What is actually the exact sequence of a free wedding Ceremony? Where can you hold a free wedding Ceremony and how long will the ceremony take? These and many other questions can hear the Trauredner:interior Strauss & Fly again and again. That’s why we’ve compiled here the most important information.
All the important information at the end of a free wedding Ceremony
Don’t worry: It’s totally normal if you do not know yet exactly what you want. Or what can a free wedding Ceremony carefully.
One of the reasons is surely that there are no concrete answer. Because the Nice thing about a Wedding is that it is completely free of rules and requirements and you decide how you want the ceremony to make. You decide not only where and when but also how you going to get married!

A free wedding Ceremony is free, but not arbitrary.
Here come our Trauredner:interior into the game: With your experience, you will help you figure out what you look for in the expiry of Your outdoor Wedding wishes.
We want to in the Following, therefore, rather, all of the questions about the free wedding Ceremony clarify how a free wedding Ceremony expire can , and you so in the best possible way to be inspired. And then you can together with Your speakers or Your speaker, the planning approach.
Where can I place a free wedding Ceremony?
Here we have directly to one of the great advantages of a free wedding Ceremony, because there is first of all, no restrictions. A free wedding Ceremony can be , provided it is legal, of course. In principle, you are free to choose the Location of Your outdoor Wedding, and – with a little planning and Organisation – is pretty much every Location imaginable. But of course, there are limits: For events in public Parks or private forests, you should always seek your prior approval. Especially if you are planning music, food, and maybe a firework or bonfire, etc.
During the visit to the registry office or religious ceremony, bring clear spatial requirements can be carried out in a free marriage Ceremony in any location or any Location of Your choice. Under the conditions mentioned above, of course.
All of the important information, and great ideas can be found here: The right location for your free wedding Ceremony.

The role of guests, family, and Bridesmaid:indoor
You guessed it, in the meantime, probably, again, there is no default, you need to observe. You can without guests a free wedding Ceremony have – you can get your free wedding Ceremony even without Trauredner:in the hold and the two of you friend:indoor or Relatives married.
On the other hand, you can inside inside but, of course, with many guests get married and we can have Bridesmaid, for example, your:, or close friend:and related incorporate into the ceremony.
Speak simply individually with Your:rr Trauredner:in and we will find the way that suits you best.
You are married to a free Marriage valid?
A very important question that we can answer for you at this point is short and sweet with a no. In Germany you can only and exclusively to the Registrar’s office legally marry. A free wedding ceremony this is a great addition or symbolic Alternative.
All of the other information around the question of whether a free wedding Ceremony legally binding, can be found here.
Is bound to a free wedding Ceremony at a specific time of the day?
Also here is a clear ‘no’. Isn’t this great? A free wedding Ceremony has to hold You can at any time, day or night, every day of the week and in every Season of the year is to be performed.
It does not have to be a long Saturday afternoon: How about a wedding in front of the Sunday brunch? Or Friday evening, at night, on a summer glade, and then all go together to the dance? Your creativity and Your Wishes are no limits here.

How long does a free wedding Ceremony take?
There is no official indication as to the duration of a free wedding Ceremony. Depending on the Wishes of the bride and groom to the end of the ceremony it can come here at different times. A This duration can be adjusted individually:
- For an Elopement or Tiny Wedding, it is common to shorten the ceremony to a total of about 30 minutes, because, for example, the We recommend that you do not plan to be shorter than 30 minutes as the magic and the mood of the moment can’t really come to the fore.
- For a free wedding ceremony, in the several program points are also included (desires, rituals, etc.) may extend the total duration of the wedding Ceremony. We recommend, however, not longer than 60 minutes schedule, since experience can occur in accordance with then some unrest among the guests, especially when children are present.
A free wedding Ceremony Seating?
For a free wedding Ceremony there is no Seating order. You could also Standing up or Lying down, on picnic blankets or beer benches, marry.
Think about what suits the style of Your wedding, speak with the Location, which is the seat of ways to organize easily and also keep in mind that a free wedding Ceremony lasts about 45 minutes. As it should have but all the guests comfortably. So at least for the Great-grandma, and the families with small babies, it makes sense to have good placements to think about.
You can get to the outdoor wedding Ceremony, a certificate/ a Trauurkunde?
In return to the Registrar’s office, it is not usual or Standard according to the outdoor wedding Ceremony to receive a certificate or a kind of Trauurkunde. We are, of course, great service from the stationery range for you at the Start, the create you a document to present at the ceremony.

Example: the end of a free wedding Ceremony
The flow of Your ceremony, it can be freely according to Your Wishes. Most of the wedding couples are based on the classical sequence elements (such as the catchment with music, exchanging the wedding rings, Reciting the vows, etc.). An example can be found below.
It is important for us to emphasize that there are no rules and regulations, and for your free wedding Ceremony can be designed to any place, any time, and with all of you desired items. Below you’ll find some inspiration for how you can make your ceremony to customize.
As the bouquet & Fly has started to deal with outdoor weddings, of course, the question in the room: how the Whole thing works? Most of the couples will be married now, but only once, and have, therefore, at the beginning, often don’t really get an idea of how you want the ceremony. Here we are in demand as professionals, a Guidance to offer, and each Pair individually can be based.
Over the years, a concept for a free wedding Ceremony developed, which we present to you today to introduce to want to:
Expiry free wedding Ceremony | step 1: the arrival of The couple.
Most of the free wedding Ceremony begins with the classical feed. Whether you as a Couple together, with Your children, or a:r of you alone, or perhaps with a parent – feeding, this is the first possibility of personalization. The Whole thing should be with Your favorite music
After a short welcome by the Trauredner recommended:in. In this way, the ceremony receive a ceremony. If you are a:n eloquent:n friend:in or Relatives, you can also keep this:a small greeting. .
Expiry free wedding Ceremony | step 2: The Traurede.
The Traurede is Central to the work of the Trauredner:in and are the largest contribution to the ceremony. Here are all the history and experiences flow together, you told the speaker or the speaker. And this is why it is extremely important that your speaker to Your speaker are familiar with and really open and honest. Otherwise, brings the whole Wedding nothing in the end, because then all sit there and think: what’s that? What is it with this place? Not prepared at all? This is exactly the opposite of what we want to achieve!
Therefore, it is Your Trauredner or your Traurednerin Strauss & Fly before the ceremony also to various Few – and single-talks personally with you. From these conversations, he elaborated:then your very own custom Traurede.
And you can sit back and the goose bumps enjoy.

