But how much should an engagement ring cost?

We will give you no unromantic number, but you guidance to help you figure out your personal Budget for the engagement ring purchase.
This is what awaits you in this article:
Engagement ring cost: What influences the engagement ring cost?
How much should an engagement ring cost? This question often arises when it comes to the topic of engagement.
The application of ring-purchase is a matter with many emotional factors connected, but also a rational decision is. For this reason, we first explain how the price of an engagement sets ring together. In the case of the ring download get engagement rings made of different materials, alloys, Designs, and with or without a gemstone. The two main factors, the price of a request ring’s influence, are:
- Ring made from different precious metals (white gold, yellow gold, silver, etc.)
- Gem (stone carat weight and quality of the stone)
Our tip: before purchasing the engagement ring is a solid Budget.
So then, stone size and Design can be customized according to your Wishes.
Cost factor 1: What is the precious metal should I select for an engagement ring?
The most popular metals for engagement rings is white gold, silver, platinum and yellow gold. In addition, there are also rings in rose gold, rose gold, and titanium to choose from – depending on your style and preference of the woman.
Engagement rings silver
Who both an engagement ring as a wedding band to wear like, is often decided for an engagement ring made of silver. A silver ring causes the least cost and yet it is a special piece of jewelry.
Request rings from silver to fit into almost any Budget and are often purchased with a cubic Zirconia-jewelry stones. The Great thing about the gem? Visually, it is indistinguishable at first glance from a real brilliant.
The cost: of silver, rings for engagement, you can get at a ring shop with a real diamond for a price of under € 300. We also use our silver rings quality diamonds. This makes for a lifetime of Sparkle.
Engagement rings white gold
Engagement rings made of white gold can be combined with silver rings be versatile with other jewelry. Some women wear white gold-rings together with other gold jewelry.
The simple elegance of engagement rings, from white gold blends in with any style of dress. Advantage: As the gold does not know oxidized, produce no black edges on the fingers.
The cost: you will get engagement rings in white gold set with brilliant-cut diamonds already very cheap for under 200 euros. If you choose a white gold ring with a larger stone, the cost, of course, along with the size of the stone to the top. With a brilliant occupied engagement ring can cost up to € 5,000
Engagement rings yellow gold
A great classic and a Symbol of the love
the engagement rings made of yellow gold. They have a representative character, and radiation romantic Flair. But above all, yellow gold rings are suitable as engagement rings, perfect, because there is no risk of confusion exists with classic fashion jewelry. The woman is wearing a stone-occupied engagement ring made of Gold, everyone knows that every attempt to flirt is in vain.
The cost: In the case of a yellow gold engagement ring cost depends heavily depends on how much Material is in the Ring is processed and whether you want a stone on the engagement ring of your choice.
Working with a price of at least 500 Euro for the engagement ring in yellow gold.
The size of the ring has a bearing on how much metal is used, and how expensive the engagement ring eventually. To find out what size ring bears the future fiancee, leave the jewelry at best a Ring from the jewelry box, the eat this, then, accounted for, and the right size for your engagement ring. Alternatively, you can use the ring size secretly determine.
For more information on the subject of precious metals for engagement rings can also be found in the article: engagement rings – what Material should I choose?
Cost factor 2: What is the stone quality and size (carat) should I choose?
The decision on whether one or several precious stones to adorn the application ring, price has an influence on the Ring. This also applies for the size of the stones (in carats) and their quality (cut, clarity and colour). Even if a real diamond is driving the price of an engagement ring soon in the height, it is still the most common stone that will sparkle on the engagement ring. Remember: the bigger the diamond, the more valuable and expensive the Ring is. The Sparkle of stone, and the women love it, depends on its quality:
the higher the stone quality, the more sparkles of the diamond.
When buying, make sure that the engagement ring also fits visually to the Person who wears it. Your future fiancee has rather delicate hands, a Ring with a large stone to bulky. You want to impress your partner, put you prefer to have a smaller gem with higher quality. This is also convenient, when the Ring should be worn in everyday life. Speaking practically, If your future wife is working a lot with the hands (for example, as a florist), you should take a look at our rings in the clamping ring look.
These have the advantage that they are not too high and to wear at work, are wonderful.
