Most popular promise rings

Most popular promise rings

Whether fitters, energy consultants or fundraisers: When Strangers ring the bell at the front door, caution is advised. Handle columns, flying craftsmen and dubious sales forces can come up with some, to come into homes and signatures.

Whether fitters, energy consultants or fundraisers: When Strangers ring the bell at the front door, caution is advised. Handle columns, flying craftsmen and dubious sales forces can come up with some, to come into homes and signatures. Most of the trial behind them, a contract for magazine subscriptions, electricity, television, or a glass fiber connection complete lies.

There was a knock at the door, in front of someone’s clothing in the official-looking service, and claims to have in the apartment, for example, to check a cable TV connection or the power meter or a contract change. People are caught off guard in such situations, often in conversations that you would usually avoid.

The Technician Trick

Supposedly come from the public utilities or telephone companies, such as, for example, O2, Telekom, Unitymedia and Vodafone. Visitors wearing clothing with the company logo and a rapidly vorgezeigter identification or authentication of writing is to create trust.

The promise of quick Internet or information to the allegedly necessary changes of technology and contracts are used to hurry a contract to achieve. This is easy and without a lot of paperwork by a signature on a Tablet. Often such contracts, in retrospect, turn out to be but as overpriced or unnecessary.

The Bargain-Mesh

Someone rings the doorbell and want to inform you how to get to the high electricity costs, reduce , or otherwise save a lot of money can be? This Scam is one of the classics in the Repertoire of handle columns. Like to imagine as energy consultants, employees of the energy provider or as a consumer advocate, ask a lot of questions and need, allegedly, for any reason, immediately a signature. Caution: people Who are open to such talks, pays then likely to be more instead of less. By the way: The consumer sends anyone to visit the house. The only exception to this energy Checks, but only on request and by appointment with the Interested parties are.

Flying Craftsmen

The rain gutter is clogged, the roof needs to be urgently repaired or patio doesn’t look good at all? When the craftsmen at the door, and on such issues, they usually have the solution and you can get to work. Unfortunately, the price, in retrospect, is often much higher than announced. If the work without a written contract has been executed and cash only possible, victims have no Chance to make a claim and can only difficult claims for refund will prevail. Serious craft businesses make no doorstep and are busy at the time also, so that you do no spontaneous Work.

Fundraisers and charities

Aid for starving children, for people in poor countries, homeless animals, or support for rescue forces – in the case of such arguments, it is difficult to refuse a donation. However, in the case of donations and signature collectors , it is not a sign of trustworthiness, if you ring the door bell. Reputable organizations to provide information and not to push for fast payment or signature. A Website says nothing about the credibility of an organization, even if it looks professional. In the imprint to be called the contact person and address, articles of Association and the annual report should be publicly available.

So you can protect yourself

It is safest to leave the door closed and to avoid any conversations with foreign visitors at the front door. This also applies to genuine technician or meter readers,“ says Carina Habeck. If it comes to a conversation: you will Never have to write, and certainly not on a Tablet. If you are interested in a quotation, the records of the best hand and reads it and takes a few days to Think it over,“ says the lawyer. If this option is not available, this is hardly a serious offer. A clear ‘ no ‘ in this case is the best answer. Who, despite everything, signed and then regretted it, can, in principle, the contract concluded in writing, without giving reasons, within 14 days for a call.