedding is still on cloud nine.
In the case of the Golden wedding should be a speech appropriate to be prepared. In the case of an older Couple, and with so many years of marriage, a dignified speech is always the better choice. Here we have an example of how you can start:
Love Couple,
You’re actually done, even after 50 years, is full of your love, full of strength.
It still burns the fire, the passion, it is expensive.
So, don’t let it rip you afraid to do crazy things.
Then the happiness remains is for you to hold, you’ve honestly earned your Gold!
Wedding speech to 60. Wedding day – the diamond wedding
The diamond wedding is in six decades together look back. Because it’s definitely not easy to find the right words. Spells that fit such a big occasion, can be the following:
- The common happiness of two people is nothing more than two small, side by side, carved lines into infinity.
- The great fortune to be in love is to find peace in another heart.
- Love a person, is by agreeing to be with him old.
The diamond wedding is suitable in lieu of a wedding poems speech. That’s why here we have an example of a poem to 60. Wedding day for you:
Dear diamond couple,
So sixty years ago, stood her on the altar.
And the future days were you, and not the other yet clear.
But today in the family circles you look back on 60 years of marriage-trip,
for the goal of the bill, are child and grandson.
Wedding speech to 70. Wedding day – the grace wedding
The term grace Bridal has a Christian origin. Because it symbolizes the grace and goodness of God, by which the marriage for so many years has held. That’s why this day should be assessed as well. However, in most cases, due to the age of the couple, the Ceremony is kept small. Often, a nice dinner out in a Restaurant with the family. In addition, there are some customs to grace the wedding, you should implement accordingly. Because this is also a sign of respect for this long time of the Marriage.
What traditions are there to grace the wedding?
One of the most famous traditions for the grace wedding the ad in the local newspaper. Furthermore, it is the decoration accordingly. This is not tied to a specific color, but should fit the age. Gypsophila is a typical decoration for the grace of the wedding, as well as pictures of the couple. The Whole should be simple look but still dignified.
In the case of gifts to grace the wedding comes, it is usually not material to. Because, in 70 years of marriage , the Couple sure everything is purchased, what it needs. Therefore, personal or personalized gifts are for the grace wedding the most suitable. This can be for example a self-written poem or a photo collage from the last 70 years.
As simple and easy with the speech to grace the wedding. Here, you should not raise the marriage itself, but to the entire live performance, the pair received. Such a speech may look, for example, as follows:
Love This Anniversary Couple
you were always gracious and patient, tolerant and fair. You have worn your best features never make it to the Show and have been now for your modesty be rewarded.
Your marriage is something very Special, to really be proud of. Even if it seems to you maybe is not such a long marriage for no reason so rare. What have you both done, is a masterpiece of – a grace performance.
Congratulations to the 70. Wedding day to grace the wedding.
We also have below three spells for you that fit, for example, in the greeting:
- God’s grace is his collaboration to our will.
- If a man and a woman is mercy, rest to the deity on them.
- If the grace of God breaks a man’s heart, then it is strong enough for anything.
Collection of sayings, quotes, touching words, and poems for wedding speech
Last but not least, we compiled a collection of matching sayings, quotes, and poems for wedding speech.
Sayings to the wedding
It is what it is says love”
It is impossible says experience
It is reckless says caution
It is ridiculous says Pride
it is what It is says love
It is hopeless says insight
It is nothing but pain says fear
It is unhappiness says calculation
it is what It is says love
,“It is nonsense says reason – Erich Fried“Greater than all the pyramids,
as the Himalayas,
as all forests and seas
is the human heart.
It is scary in his love.”
radiant and blooming.
It is more glorious than the sun,the moon and all the stars – Heinrich Heinethen you have not lived in vain.”
the love in the world to enrich,
with only a small spark
“, If it is possible for you, – Jack London
Funny sayings that you can incorporate into the wedding speech
“Marriages are made in heaven, but that you are well-advised is not to be seen “ – Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach
“Right, is married to the man until he every word understands that his wife has said.” – Alfred Hitchcock
“The secret of a long marriage? Very simple: You just have to find the right woman and old enough to be.” – Gordon A. Craig
“Marriage is the original trial, the costs to be cut in half by doubling.” – George Mikes
Ironic sayings to the wedding
“Marriage is the attempt to second to cope with the problems to be that they alone never had been.” – Woody Allen
“As soon as a woman from a man, a donkey has made, she talking about him, he’s a lion.”– Honore Balzac
“The only line of business in which the majority of management positions occupied by women, the marriage.” – Robert Lembke
“Marriage is an attempt to second-at least half to be happy, how to be alone has been.” – Oscar Wilde
“The marriage is the only life-long conviction that it is due to poor leadership, a pardon can be.” – Alfred Hitchcock
Bible verses to use in wedding speech
“Love can neither through the mighty waters deleted by currents washed away be.” – Song of songs of 8.7
“With the help of God, was from two to one. These God-given bond man must not divide.” – Matthew 19,6
“The path of life: in Front of us is of infinite joy.“ – Psalm 16: 11
3 poems for wedding speech
Example 1:
“It is night,
and my heart comes to you,
keeps’s not,
keeps’s not for me.Puts you on the chest,
like a stone that
drops into it,
to your inside.of his eternal You.”
is the reason
there it comes to rest,
There, – Christian Morgenstern
Example 2:
“If I was your, I’m only me.” – Michelangelo
Example 3:
“If you found it did,
the other, the the of you thinks
of your guides,
your heart and joy.