Good to know: A single diamond in the engagement ring costs more than many small ones with the same total carat weight, since large diamonds in high quality are rare.
Choosing the perfect gemstone also depends on the chosen precious metal and the desire of your future bride-to-be. A diamond or brilliant fits to almost all the precious metals, because you(not make) a lot of wrong. Your girlfriend likes it colorful? Sapphires come to the fore when it comes to rings in silver, platinum and white gold, rubies, emeralds and pink tourmalines in harmony with engagement rings in yellow gold.
By the way: diamonds are diamonds, with special touches. You have a minimum of 32 facets on the top and a minimum of 24 facets in the lower part.
Engagement ring – a romantic price for the eternity

Love knows no prize: a beautiful engagement ring is the icing on the cake to a successful marriage proposal.
But away from the sanity factors. In addition to the engagement ring the price is for the women of the engagement ring and emotionally charged: play of Tradition and family as much of a role. In addition, a few women do not dream of the girls dream of a fine diamond ring for a romantic engagement.
Therefore, you should before buying all of these aspects into account, if the value of the engagement ring for your partner’s discretion want to.
- The engagement ring is for the woman is the most romantic token of Lovethat you are with your life, through thick and thin want to go.
- Your partner is the Ring full of Pride, your friends and your family.
- It is the engagement ring for a lifetime with this a special Moment of the request to connect.
- In some families, it is common for the own
engagement ring on the little children to inherit.
You are viewing the engagement ring as an investment in a long and happy future with your future wife. For example, if you up to 800 euros for her engagement ring, spend, and they both 40 harmonic years spend together, then cost you a happy day with the love of your life only 5 cents. This is the price of the engagement ring worth? And now think of how much you need for your last Smartphone or the last holiday they have spent, and how long they had something.
Budget question: How much should an engagement ring?
Before we can tell you what the cost of the engagement ring or the price is reasonable, you must find out how much Budget is available for the purchase of the engagement ring.
Answer the following questions:
- Is at the time of purchase sufficient Budget available or needs the money for the favorite Ring can be saved? (Debt is a No-Go is to make a ring purchase!)
- Stand in the medium term, greater spending, for example, for a relocation or a trip to? This should also be taken into account when planning your budget for the engagement ring.
How much you give yourself for recreational pursuits from? If you have a Hobby that you can cost a lot, but at the same time on the engagement ring, save some, will perceive your partner as a low estimate.
- The engagement ring and later also at the same time, the wedding ring be? If Yes, you should be in a good ring quality investing.
- Is it a real diamond ring or a precious stone replacement to be chosen?
Note: The 3-month salaries, as a rule, on different pages on the Internet called, originates from the USA. Where the engagement ring has to be a real eye-catcher and a sparkling diamond is a Must. For men leaves, then a full three months ‘ salary, an average of 6,000 dollars, to impress the adored.
Let you but please don’t put pressure on you – the fault should be no one for an engagement ring.
First the engagement ring in the United States is a status symbol , in order to as a woman to show: Secondly, your partner will be safe with a less impressive Ring to be happy, if she really loves you and you realize that you have made in the choice of thought to meet the personal taste.
Study: So a lot of men can be an engagement ring cost
If you are in need of a couple of Numbers for guidance, please. According to a recent study by the experience provider
The majority of the respondents (34 %) are between 101 and 500 euros. A minority of 2 % of the respondents men makes the Ring even more than 2.000 euros. Here are the results of the mydays-examination.
Cost Of Engagement Ring | Proportion Of Men |
Up to 100 euros | 10 % |
101 – 500 Euro | 34 % |
501 – 1000 Euro | 13 % |
More than 2,000 euros | 2 % |
How much to give customers of the ring download in the cut for your engagement ring?
The tastes are different, also for the purchase of an engagement ring available Budget. Whether simple and classic-or modern rings on the chart below one can see that the willingness of the amount of funding that can be spent on an engagement ring is quite different.
Most of the orders are held in the area of up to 500 euros.
Purchases of engagement rings by price category

Engagement rings price: number of purchases, according to the price category.
In the case of the ring download get engagement rings in different materials, alloys, Designs, and with or without a gemstone. In the following table, we present the most popular models of our customers in different price categories.