Expiry free wedding Ceremony | step 3: The wedding vows.
After the Traurede the vows where you are verified as a Couple once again, why do you actually want to marry.
This is for the speakers:internal Strauss & Fly is the actual core of the ceremony. Without a promise, it is quite difficult to reach the actual depth of such a ceremony. If you want to, you can additionally self-vows writing that you put forth to her then at each other. (Don’t worry: you’ll have to learn by heart, but you can read your prepared speech is also easy.)
Your Trauredner or your Traurednerin Strauss & Fly helps you when Writing Your vows.

Expiry free wedding Ceremony | step 4: The ring exchange.
After the vows, the ring exchange comes, provided, of course, you want to. Maybe you have your rings in the registry office, replaced, or you have been married longer, and it is not necessarily make sense to exchange the rings.
We can also incorporate other rituals or for example to your children in this part of integrate. We then discuss in peace and quiet in the framework of the preparations.
Expiry free wedding Ceremony | step 5: Freestyle.
At the end of friend you should:inside, Bridesmaid indoor or Related to a small room to Talk to grant.
In the Church, one would speak of intercession, we call it a This has the advantage that the guests picked up and feel involved. You are really part of the event, and are not just a spectator.
Here, too, let us take care of the organization and coordination.
Expiry free wedding Ceremony | step 6: The extract of the couple.
According to the Wishes of the adoption follows by the speaker in the excerpt of the spouses. This can be funny, loud and celebrating, after all, the Party gets going and you can get your love with all Your loved ones to celebrate!

More ideas for Your outdoor wedding Ceremony
The previous example of the proven classic is, so to speak, and the basic structure of a bride and groom in their own planning along shimmy.
Here, we can customize for more ideas, how you your free wedding Ceremony:
- Not No Problem! Wait but instead work together in the front with the Trauredner:in, on your guests.
- Are you married, maybe longer, and the Ring feels kind of weird, because its the rings wear for quite a while? No Problem! Then we leave out the part easy. Or maybe you want to make it up to you to use a different gift exchange is your place?
- You’re getting married, perhaps, in the course of a Elopements all alone, in pairs or in a small group and want to shorten it in the program? Yeah, of course. We can either omit the wishes, the Traurede something cut or to play the musician in ask, shorter versions of each song.
- You want no vows present? Then let us work together to find out what it is. As we already explained above, the exchange of marriage vows in our eyes is at the core of Your marriage, Your vows to each other and the heart of your wedding day. We can’t force you, but let’s you at least our (very good) arguments argument (;
- Do you have children, you want to include in the ceremony? No Problem! There are so many possibilities beyond the flower girl and ring bearer pillows at how your Loved ones in the wedding Ceremony integrate. (This also applies to Pets.)
- Want to contribute from Your friend, Relatives someone something musically to the ceremony? From speak the in a timely manner with us, so that we can install the fitting in the expiry of your Wedding.
- How about we form a circle with Your guests, all on picnic blankets to sit on the ground or at the very least, instead of the back, to Love with the face of Your sitting?
So we give the ceremony a personal Touch!

Rituals in the outdoor wedding Ceremony
It has been naturalized in the first years of the free wedding Ceremony, in the course of the ceremony, symbolic rituals. The classic rituals of a Wedding are:
- the pour different colored Sands,
- Lighting a Traukerze, or
- the pass-Through of the wedding rings by the hands of all the guests (often by means of a cord or a ribbon).
The Trauredner:are all our Team are always open to speak with you about these opportunities! In practice, we cannot assure you, however, that we need these rituals actually.
With a professionally designed free wedding Ceremony, such as bouquet & Fly it makes, are symbolism, and emotion, without that other ritual elements are needed.
At least, we recommend the use of rituals, which have no meaningful relation to you as a Couple have. You’re both surfers and brings Sand from the beach where you guys met? Wonderful. Goosebumps guaranteed! But otherwise, we don’t need that, actually.
Tips and Tricks for your free wedding Ceremony
Our Trauredner:interior accompany regular couples and for your Knowledge bundled:
Here on this page, you will find 10 of the absolute insider tips about the planning of Your Wedding.
Podcast on expiration of the free Wedding
You already know our (free) Podcast, ? As you should anyway!
In this episode, answer the Trauredner:interior Carolin betting and Johann-Jakob Wulf all the important questions about the expiration of a free wedding Ceremony:
How to run YOUR free wedding Ceremony?
Very important: all these are of course only suggestions for a free wedding Ceremony can be flexible to your individual needs. And it is precisely these needs and implement the role of an ostrich & Fly is to find out.
No matter what your desires, visions and ideas you have for the end of Your outdoor Wedding, together, we make your free Wedding, then a unique experience.
At the end, it’s true: It is YOUR free Wedding!
You still have questions?
On our site you can find many additional essential information about the free wedding Ceremony. And if you can no longer now wait for it, at last, with a:our Trauredner:get started with the planning, then message us and we will contact you personally.
We look forward to seeing you!