If you found it did,
the other, understands you,
with whom you share that with you.
If you found it did,
the other, of the nothing separates,
then you have the, what you love is called.“ – Unknown
A romantic story to use in wedding speech
“As the sun and the rain still knew nothing of each other, was all bleak. There, where the rain day and night fell on the earth, it was wet and cold. It was pitch dark, and everything was flooded.
Where all this time the sun was shining, it was scorching hot.
The ground was parched and had deep cracks.
It was so dazzlingly bright that every eye was blinded. As the sun and the rain nothing of each other knew, there was no life on the earth, and everything was dead.
As it happened, that love came to earth and it’s all just looked at.
When she was there, felt the rain and the sun suddenly a great longing in itself.
You knew nothing of each other, but they began to suspect that something was missing.
And you left your home, and the search began.
Long she wandered to and fro.
Finally, the rain came in the former area of the heat, as the sun reached areas in the former Flood.
As the sun lit up the dark country and its rays on the many Wet-sent, started the water, came to evaporate and fertile soil to the surface.
The desert floor is changed when the first drop of Rain on him fell.
Eagerly, he sucked the Wet and the deep Furrows began to close.
And it happened for the second Time, that love came to check out everything carefully.
Since the sun and the rain were met again by a great longing, and they began to search.
They returned to their home countries, and wondered that there everything was different.
For the third Time, the love came and letting in the sun and the rain the yearning of awakening.
Since the two were once again on the search.
Finally, they met each other and recognize each other.
As the sun and the rain came together, woke up the earth to life, and it all started to bloom.
And the love was there, and everything is looked at. And you saw that it was good.”
The most beautiful symbolic gifts to the wedding and to a wedding speech
A special Attention for the bride and groom symbolic gifts that fit either for the wedding speech, or for the bride and groom, a Symbol of the next marriage will be. The gift fails of its purpose, is a suitable saying or a quote is essential.
Home-Grown Mandarin Trees
It would be great if they pulled the tree so that it bears fruit. In a beautiful pot of flowers, either to match the decor of the Bridal couple or simple and elegant, potted. Decorate the trunk even with the homemade heart.
Idea for a nice saying: So many fruits as the trees should also wear your love. The tree will grow like your love.“
Jokes book for the eternity
There are many beautiful notebooks, you can decorate it beautifully. Some of these books are embellished with decorations. You should have no Talent, so even stickers for decorating the pages are suitable. The couple can hold on to in this book all special events.
Idea for a nice saying: This book and hold on to every Moment, so this can never fade.“
Little tip: the book is not empty to its new owners comes, interview parents, siblings, and other friends to the already great stories and anecdotes. These enter into the symbolic gift to the wedding.
Wedding lantern as a Symbol of the light
You want the bride and groom matching wedding a symbolic gift of speech present, wedding lantern, a beautiful gift. The lantern can be decorated with engraving of names and wedding day.
- Ideas for a spell: Depending on whether you use a fun or romantic wedding speech, this gift is adaptable.
- Funny saying for the wedding speech:
- Romantic saying for the wedding:
- Quote for the wedding lamp: For love there is no flaw, no humiliation and no shame. She is such a light, all that illuminates, such a heat, the heated each of the ice cream, and candy that any bitterness takes away. Henry Fielding
Streitbox as a symbolic gift
The dispute is part of every marriage and there is nothing out of the ordinary. More and more couples give up too quickly when they argue a lot, a clarifying talk and work with each other is very important. What you need to be able to be in peace deal? A bottle of wine or Prosecco and a plate of good Pasta and the vows that were spoken on your wedding day full of love to the Partner.
- Tips for content of the Streitbox: in the Streitbox as a symbolic gift to the wedding a bottle of wine, you can buy these in the wine trade. Because not all wines are to lie for a long time. Even the Pasta you should use a high-quality product. An essential content of the vows also receive a place in the Box.
- So present to you the Streitbox to the newly married Couple: The Streitbox is unlocked to the bride and groom presented. Contents of the symbolic gifts that you have placed a Gift already are. The bride and groom puts the wedding vows or a love letter (this will be written on-site, so the content is the most emotional) in the Box. Together, they seal the Box with a Hammer and nail.
What is the history of wedding speech?
Wedding speeches have already been held in pre-Christian Egypt. Usually in connection with offerings to the gods. The ancient Greeks held a wedding speech. However, they were regarded rather as a sub-genus of the so-called Epideixis, also epideictic speech called. This is a speech genre, which Aristotle treated in the fourth century. Furthermore, your wedding will be addressed talk of the font on epideictic Speeches. This dates back to the third century ad.
Wedding speech from various late antique authors, from the 4. and 6. Century, in the Greek language survived. This Talk, for example, come from the Gentiles, Himerios, and the Christians Chorikios of Gaza. The speech at the wedding is also related with the classic Epithalamion. This is an interesting opportunity for a poem.
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