Cost Of Engagement Ring | Engagement Ring Model |
Up to 200 Euro | Engagement Ring, Clamping Ring Optics, 585 White Gold
Up To 500 Euro | Engagement ring, 6 Krappe, 585 rose gold 0.17 ct |
Up To 1,000 Euros | Engagement Ring 7 Diamonds, Collection, Brunner, White Gold |
Up To 2,000 Euros | Engagement ring, 0.5 ct diamonds, white gold |
From 2,000 Euros | Engagement Ring, With 29 Brilliant-Cut Diamonds, Platinum 950 |
We recommend the following price for the engagement ring
How much is the price for the engagement ring should be? Find your personal Price range! Of the 100 Euro or more of the 1,000 euros? You choose an engagement ring, the cost of which lie within this interval.
Avoid the decision for a cheap Ring, because your partner will have a long pleasure in the Ring and you won’t have to reproach, to be stingy been.
As a rule of thumb to his own monthly salary schedule. The acquisition is still in a healthy relationship to one’s own Budget. There is no shame if it is below the rule-of-thumb. Concerns you should not merely that, the investment will accompany you for a lifetime, and costs are put into perspective on a life quickly.
Engagement ring-Knigge: you should pay attention, in addition to the cost of the ring on the purchase.
The small 1×1 engagement rings: Here you will learn to purchase the unwritten rules around the Ring.
- What is the role of the style of the future wife plays of the purchase of the engagement ring?
Das Design spielt beim Kauf des Verlobungsrings eine wichtige Rolle. Um einen Fehlkauf auszuschließen, sollten Sie nachfolgende Fragen beantworten: Liebt Ihre Partnerin beispielsweise Glitzer-Schmuck oder setzt sie eher auf Understatement? Ist sie Fan von Weißgold-, Roségold, Gelbgold-Schmuck? Oder mag sie lieber Silber- oder Platinschmuck? Wenn Sie sich unsicher sind, wagen Sie mal einen Blick ins Schmuckkästchen der Liebsten oder fragen Sie die beste Freundin Ihrer zukünftigen Frau um Rat.
Unser Tipp: Bei dunkleren Typen harmonieren kühlere Metalle wie Platin oder Weißgold, blonden, hellhäutigen Typen hingegen steht warmes Roségold oder Gelbgold gut.
- How long before the engagement, you should order the engagement ring?
Kaufen Sie nicht auf den letzten Drücker: Beachten Sie auch die Vorlaufzeit beim Ringkauf, damit Sie am Tag des Antrags nicht mit leeren Händen dastehen. Mindestens zwei Monate vorher sollten Sie mit der Recherche für den Ring beginnen, wenn Sie noch keine konkrete Vorstellung haben. Denken Sie daran, dass wir jeden Ring nach Bestellung individuell für Sie erstellen. Das nimmt ungefähr 1-2 Wochen in Anspruch.
- Solitaire diamond ring or everyday Ring?
Der Klassiker unter den Verlobungsringen ist ein Ring mit Solitär, also einem einzigen Edelstein. Doch leider ist solch ein Ring, je nach Größe des Steins, nicht sehr alltagstauglich. Damit der Ring nach der Hochzeit nicht in der Schublade verschwindet, sollte die Wahl auf einen Verlobungsring mit kleinerem, unauffälligem Stein fallen. Wie immer hängt es aber davon ab, welchen Kleidungs- und Schmuckstil Ihre Partnerin präferiert.
- Should I buy an engagement ring online or directly from the jeweler?
Beim Online-Kauf haben Sie zahlreiche Vorteile: Sie profitieren von einer großen Auswahl an Verlobungsringen aus verschiedensten Edelmetallen, Legierungen und Designs. Die Qualität ist die gleiche wie beim Juwelier mit Ladengeschäft, doch oft finden Sie hier günstige Verlobungsringe, da keine Ladenmieten zu bezahlen sind. Auch die Rund-um-die-Uhr-Auswahl ist der unschlagbare Vorteil eines Online-Kaufs des Verlobungsrings.
- Can be worn with the engagement ring as a wedding ring in order to save costs?
