Wedding card jokes

Wedding card jokes

Example of a wedding newspaper

A wedding newspaper should be fun. Wedding jokes are a Must and must not lack. We have night jokes The wedding jokes can be like a red thread through your newspaper to us humor are so full of Highlights.

Bridal and wedding night

The bride to the groom: –

Many people believed that they had long since passed away, are just married!

Some mothers-in-law are like Newspapers. They appear daily.

On the day before the wedding, the man goes to the priest for confession – he gets the Absolution. After the confession, the husband asks the priest if he would not impose penance the priest, – you said that you will marry eh the morning, or?

And there was still Small-Peter:
Papi muttering:

After the wedding ceremony, the young Couple goes to a hotel room.
Nervous fumbles the man with the key around and
tries to five minutes long, in the key hole to plug.
Sighing, the young woman:

Confession in the wedding night: Relieved, he breathes a sigh of relief: And I thought, you call me …

After the wedding night, she asks:
Or You can’t do that?

Suddenly, whistles his wife, a fourth Time.


the gossip of the neighborhood asked.

Although the marriage only get from a Small, asks the man what he wants his wife for her birthday. she snarls.

The son: The father:

The food, the sex life is almost down to Zero: wedding cake!

Two husbands talking to their wives.
One asks:
Says the other:
But you don’t know anything about it. She thinks I’m listening to you!

The newlywed Couple sitting together in front of the fireplace.

He jumps for joy in the air:
She replies: You can a mother of three from the railway station to pick up.“

the husband replied.

The chief of staff is particularly interested in the family stand. the candidate responds.

The Reporter asks the silver wedding couple, whether you have not thought of in the past 25 years to divorce. The man:

The wife after a crash: Apologize!“

A married couple celebrates the big 35. The day of the wedding.
One of the guests asks the wife:
We have used when, for example, the towels together. On the a a A for the face and on the other hand, a G for the buttocks is.
a mix of the husband,

You: He:

Married couple, newly married, Married couple after 10 years: Married couple after 30 years:

A married couple is now married for a while. It comes as it must come …
He comes home, and she says:
Soon after, again the scene: – He:
Days later: –
Weeks later, he comes home, the faucet is dense, in the bathroom, there’s light, the garden is the soil, the lawn mowed.
To his question, how it came to be, she says:

Woman and man want to get married. The man agrees under the condition that the woman opens during the marriage never the top drawer of his bedside Cabinet. 25 years later, to the Silver wedding, the woman opens the drawer and finds 3 eggs and 700 Mark. The next day, she confesses to her husband, their breach of promise, and would like to know what it means. The man forgives her and tells her that he is gone for each Egg once foreign. She forgives him, the 3 side jumps and now I want to know what the 700 Mark on. The man:

A woman wakes up in the middle of the night and finds that her husband is in bed. She puts on her robe and leaves the bedroom.
He sits at the kitchen table with a Cup of coffee – deep in thought … just staring against the wall. You can watch, like him, a tear from the eyes are dripping, and he takes a swig of his coffee.
Why are you at this time in the kitchen?“, she asks him. You were only 16!“, he asks you. you replied.

she says.
He wipes another tear from his cheek and says:
today, I would have been fired!“

A man goes on a California beach for a walk and stumbles across an old lamp. He lifts her up and rubs at her, and a spirit will come out.
The spirit says:
The man sat and thought for a while, then he said: Could You build me a bridge to Hawaii so I can go there?
The spirit laughed and said: Think of the effort! How could be built, the pillars to the bottom of the Pacific? Think of the quantities of steel and concrete! – No! Think of something else!
The man said, K.Finally, he said:
The spirit looked at the man for about a Minute, then he said:

Why are the Married thicker than the bachelor?
Answer: The bachelor comes home, look in the fridge, found nothing Sensible and go to bed. The Married come home, look in the bed, finds nothing and goes to the fridge