Ja. Einige Paare handhaben es ganz einfach so, dass der Verlobungsring später auch der Ehering sein wird. Entsprechend hoch kann man sich dann auch das Budget für den Kauf der Ringe stecken und sich genau die Ringe kaufen, in die man sich verliebt hat. Der Verlobungsring wird dann vor der Eheschließung abgenommen und auf die rechte Hand gesteckt. Sie sparen Kosten für den Kauf eines Verlobungsrings und brauchen bei der Auswahl keine Abstriche zu machen.
- There must always be a real diamond?
Ein Diamant ist die schönste, aber auch die teuerste Form einen Verlobungsring zu veredeln. Die Kosten für einen Verlobungsring mit echtem Diamanten übersteigt das Budget des Antragsstellers aber allzu oft – vor allem, wenn wenige Monate später auch noch ein Ehering gekauft werden soll. Es gibt jedoch verschiedene Edelsteine, die als Ersatz für einen Diamanten genutzt werden können, um dem Ring das gewisse Etwas zu verleihen und die Augen der Partnerin zum Strahlen zu bringen.
- Engagement ring for the woman or the man?
Immer öfter werden neben den klassischen Verlobungsring für die Frau auch Verlobungsringe für beide gewünscht. Diese Paare besiegeln ihr gegenseitiges Versprechen gerne mit zwei Verlobungsringen. Dafür wählen Sie hochwertige Verlobungsringe für Paare aus.
- Buy the engagement ring together?
Das ist eher selten der Fall und kommt zum Beispiel vor, wenn die Verlobung bereits stattgefunden hat und man gemeinsam den Ring aussucht. Dann gibt es auch keine „Probleme“ mit der Ringgröße.
- Who pays the engagement rings – a man or a woman?
Nach alter Tradition kauft der Mann den Verlobungsring für die Frau. Auch wenn sich die Zeiten geändert haben und immer mehr Frauen auch selbst einen Antrag machen, erwarten viele Frauen auch heute noch, dass ihr Partner die Verlobungsringe kauft. Laut einer Umfrage unter deutschen Männern finden es nur 43 % okay, wenn der Antrag von der Frau kommt. Und nur 36 % der Frauen sind ebenfalls dieser Meinung. Aber lassen Sie sich von Umfragen nicht zu sehr in Ihrer Entscheidung beeinflussen.
- The Ring does not fit: What is the cost to reduce the size of the engagement ring afterwards and wide are they?
- Engraved as an engagement ring or not?
Eine Gravur ist das i-Tüpfelchen für Ihren Verlobungsring. Der Antragsring kann beispielsweise mit dem Datum des Heiratsantrags und/oder den Initialen graviert werden. Daneben können Sie auch andere Inhalte eingravieren lassen, beispielsweise einen schönen Spruch. Abgerundet wird die Gravur durch eine von Ihnen gewählte Schriftart. Eine Gravur ist allerdings erst dann zu empfehlen, wenn Sie sicher sind, dass der Ring Ihrer zukünftigen Ehefrau gefällt und ihr passt. Ein personalisierter Verlobungsring ist ansonsten vom Umtausch leider ausgeschlossen.
Übrigens: Mit dem Kauf eines Verlobungsrings erwerben Sie auch unseren kostenlosen Gravur-Service.
- What popular engagement rings 2021?
Neben dem nie aus der Mode kommenden Solitär-Ring sind ein großer Trend in diesem Jahr bunte Steine, beispielsweise türkisfarbene oder lavendelfarbene Verlobungsringe.
The Budget is? You can find store now for the perfect engagement ring for your future wife with a Ring!
The Budget for the engagement ring? Now that you know how much of the engagement is to cost-ring, you can also start with the selection in our Online Shop. Or visit us in our shop in Heilbronn. We have , for every Budget, great selection of rings in various Designs. Who would not want to spend so much money for a proposal ring, you should look for engagement rings from silver. Who can spend a little more, choose engagement rings white gold, or yellow gold. Order a dream engagement ring for your partner, with the help of which you many happy years spend. In any case The engagement ring is only a Symbol at the end of a Hand. The love you carry in your heart.
The special feature is that All the rings on Ringladen.de to be sustainable, fair and regionally produced. Have fun Browsing!
Image credits: cover image: © Getty images/Robert Daly, image 1: © Getty images/Cecilie_Arcurs